
Terms for subject General containing a | all forms | exact matches only
n a little more than usual+α
n a person whose services are at the disposal of anotherお先棒
n a person whose services are at the disposal of another御先棒
exp yoji all things are in a state of flux万物流転
arrange a marriage縁談を調える
arrange in a line双べる
arrange in a line並べる ichi1
n audiobook on a CD-ROM朗読CD
n vs yoji being in a state of flux二転三転
n being unable to pick up on the mood of a conversationKY (e.g. A and B are complaining about C, and D joins the conversation praising C)
vs blowing air into a dive mask through the nose to clear out the waterマスク・クリア
vs blowing air into a dive mask through the nose to clear out the waterマスククリア
vs blowing air into a dive mask through the nose to clear out the water or equalize the pressureマスク・ブロー
vs blowing air into a dive mask through the nose to clear out the water or equalize the pressureマスクブロー
n boiled noodles served in a pot with broth鍋焼
n boiled noodles served in a pot with broth鍋焼き
n bribe money added to a regular fee+α
n yoji Buddhist services in memory of those drowned in a river川施餓鬼
n buying a CD, book, etc. because of the coverジャケット買い
n buying the services of a prostitute女郎買い
n buying the services of a prostitute女郎買
n buying the services of a prostitute傾城買い
n cap of a uniform正帽
cap on a tyre valveエア・キャップ
cap on a tyre valveエアキャップ
n vs vt closing down a course or a program閉講 (school, etc.)
despatch a messenger使者を遣わす
dispatch a messenger使者を遣わす
n vs vi end of a course or program閉講 (school, etc.)
n fee paid for the services of a geisha or prostitute揚げ代
n fee paid for the services of a geisha or prostitute揚代
n fine white noodles served flowing in a small flume流し素麺
n fine white noodles served flowing in a small flume流し索麺
n fine white noodles served flowing in a small flume流しそうめん
n of clerical script horizontal lines ending in a noticeable triangular tail波磔
n humorous mask of a homely woman's face阿多福面 (characterized by a small low nose, high flat forehead, and bulging cheeks)
n humorous mask of a homely woman's faceお多福面 (characterized by a small low nose, high flat forehead, and bulging cheeks)
ideas, products, services, etc. proposed by a company to consumersシーズ
indicates the number of movies, plays, etc. comprising a single program立て
n inner plug for a bottle, prevents leaks and is often covered by a cap.中栓
n last piece in a kabuki programme切り狂言
n last piece in a kabuki programme切狂言
n making of a craft or product, esp. a television program, movie, etc.メイ・キング
n making of a craft or product, esp. a television program, movie, etc.メイキング
n mask of a devil鬼面
n mask worn by a bugaku dancer舞楽面
n melody or flushing sound played by a Japanese toilet to mask excretion sounds音姫
noh dance performed by a man without a mask男舞
n noh mask of a grinning, horned demoness般若面 (represents a woman's rage and jealousy)
noh mask representing a male ghost疲男
noh mask representing a male ghost痩せ男
n noh mask resembling a dignified youth慈童
n noh mask with a slanted mouth, bulging eyes and large nostrils癋見
n noh mask with a slanted mouth, bulging eyes and large nostrilsべし見
n noh mask with a slanted mouth, bulging eyes and large nostrils圧面
n adj-no not wearing a mask素面 (in kendo, noh, etc.)
n party given in recognition of a person's services慰労会
n adj-f performing without a mask直面 (noh)
n place in a TV programテレビ・スポット
n place in a TV programテレビスポット
n program in a competing timeslot裏番組 news2 nf32 (programme)
n program of a ceremony式次
n program of a ceremony式次第 news2 nf47 (programme)
n programme of a ceremony式次
put a mask on面を着ける
season series of a television programクール gai1 (usu. 13 installments over a 3-month period)
n daily segment of a radio or TV program放送分 often X月Y日放送分
n yoji services performed in perpetuity by a Buddhist temple for the repose of a departed soul永代供養
n soup of soumen noodles and various ingredients in a soy sauce broth入麺
n soup of soumen noodles and various ingredients in a soy sauce broth煮麺
n symbol used as a placeholder○○ (either because a number of other words could be used in that position, or because of censorship)
symbol used as a placeholder (either because a number of other words could be used in that position, or because of censorship)
n symbol used as a placeholder〇〇 (either because a number of other words could be used in that position, or because of censorship)
symbol used as a placeholder (either because a number of other words could be used in that position, or because of censorship)
n Szechuan dish of noodles covered with a sauce of sesame paste and chili oil坦々麺 ik
n Szechuan dish of noodles covered with a sauce of sesame paste and chili oil坦坦麺 ik
n Szechuan dish of noodles covered with a sauce of sesame paste and chili oil担担麺
n Szechuan dish of noodles covered with a sauce of sesame paste and chili oilタンタン麺
n Szechuan dish of noodles covered with a sauce of sesame paste and chili oil担々麺
n taking a junior high-school entrance examination中学受験
n Test of English as a Foreign LanguageTOEFL
three bedrooms and a kitchen3K (in real estate)
n using multiple simple paper masks to represent different emotions in a play百眼 (from the middle of the Edo period)
wear a mask仮面を被る
wear a mask仮面をかぶる
n wide-mouthed ceramic vessel having a small hole in its spherical base𤭯 (into which bamboo was probably inserted to pour liquids)
n woman employed in a restaurant, teahouse or teahouse offering sexual services茶屋女