
Terms containing association | all forms | exact matches only
geogr.Association of Private Junior Colleges in Japan日本私立短期大学協会
gen.n Association of Southeast Asian NationsASEAN
gen.n Japanese Association Of Securities Dealers Automated QuotationsJASDAQ (JASDAQ)
org.name.National Association for the Advancement of Colored PeopleNAACP
gen.n National Association of Securities Dealers Automated QuotationsNASDAQ
org.name.National Federation of Agricultural Co-operative Associations全国農業協同組合連合会
gen.abbr National Federation of Agricultural Co-operative Associations全農
org.name.North American Man-Boy Love AssociationNAMBLA
gen.n Parent-Teacher AssociationPTA
gen.n The Japanese Association of Psychology for Human Services日本福祉心理学会
org.name.World Association of Nuclear OperatorsWANO