
Terms containing partition | all forms | exact matches only
lawact of partition of real propertyakte van scheiding
comp., MSactive partitionactieve partitie (A partition from which a computer starts up. The active partition must be a primary partition on a basic disk. If you use Windows exclusively, the active partition can be the same as the system volume)
commun.address partitionadresveld
commun.address partition terminatoradresveldafsluiting
lawamicable partitionminnelijke verdeling
commun.auto partitionautomatische partitionering
comp., MSboot partitionopstartpartitie (The partition that contains the Windows operating system and its support files. The boot partition can be, but does not have to be, the same as the system partition)
gen.bumper cell partitiongesloten vakverdeling
chem.coefficient of partitionverdelingscoëfficiënt
mater.sc.crossed partition wallskruiswit
comp., MSdirectory partitiondirectorypartitie (A contiguous subtree of Active Directory that is replicated as a unit to other domain controllers in the forest that contain a replica of the same subtree. In Active Directory, a single domain controller always holds at least three directory partitions: schema (class and attribute definitions for the directory), configuration (replication topology and related metadata), and domain (subtree that contains the per-domain objects for one domain). Domain controllers running Windows Server 2003 can also store one or more application directory partitions)
comp., MSdisk partitionschijfpartitie (A section of space on a physical disk that functions as if it were a separate disk)
mun.plan., transp.dividing partitiontussenwand
mun.plan., transp.dividing partitiontussenschot
chem., construct.double-faced partition-wall tiletweezijdig geglazuurd scheidingswandelement
construct.dry partition walldroog gemonteerde scheidingswand
comp., MSEFI system partitionEFI-systeempartitie (A small portion on a GUID partition table (GPT) disk that is formatted with the file allocation table (FAT) file system and contains the files necessary to start the computer and pass execution to an operating system which resides on another partition)
environ., chem.equilibrium partitioning methodevenwichtspartitiemethode
ITequivalence class partitioningindeling in equivalente klassen
comp., MSextended partitionuitgebreide partitie (A type of partition that you can create only on basic master boot record (MBR) disks. Extended partitions are useful if you want to create more than four volumes on a basic MBR disk. Unlike primary partitions, you do not format an extended partition with a file system and then assign a drive letter to it. Instead, you create one or more logical drives within the extended partition. After you create a logical drive, you format it and assign it a drive letter. An MBR disk can have up to four primary partitions or three primary partitions, one extended partition, and multiple logical drives)
comp., MSExtensible Firmware Interface system partitionExtensible Firmware Interface-systeempartitie (A small portion on a GUID partition table (GPT) disk that is formatted with the file allocation table (FAT) file system and contains the files necessary to start the computer and pass execution to an operating system which resides on another partition)
transp.fireproof partitionbrandschot
transp.fixed partitionvaste scheidingswand
transp.flight compartment partitioncockpitscheidingswand
construct.framed wall, framed partition housevergaarwerk
construct.framed wall, framed partition houseregelwerk
gen.furniture partitions of woodmeubelpanelen van hout
gen.furniture partitions of woodhouten panelen voor meubelen
chem.gas-liquid partition chromatographygas-vloeistof chromatografie
chem.gas-liquid partition chromatographygas-vloeistof-chromatografie
chem.gas-liquid partition chromatographygas-vloeistofchromatografie
construct.glass partitionglaswand
construct.glass partitionglazen wand
agric., construct.greenhouse units without partition walls can be readily divided up into bedswarenhuizen zonder tussenwanden maken een goede bedindeling mogelijk
comp., MSGUID partition tableGUID-partitietabel (A disk-partitioning scheme that is used by the Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI). GPT offers more advantages than master boot record (MBR) partitioning because it allows up to 128 partitions per disk, provides support for volumes up to 18 exabytes in size, allows primary and backup partition tables for redundancy, and supports unique disk and partition IDs (GUIDs))
comp., MShidden partitionverborgen partitie (A partition that is not visibly exposed to the user. To create a hidden partition, set the partition type to one not recognized by Windows)
IT, dat.proc.horizontal screen partitioninghorizontale schermverdeling
comp., MSindex partitionindexpartitie (A logical portion of the search index)
construct.inside wall, either partition, or structural wallbinnenmuur
transp., mater.sc.insulating partitionisolerende wand
transp.internal-partition wagonwagen met vaste tussenwanden
transp.internal partitioning of a coachinwendige afschieting van een rijtuig
math.Lancaster's partition of chi-squaredopsplitsing van chi-kwadraat volgens Lancaster
stat., scient.Lancaster's partition of chi-squaresopsplitsing van chi-kwadraat volgens Lancaster
construct.laths, reed and plaster partitionBrabantse muur
construct.laths, reed and plaster partitionlattenmuur
ITmain storage partitionhoofdgeheugenpartitie
econ., fin.market partitioningcompartimentering van de markt
commer.market-partitioning measuremartkafscherming
construct.metal stud partitionwandplaat op raamwerk
