
Terms for subject Environment containing plan | all forms | exact matches only
Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production and Sustainable Industrial Policyactieplan voor duurzame consumptie en productie en een duurzaam industriebeleid
African Elephant Action Planactieplan voor de Afrikaanse olifant
agriculture framework planlandbouwkundig kaderplan
agriculture framework plan A formulated or systematic method for the management of soil, crops and livestocklandbouwkundig kaderplan
allocation plan The formulation and application of such measures as laws, economic plans, urbanism, etc., to ensure a balance between the population's needs and the country's resourcesbestemmingsplan
area development planparticuliere ordeningsplan
Bali Action Planactieplan van Bali
Blue Plan on the MediterraneanBlauw Plan voor de Middellandse Zee
Buenos Aires Action Planactieplan van Buenos Aires
Coordinating Unit of the Mediterranean Action PlanCoordinating Unit van het Mediterranean Action Plan
departmental plan for the elimination of domestic and related wastedepartementaal plan voor de verwijdering van huishoudelijk en daarmee gelijkgesteld afval
development plan The statement of local planning policies that each local planning authority is required by statute to maintain, and which can only be made or altered by following the procedures prescribed for that purpose, which include obligations to consult widely and to hold a public local inquiry into objections. The development plan includes: 1. the structure plan for the area (normally prepared by the country council); 2. an area-wide development plan for each district council areaontwikkelingsplan
disaster contingency plan An anticipatory emergency plan to be followed in an expected or eventual disaster, based on risk assessment, availability of human and material resources, community preparedness, local and international response capability, etc.rampenplan
disaster contingency planrampenplan
drinking water action plansaneringsplan voor drinkwater
economic plan A design, scheme or project pertaining to the production, distribution and use of income, wealth and commoditieseconomisch plan
emergency plan Program of procedures to be undertaken in the event of a sudden, urgent and usually unexpected occurrence requiring immediate action, especially an incident of potential harm to human life, property or the environmentnoodplan
emergency response plannoodmaatregel
environmental planmilieuplan
environmental plan A formulated or systematic method for the protection of natural or ecological resourcesmilieuplan
environmental protection planmilieubeschermingsplan
Environmental Technologies Action Planactieplan inzake milieutechnologieën
equipment planuitrustingsplan
equipment plan A formulated or systematic method for the supply of material necessities such as tools, gear, provisions or furnishingsuitrustingsplan
equipment planuit-/toerustingsplan
EU Action Plan to 2010 and Beyondbiodiversiteitsactieplan van de EU
EU Action Plan to 2010 and BeyondEU-actieplan tot 2010 en daarna
EU Biodiversity Action PlanEU-actieplan tot 2010 en daarna
EU Biodiversity Action Planbiodiversiteitsactieplan van de EU
Flood Action Planactieplan tegen overstromingen
Gleneagles Plan of ActionActieplan van Gleneagles
Global Plan of ActionMondiaal actieplan voor het behoud en duurzaam gebruik van plantgenetische hulpbronnen voor voedsel en landbouw
Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and AgricultureMondiaal actieplan voor het behoud en duurzaam gebruik van plantgenetische hulpbronnen voor voedsel en landbouw
Green Space Structure PlanStructuurschema Groene Ruimte
integrated management plan for catchment areasgeïntegreerd beheersplan voor de stroomgebieden
land use plan The key element of a comprehensive plan; describes the recommended location and intensity of development for public and private land uses, such as residential, commercial, industrial, recreational and agriculturalgrondgebruiksplan
land use plangrondgebruiksplan
low-carbon growth planplan voor koolstofarme groei
management plan A program of action designed to reach a given set of objectivesbeheersplan
municipal environment plan A formulated or systematic method for the management of a city or town's natural or ecological resourcesgemeentelijk milieuplan
Municipal Environmental Policy PlanGemeentelijk milieubeleidsplan
Natali Planherstelplan voor de meest door de droogte getroffen landen in Afrika
National Allocation Plannationaal plan voor de toewijzing van broeikasgasemissierechten
National Environment PlanNationaal Milieubeleidsplan
National Environmental Policy PlanNationaal Milieubeleidsplan
National Environmental Policy Plan for the Shipping IndustryNationaal Milieubeleidsplan Scheepvaart
National Hydrological Plan of SpainSpaans nationaal waterbouwkundig plan
noise exposure planplan met betrekking tot blootstelling aan lawaai
noise exposure plan A formulated or systematic method to prevent the effects of being subjected to loud or harsh soundsplan met betrekking tot blootstelling aan lawaai
North Sea Water System Plan 1991-1995Watersysteemplan Noordzee 1991-1995
phytosanitary risk management planbeheersplan voor fytosanitaire risico's
plan for protecting public healthplan tot bescherming van de volksgezondheid
plan for protecting the environmentmilieubeschermingsplan
Plan of Action to Combat DesertificationActieplan voor woestijnbestrijding
Provincial Environmental Policy PlanProvinciaal milieubeleidsplan
recovery plan A formulated or systematic method for the restoration of natural resources or the reuse of materials and objectsherstelplan
recovery planherstelplan
recovery planterugwinnings/herstelplan
regional plan The plan for a region according to some physiographic, biological, political, administrative, economic, demographic, or other criteriagewestplan
regional plan for the management of wastestreekplan voor het beheer van het afval
Rehabilitation and Revival Plan for the African Countries most affected by the Droughtherstelplan voor de meest door de droogte getroffen landen in Afrika
risk exposure planverwachte blootstelling aan risico's
risk exposure plan A scheme or method of acting that takes effect if the probability of harm to an area or its population increases beyond a normal levelrampenplan
risk exposure planrampenplan
river basin management planstroomgebiedbeheerplan
sanitation plan Plans for the control of the physical factors in the human environment that can harm development, health, or survivalafvalverwerkingsplan
sanitation planafvalwerkingsplan
sanitation planafvalverwerkingsplan
SCP/SIP Action Planactieplan voor duurzame consumptie en productie en een duurzaam industriebeleid
Shelter Implementation PlanShelter Implementation Plan
Spanish National Hydrological PlanSpaans nationaal waterbouwkundig plan
Strategy and Plan of Action for the Protection of the Environment in the Mediterraneancommunautaire actie voor de bescherming van het milieu in het Middellandse-Zeegebied
structure plan Metropolitan structure and land use plan intended to outline the general lines along which development should proceed in an areastructuurplan
Structure Plan for Nature Conservation and Protection of the CountrysideStructuurschema Natuur- en landschapsbehoud
surveillance plansurveillantieplan
tracking planvolgplan
tracking plan A formulated or systematic method for following or tracing environmentally related issues or concernsvolgplan
Tropical Forestry Action PlanActieplan voor de tropische bosbouw
Tropical Forestry Action PlanActieplan Tropische Bossen
validation planevaluatieplan
warning plan A scheme or method of acting developed in advance to notify as quickly as possible the affected population of any sudden, urgent and usually unexpected occurrence requiring immediate actionwaarschuwingsplan
warning planwaarschuwingsplan
World Plan of Action on the Ozone Layerwereldactieplan betreffende de ozonlaag