
Terms for subject Environment containing standard | all forms | exact matches only
Agreement on international humane trapping standards between the European Community, Canada and the Russian FederationOvereenkomst inzake internationale normen voor de humane vangst van dieren met behulp van vallen
air quality standardluchtkwaliteitsnorm
air quality standardnorm voor luchtkwaliteit
ambient water quality standardoppervlaktewaterkwaliteitsnormen
calibration by means of a standard dosimeterijken met behulp van een standaarddosismeter
Committee on the Establishment of Criteria and Standards concerned with Environmental Pollutants water, air, soil and foodstuffsComité "Vaststelling van criteria en normen inzake milieuverontreinigende stoffen water, lucht, bodem, voedingsmiddelen"
commun health standardgemeenschappelijke gezondheidsnorm
coppice with standards A traditional system of woodland management whereby timber trees are grown above a coppiced woodland. It is used in particular as a method of exploiting oakwoods, in which all the trees except a rather open network of tall, well-formed oaks - the standards at about fifty per hectare - are felled, leaving plenty of space for hazels and other underwood to grow and be coppiced at intervals of ten to fifteen yearsmiddenbos
coppice with standardsmiddenbos
Corporate Average Fuel Economy CAFE standardCAFE-norm
DIN standardDIN standaard
direct discharge standarddirecte emissienorm
discharge standardlozingsnorm
discharge standarduitstootnorm
discharge standardemissienorm
drinking water quality standardkwaliteitsnorm voor drinkwater
effluent standardemissienorm
effluent standardlozingsnorm
effluent standarduitstootnorm
emission performance standardemissienorm
emission standardlozingsnorm
emission standardemissienorm
emission standard The maximum amount of discharge legally allowed from a single source, mobile or stationaryemissienorm
energy efficiency standardenergie-efficiëntienorm
environmental quality standard Normative documents and guidelines for determining the degree of environmental conditions and requirements to avoid negative and damaging effects, influences, and consequencesmilieukwaliteitsnorm
environmental quality standardsmilieuhygiënische kwaliteitsnormen
environmental quality standardskwaliteitsnormen voor het milieu
environmental radiation standardsnormen voor de bescherming van het milieu tegen straling
equivalent standard smokeequivalente standaardrook
European standard A standard which has been approved pursuant to the statutes of the standards bodies with which the Community has concluded agreementsEuropese norm
housing quality standardkwaliteitsnorm voor woningen/huisvesting
housing quality standard A norm or measure applicable in legal cases and considered to reflect a relatively high grade or level of excellence in the construction, maintenance, operation, occupancy, use or appearance of dwelling unitskwaliteitsnorm voor woningen
housing quality standardkwaliteitsnorm voor woningen
indirect discharge standardindirecte emissienorm
international humane trapping standardsinternationale normen voor de humane vangst van dieren met behulp van vallen
ISO standard standard of International Standard Organisation; Documented agreements containing technical specifications or other precise criteria to be used consistently as rules, guidelines, or definitions of characteristics, to ensure that materials, products, processes and services are fit for their purposeISO-standaard
ISO standardISO-standaard
living standard A measurement of the development level in a country or community, gauged by factors such as personal income, education, life expectancy, food consumption, health care, technology and the use of natural resourcesleefnorm
noise emission standardgeluidsnorm
odour intensity standardgeurconcentratienorm
operating standardsbedrijfsnormen
overall emission standardnorm voor de totale emissie
performance standardresultaatgerichte norm
pesticide control standard A norm or measure applicable in legal cases pertaining to the production, dissemination or use of substances designed to mitigate or eliminate insects or small animals that harm vegetationcontrolenorm voor bestrijdingsmiddelen
pesticide control standardcontrolenorm voor bestrijdingsmiddelen
prescriptive standardprescriptieve norm
product standardproductstandaard
product standard A standard which prescribes aspects of the physical or chemical composition of products which have potential for causing environmental damage or the handling, presentation and packaging of products, particularly those which are toxicproductstandaard
product standardproductstandaard/-norm
quality standardmilieunorm
safety standard A norm or measure applicable in legal cases for any action, procedure or contrivance designed to lower the occurrence or risk of injury, loss and danger to persons, property or the environmentveiligheidsnorm
safety standard for building A collection of rules and regulations adopted by authorities concerning structural and mechanical standards for safetyveiligheidsnorm voor de bouw
safety standard for buildingveiligheidsnorm voor de bouw
sewage effluent standardop afvalwater toepasbare norm
soil standardbodemnormen
standard conditionsnormale omstandigheden
standard Dobsonstandaard Dobson-spectrofotometer
standard Dobson spectrophotometerstandaard Dobson-spectrofotometer
standard for building industry A norm or measure applicable in legal cases for any enterprise involved in the construction, remodeling or finishing of enclosed structures for habitationbouwnorm
standard for building industrybouwnorm
standard for drinking water qualitykwaliteitsnorm voor drinkwater
standard phrasestandaardzin
Standard Reference Materialsstandaard referentiestoffen
water quality standardwaterkwaliteitsnorm
WHO international Standard for Drinking-Waterinternationale kwaliteitsnorm voor drinkbaar water van de W.G.O.