
Terms for subject Environment containing principle | all forms | exact matches only
alpha-beta-pseudocoincidence-difference principlealpha-beta-pseudocoïncidentie-differentiaalmethode
cause for concern principle Principle connected with the precautionary principle: it means that, if there are strong reasons for expecting serious or irreversible damage to the environment following a given project, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation. Critics of this approach are concerned about large commitments of resources to deal with vaguely defined problemsreden tot bezorgdheid
cause for concern principlereden tot bezorgdheid
community pays principlehet principe dat de gemeenschap betaalt
community-pays principle A tenet of environmental policy, according to which the costs of ecological challenges, environmental quality improvements and the removal of environmental hazards are allotted to community groups or local corporations and, thereby, to the general publichet vervuiler-betaalt-principe
community-pays principlehet vervuiler-betaalt-principe
co-operation principlesamenwerkingsprincipe
Declaration of Forest PrinciplesBossenverklaring
executive organization working on the basis of the polluter-pays principleuitvoerend orgaan handelend volgens het beginsel "de vervuiler betaalt"
integration principleintegratiebeginsel
"linkage" principlebeginsel van de "passerelles"
maximin principlemaximin beslissingscriterium
non-dilution principlebeginsel van niet-vermenging
polluter-pays principle The principle that those causing pollution should meet the costs to which it gives risehet vervuiler betaalt-principe
precautionary principle Principle adopted by the UN Conference on Environment and Development (1992) that in order to protect the environment, a precautionary approach should be widely applied, meaning that where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage to the environment, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradationvoorzorgsbeginsel
preventive action principlepreventiebeginsel
preventive action principlebeginsel van preventief handelen
preventive principlebeginsel van preventief handelen
preventive principlepreventiebeginsel
principle of common but differentiated responsibilitybeginsel van gezamenlijke, doch verschillende, verantwoordelijkheden
principle of comparative burdensprincipe van vergelijkbare lasten
principle of comparative burdensprincipe van een billijke lastenverdeling
Principle of Prior Informed Consentbeginsel van verplichte voorafgaande toestemming
principle of relative stabilitybeginsel van de relatieve stabiliteit
principle of supplementarilysupplementariteitsbeginsel
principle of sustainability Principle stated by the World Commission on Environment and Development (The Bruntland Commission) in 1987: development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations. Sustainable development is a process of integrating economic, social and ecological goals, and should not mean a trade-off between the environment and development. Sustainable development should imply balance rather than conflictduurzaamheidsbeginsel
principle of sustainabilityduurzaamheidsbeginsel
principle of the common heritage of mankindbeginsel van gemeenschappelijk erfgoed van de mensheid
principle of "victim pays"principe dat het slachtoffer betaalt
process principleprocédéprincipe
proximity principlenabijheidsprincipe
rectification at source principlehet beginsel dat milieuaantastingen bij voorrang aan de bron dienen te worden bestreden
Rio Declaration on Forest PrinciplesBossenverklaring
Rio Forest PrinciplesBossenverklaring
subsidiary principleaanvullend/secundair beginsel
subsidiary principlenevenprincipe/-beginsel
subsidiary principle The fundamental doctrine or tenet that policy making decisions should be made at the most decentralized level, in which a centralized governing body would not take action unless it it is more effective than action taken at a lower government levelbasisbeginsel
subsidiary principlebasisbeginsel
supplementarily principlesupplementariteitsbeginsel
the principle that environmental damage should as a priority be rectified at sourcehet beginsel dat milieuaantastingen bij voorrang aan de bron dienen te worden bestreden
trinity of principlesdrievoudig beginsel
trinity of principles trias of environmental policy principles: precautionary, originator (polluter-pays) and cooperation principle; Three fundamental principles of environmental policy: precautionary principle, polluter pays-principle and cooperation principlede drie principes van milieubeleid
trinity of principlesde drie principes van milieubeleid
user pays principlebeginsel dat de gebruiker betaalt