
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Assembly | all forms | exact matches only
activity assemblyAktivitätsassembly (A .DLL or an .EXE file containing a .NET assembly that implements the logic for a workflow activity)
agent assemblyAgent-Assembly (A generated assembly for a Dynamics Tools project that contains agent code)
Application Assemblies GalleryGalerie für Anwendungsassemblys (The site collection level gallery containing the binary assemblies that are used by code method business data actions, or External Data Parts)
assembly cacheAssemblycache (A machine-wide code cache used for side-by-side storage of assemblies. There are two parts to the cache: the global assembly cache contains assemblies that are explicitly installed to be shared among many applications on the computer; the download cache stores code downloaded from Internet or intranet sites, isolated to the application that triggered the download so that code downloaded on behalf of one application/page does not impact other applications)
assembly fileAssemblydatei (A file that is part on an assembly)
assembly manifestAssemblymanifest (An integral part of every assembly that renders the assembly self-describing. The assembly manifest contains the assembly's metadata. The manifest establishes the assembly identity, specifies the files that make up the assembly implementation, specifies the types and resources that make up the assembly, itemizes the compile-time dependencies on other assemblies, and specifies the set of permissions required for the assembly to run properly. This information is used at run time to resolve references, enforce version binding policy, and validate the integrity of loaded assemblies. The self-describing nature of assemblies also helps makes zero-impact install and XCOPY deployment feasible)
assembly metadataAssemblymetadaten (Metadata that is part of the assembly manifest)
collectible assemblyentladbare Assembly (A transient dynamic assembly that you generate at run time by using the classes in the System.Reflection.Emit namespace, subject to certain restrictions. When you have released all references to all instances of the types in the collectible assembly and to all objects that were used to create the assembly, the common language runtime unloads the assembly from memory without unloading the application domain. This is the only circumstance in which an assembly can be unloaded without unloading the application domain)
expression host assemblyAusdruckshostassembly (All expressions found within a report are that are compiled into an assembly. The expression host assembly is stored as a part of the compiled report)
friend assemblyFriend-Assembly (An assembly that can access another assembly's internal types and members. Ordinarily, types and members with internal scope (in C) and friend scope (in Visual Basic) are visible only in the assembly in which they are defined. In the .NET Framework, you can make the types and members visible to additional (friend) assemblies by using the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute)
global assembly cacheglobaler Assemblycache (A computer-wide code cache that stores assemblies specifically installed to be shared by many applications on the computer)
interop assemblyInteropassembly (An assembly containing definitions of COM types described in metadata. An interop assembly is typically produced by the Type Library Importer (Tlbimp.exe))
lamp assemblyLampeneinheit (A collection of parts, including the lamp, that help illuminate the Surface screen)
logger assemblyProtokollierungsassembly (An assembly that contains a class that implements the Microsoft.Build.Framework.ILogger interface)
.NET Assembly Connector.NET-Assembly-Connector (An out-of-the-box BDC connector that ships with WSS. It provides the ability to host .NET Connectivity Assemblies, enabling users to easily add custom data sources or do data mashups)
.NET Connectivity Assembly.NET-Konnektivitäts-Assembly (A .NET assembly that implements connectivity operations such as custom data access, aggregation, and data transformations. Each class in this assembly typically maps to an external content type and each operation supported by the external content type maps to a method inside the class)
primary interop assemblyprimäre Interopassembly (An assembly containing definitions of COM types that is distributed and digitally signed by the author of the COM component. Visual Studio uses a registered primary interop assembly by default when a developer references a type in the corresponding type library)
private assemblyprivate Assembly (An assembly that is available only to clients in the same directory structure as the assembly)
retargetable assemblyAssembly mit erneuter Zielzuweisung (An assembly that belongs to more than one implementation of the .NET Framework, or an assembly that has been built on more than one implementation of the .NET Framework with the same strong name and with appropriate attributes. Applications that use retargetable assemblies can run on any .NET Framework implementation where those assemblies have been built. For example, applications that are built to use the .NET Compact Framework can run on the desktop implementation of the .NET Framework)
satellite assemblySatellitenassembly (A .NET Framework assembly containing resources specific to a given language. Using satellite assemblies, you can place the resources for difference languages in different assemblies, and the correct assembly is loaded into memory only if the user elects to view that application in that language)
shared assemblyfreigegebene Assembly (An assembly that can be referenced by more than one application. An assembly must be explicitly built to be shared by giving it a cryptographically strong name)
test stub assemblyTeststubassembly (ssn)