
Terms containing addition | all forms | exact matches only
chem.addition agenttillsatsämne
chem.addition agentinhibitor
chem.addition homopolymerization productadditionspolymerisationsprodukt
gen.addition of conceptual elementsaddering av konceptuella element
work.fl.addition of descriptorstillfogande av deskriptorer
agric.addition of phosphatefosfatering
hobby, agric.addition of tannintannintillsättning
stat., scient.addition of variatesaddition av stokastiska variabler
comp., MSaddition operatorplustecken (The + character, used to indicate addition or a positive number)
chem.addition polymerisationadditionspolymerisation
life.sc.addition required to convert from orthometric to dynamic heightkorrektion för konvertering mellan ortometrisk och dynamisk höjd
stat.addition ruleadditionsregel
IT, dat.proc.addition timeadditionstid
insur.addition to ageåldersförhöjning
commun., ITaddition to ringinträde i ring
account.addition to the value of non-produced non-financial assetsökning av värdet av icke finansiella icke producerade tillgångar
ITaddition without carryexeller-operation
ITaddition without carrysymmetrisk differens
fin., econ., account.additions to contractstilläggskontrakt
market.additions to fixed assetsnyinvesteringar
IT, dat.proc.automatic addition of form pagesautomatisk sidgenerering
gen.be in additiontillkomma
ITbit-by-bit additionbitströmskryptering
ITbit-by-bit additionöverlagringskryptering
ITbit-by-bit additionVernamkryptering
insur.capital additions clauseklausul om investerings-och indexförsäkring
IT, dat.proc.Carlos addition for clustered terminal user agentsCACTUS-projektet
environ.chemical additionaddition
environ.chemical additiontilloekning
environ.chemical addition Chemical reaction in which one or more of the double bonds or triple bonds in an unsaturated compound is converted to a single bond by the addition of other atoms or groupstillökning
ITdestructive additionöverskridande addition
comp., MSfixed asset additiontillägg till anläggningstillgång (An add-on item to a fixed asset that is considered part of the fixed asset and is not tracked as its own fixed asset, such as an extra battery for a laptop. Typically, an add-on item is maintenance or an improvement and relates to a write-up adjustment)
met.grain refining additionskornförfiningsmedel
agric.grape must with fermentation arrested by the addition of alcoholfärsk druvmust vars jäsning har avbrutits genom tillsats av alkohol
agric.hop additionhumlegiva
gen.in additiondärtill
ITin addition, there are service operations located across the entire countrydessutom finns tjänsteverksamhet och servicekontor över hela landet
gen.in addition toutöver
econ.income in addition to normal payannan inkomst än lön
met.ladle additiontillsats i skänk
IT, dat.proc.matrix additionmatrisaddition
ITmicroprocessor addition timeadditionstid hos mikroprocessor
chem.mill additionmaltillsats
fin.minimum value additionminsta förädlingsvärde
ITmodulo-2 additionbitvis addition
ITmodulo-2 additionaddition modulo 2
ITmodulo 2 additionaddition modulo 2
ITmodulo 2 additionbitvis addition
transp.non-addition rulebestämmelse om förbud mot tillägg
ITnon-destructive additionicke destruktiv addition
el.power additionaddition av effektvärden
commun., ITpower-addition laweffekttilläggslag
life.sc., coal.small mining areas claimed in addition to an existing mining fieldtillägg till utmål eller koncession
nat.sc.standard additionstandardtillsats
met.the addition of aluminium causes considerable grain refinementaluminiumtillsats har en betydande kornförfinende effekt
el.voltage additionaddition av spänning