
Terms containing to | all forms | exact matches only
gen.n yoji admission of university graduates to an undergraduate program学士入学
comp., MSAdvanced Program-to-Program Communication拡張プログラム間通信機能 (An IBM Systems Network Architecture communications method that uses the LU 6.2 protocol to establish, manage, and terminate network communication between programs in a distributed computing environment)
comp., MSAdvanced Program-to-Program Communication File Transfer Protocol拡張プログラム間通信ファイル転送プロトコル (A file transfer protocol used in IBM host systems, the IBM Advanced Program-to-Program Communications equivalent to the TCP/IP File Transfer Protocol)
abbr.n animated film released direct-to-videoOVA
gen.arrange beforehand to tell the same story口うらを合わせる
gen.arrange beforehand to tell the same story口裏を合わせる
gen.arrange not to contradict each other口を合わせる
gen.arrange to meet待ちあわせる
gen.arrange to meet待ち合せる
gen.arrange to meet待ち合わせる ichi1 news2 nf42
gen.n being able to exploit an opportunityTPO
gen.n being unable to pick up on the mood of a conversationKY (e.g. A and B are complaining about C, and D joins the conversation praising C)
gen.n being unable to read the situationKY
gen.vs blowing air into a dive mask through the nose to clear out the waterマスク・クリア
gen.vs blowing air into a dive mask through the nose to clear out the waterマスククリア
gen.vs blowing air into a dive mask through the nose to clear out the water or equalize the pressureマスク・ブロー
gen.vs blowing air into a dive mask through the nose to clear out the water or equalize the pressureマスクブロー
gen.n bribe money added to a regular fee+α
gen.n broad-rimmed topless cap worn esp. by young children to prevent shampoo getting into one's eyesシャンプーハット trademark of Pip Co., Ltd.
gen.n buckwheat noodles given to one's new neighbors after moving in引越し蕎麦 from おそばに参りました
gen.comparison to someone making horse chestnut noodles which requires great haste栃麺棒
gen.n fiber to the homeFTTH (fibre)
gen.n fiber to the xFTTx (fibre generic term for any network architecture that uses optical fiber)
abbr.n film released direct-to-videoOV
obs.honorary junior official of the Imperial Household Department's Board of Ceremonies involved in miscellaneous duties related to ceremonies舍人 oK
obs.honorary junior official of the Imperial Household Department's Board of Ceremonies involved in miscellaneous duties related to ceremonies舎人
comp., MSHTTP to HTTPS RedirectionHTTP から HTTPS へのリダイレクト (A group box label in the Web listener settings. Options in the group box specify conditions under which HTTP client requests should be redirected to HTTPS)
gen.ideas, products, services, etc. proposed by a company to consumersシーズ
gen.exp adj-i irresistible to connoisseurs通には堪らない
gen.exp adj-i irresistible to connoisseurs通にはたまらない
mil.n meal ready to eatMRE
gen.n melody or flushing sound played by a Japanese toilet to mask excretion sounds音姫
slangn not noticing mood implicit to situations, conversations, etc.AKY from あえて空気読まない
gen.pn adj-no polite reference to another's younger brother, or to one's junior賢弟
comp., MSpostmaster (" The logon name and therefore the email address of an account that is responsible for maintaining email services on a mail server. When an account holder is having trouble with email, a message to postmaster or ""postmasterポストマスター
comp., MSPreparation of an Opening Balance Sheet at the Date of Transition to IFRSIFRS への移行日の開始貸借対照表の準備 (A template that addresses, from a Finance & Accounting perspective, the significant activities required of companies to prepare their opening balance sheet at the date of transition to IFRS within the context of a conversion from previous Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS))
lawproceedings to arrange issues and evidence争点及び証拠の整理手続
lawreligious services dedicated to祭祀
gen.n vs running to program, job, etc.走行 news1 nf06 (そうこう)
gen.v1 to be hideously burned焼けただれる
gen.v1 to be hideously burned焼け爛れる
gen.exp v5r to be intolerable目に余る
gen.v1 to be lacking in options少な過ぎる
gen.v1 to be lacking in options少なすぎる
gen.v5k to be noticeable眼につく
gen.v5k to be noticeable眼に付く
gen.v5k to be noticeable目に付く
gen.v5k to be noticeable目につく
obs.v5u to co-operate催合う (in enterprises)
gen.n transition from military rule to democratic government民政移管
gen.exp n transition from one season to the next季節の移り変わり
gen.n vs transition to domestic production国産化 (kokusanka)
comp., MStransition to historyヒストリへの遷移 (An incoming transition segment that ends on an outer state context and does not have a continuing transition segment within the context)
gen.n using multiple simple paper masks to represent different emotions in a play百眼 (from the middle of the Edo period)
gen.n water to add to packaged noodlesほぐし水 (provided in a separate packet)