
Terms containing roll-up | all forms | in specified order only
met., mech.eng.back-up rollsteunwals
el.flexible roll-up solar arrayflexibel oprolbaar zonnepaneel
met.pick up rollopneemrol
commun., chem.pick-up rollinktrol
chem.pick-up rolldompelwals
chem.pick-up rolldoseerwals
mech.eng.rear roll-up canvasachtergordijn
comp., MSroll upop een hoger niveau weergeven (On the Gantt Chart, to display symbols on a summary task bar that represent subtask dates. You can roll up dates from subtasks to make important dates easily visible on a summary task bar)
agric., industr."roll-up"met de hand gerolde sigaret
industr., construct., chem.roll-up machineopwikkelmachine
chem.speed-up rollversnellingsrol
chem.speed-up rollversnelde rol
met.take up rollbandstrekwals
met.take up rollbandstrekrol
industr., construct., chem.take-up rollspanwals
mater.sc., mech.eng.take-up rollafneemrol
mater.sc., mech.eng.take-up rollopwikkelende rol