
Terms containing section | all forms | exact matches only
gen.artificial body sectionmākslīgā virsbūves daļa
gen.body sectionvirsbūves daļa
polit.Bulgarian SectionBulgāru valodas daļa
comp., MScaption sectionvirsrakstu sadaļa (The section on a grouped data access page that displays captions for columns of data. It appears immediately before the group header)
polit.Croatian SectionHorvātu valodas daļa
med.cross sectionšķērsgriezums
med., health., anim.husb.cryostat sectionsasaldētu audu griezumi
polit.Czech SectionČehu valodas daļa
polit.Danish SectionDāņu valodas daļa
comp., MSDeclarations sectiondeklarāciju sadaļa (The section of a module containing declarations that apply to every procedure in the module. It can include declarations for variables, constants, user-defined data types, and external procedures in a dynamic-link library)
comp., MSDetail sectiondatu sadaļa (A report section used to contain the main body of a form or report. This section usually contains controls bound to the fields in the record source, but can also contain unbound controls, such as labels that identify a field's contents)
polit.Dutch SectionNīderlandiešu valodas daļa
econ.EAGGF Guarantee SectionELVGF Garantiju nodaļa
obs., fin., agric.EAGGF Guarantee SectionELVGF, Garantiju nodaļa
econ.EAGGF Guidance SectionELVGF Virzības nodaļa
polit.English SectionAngļu valodas daļa
polit.Estonian SectionIgauņu valodas daļa
polit.Finnish SectionSomu valodas daļa
polit.French SectionFranču valodas daļa
polit.German SectionVācu valodas daļa
polit.Greek SectionGrieķu valodas daļa
obs., agric.Guidance Section EAGGFELVGF, Virzības nodaļa
transp.High-Risk Road Section Managementaugsta riska ceļu posmu pārvaldība
polit.Hungarian SectionUngāru valodas daļa
polit.Irish SectionĪru valodas daļa
polit.Italian SectionItāliešu valodas daļa
polit.Latvian SectionLatviešu valodas daļa
polit.Lithuanian SectionLietuviešu valodas daļa
med.longitudinal sectiongarengriezums
polit.Maltese SectionMaltiešu valodas daļa
lawmilitary analysis and planning sectionmilitāras analīzes un plānošanas nodaļa
comp., MSoptional sectionneobligāta sadaļa (A control on a form that contains other controls and that usually does not appear by default. Users can insert and remove optional sections when filling out the form)
gen.original body sectionoriģinālā virsbūves daļa
polit.Polish SectionPoļu valodas daļa
polit.Portuguese SectionPortugāļu valodas daļa
comp., MSpresentation sectionprezentācijas sadaļa (A labeled group of consecutive slides that helps the user navigate and organize presentations)
transp., mil., grnd.forc.ranking of high accident concentration sectionstādu ceļa posmu klasificēšana, kuros bieži notiek ceļusatiksmes negadījumi
comp., MSrecursive sectionrekursīva sadaļa (A control that contains other controls, can be inserted within itself, and is bound to nested reference fields)
comp., MSrepeating sectionatkārtota sadaļa (A control on a form that contains other controls and that repeats as needed. Users can insert multiple sections when filling out the form)
comp., MSrepeating section content controlatkārtotas sadaļas satura vadīkla (​A content control that enables a user the repeat its contents as many times as the user wants to repeat it)
polit.Romanian SectionRumāņu valodas daļa
comp., MSSection 179sadaļa (A section of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service tax code that permits some property (fixed assets) to be expensed in the year it is purchased rather than depreciated over a number of years)
comp., MSsection 179sadaļa (A section of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service tax code that permits some property (fixed assets) to be expensed in the year it is purchased rather than depreciated over a number of years)
comp., MSsection headersadaļas galvene (The horizontal bar above a form or report section in Design view that displays the type and name of the section)
comp., MSsection layoutsadaļu izkārtojums (A pre-defined layout that users can select for their InfoPath form sections. Options include single column, two-column, three-column, and four-column layouts)
crim.law.Section of Forensic GeneticsTiesu ģenētikas nodaļa
law, econ., ITsection of the budgetbudžeta iedaļa
gen.section widthriepas platums
med.serial sectioning methodsērijveida preparēšanas metode
polit.Slovak SectionSlovāku valodas daļa
polit.Slovene SectionSlovēņu valodas daļa
polit.Spanish SectionSpāņu valodas daļa
polit.Swedish SectionZviedru valodas daļa
med.transverse sectionšķērsgriezums
social.sc.vulnerable section of the populationneaizsargāta iedzīvotāju grupa
comp., MSwriteable sectionierakstāma sekcija (A data section in a module, such as a data section containing a module's global variables, that can be written to at run time)