comp., MSMicrosoft Reserved partitiondoor Microsoft gereserveerde partitie (A required partition on every GUID partition table (GPT) disk. System components can allocate portions of the MSR partition into new partitions for their own use. For example, when you convert a basic GPT disk to dynamic, the system allocates a portion of the MSR partition to be used as the Logical Disk Manager (LDM) metadata partition. The MSR partition varies in size based on the size of the GPT disk. For disks smaller than 16 GB, the MSR partition is 32 MB. For disks larger than 16 GB, the MSR partition is 128 MB. The MSR partition is not visible in Disk Management, and you cannot store data on the MSR partition or delete it)
comp., MSMicrosoft Reserved partitionMSR-partitie, Microsoft Reserved-partitie (A required partition on every GUID partition table (GPT) disk. System components can allocate portions of the MSR partition into new partitions for their own use. For example, when you convert a basic GPT disk to dynamic, the system allocates a portion of the MSR partition to be used as the Logical Disk Manager (LDM) metadata partition. The MSR partition varies in size based on the size of the GPT disk. For disks smaller than 16 GB, the MSR partition is 32 MB. For disks larger than 16 GB, the MSR partition is 128 MB. The MSR partition is not visible in Disk Management, and you cannot store data on the MSR partition or delete it)
el.mode partition noisemodusverdelingsruis
agric.movable partitionverstelbare afscheiding
gen.movable partitionverplaatsbare scheidingswand
mech.eng.multiwall type of pressure vessel with a wall consisting of several partitionsdrukvaten met een meerlagen-cilinderwand van het multiwall type
comp., MSnetwork partitionnetwerkpartitie (A state in which one or more of the nodes in a cluster cannot communicate with the other cluster nodes. In this case, the cluster may be split into two or more partitions that cannot communicate with each other)
nat.sc., environ.n-octanol/water partition coefficientverdelingscoëfficiënt n-octanol/water
chem.n-octanol/water partition coefficientoctanol/waterverdelingscoëfficiënt
chem.n-octanol/water partition coefficientverdelingscoëfficiënt octanol/water
construct.non loadbearing partitionsniet-dragende binnenmuren
chem.octanol-water partition coefficientoctanol/waterverdelingscoëfficiënt
chem.1-octanol/water partition coefficientverdelingscoëfficiënt octanol/water
chem.1-octanol/water partition coefficientoctanol/waterverdelingscoëfficiënt
chem.octanol-water partition coefficientverdelingscoëfficiënt octanol/water
mater.sc., mech.eng.pallet with loose partitionpallet met opzetwand
mater.sc., mech.eng.pallet with loose partitionpallet met opzetrand
comp., MSparent partitionbovenliggende partitie (The partition that manages the virtual machines)
gen.partition assemblervakverdeling-inzetmachine
comp., MSpartition boot sectorpartitie-opstartsector (A portion of a hard disk partition that contains information about the disk's file system and a short machine language program that loads the Windows operating system)
agric.partition bulkheadscheidingsschot
lawpartition by courtgerechtelijke verdeling
lawpartition by drawing lotsverdeling door loting
chem.partition chromatographyverdelingschromatografie
chem.partition coefficientverdelingscoëfficiënt
nat.sc., environ.partition coefficient n-octanol/waterverdelingscoëfficiënt n-octanol/water
construct.partition constructionwandconstructie
ITpartition control descriptorpartitiebesturingsdescriptor
ITpartition control tablepartitiebesturingstable
construct.partition, diaphragm platetussenschot
transp.partition edge stripscheidingswandstrip
mun.plan., earth.sc.partition fanwandventilator
mun.plan., earth.sc.partition fanmuurventilator
lawpartition inter vivosboedelverdeling
el.partition noiseverdelingsruis
antenn.partition noiseverdelingsruis m
stat.partition of χ²opsplitsing van chi-kwadraat
math.partition of χup 2opsplitsing van chi-kwadraat
scient., el.partition of a matrixmatrixontbinding
proced.law.partition of an inheritanceverdeling van de nalatenschap
math.partition of chi-squaredopsplitsing van chi-kwadraat
demogr., agric.partition of large estatesverdeling van het grootgrondbezit
construct.partition of plastering on reeds on wooden lathingBrabantse wand
construct.partition of plastering on reeds on wooden lathingBrabantse muur
transp.partition panelscheidingspaneel
lawpartition per stripesverdeling bij staken
ITpartition queue elementpartitie wachtrij-element
agric.partition sheetscheidingsfolie
agric.partition sheetscheidingsfoelie
gen.partition slottervakverdeling-sleufmachine
commun.partition slotting machineinterieurmachine
ITpartition specification tablepartitiespecificatietabel
gen.partition stageverdelingstrap
industr., construct.partition synchroverdeelsynchro
comp., MSpartition tablepartitietabel (On a hard disk, the data structure that stores the offset (location) and size of each primary partition on the disk. On MBR disks, the partition table is located in the master boot record. On GPT disks, the partition table is located in the GUID partition entry array)
econ.partition the marketcompartimenteren van de markt
construct.partition under the stringzijwang (van een trap)
construct.partition under the stringwang
mun.plan., transp.partition walltussenschot
construct.partition wallscheidingswand
construct.partition wallschot
lawpartition wallafsluitmuur
construct.partition walltussenmuur
construct.partition walltussenwand
mun.plan., construct.partition-wall unitstegels voor scheidingswanden
gen.partitioning and transmutationscheiding en transmutatie
cust., transp., mil., grnd.forc.partitions of a double wallschotten van een dubbele wand
gen.partitions of metalbeschotten van metaal
gen.partitions of wood for furnituremeubelpanelen van hout
gen.partitions of wood for furniturehouten panelen voor meubelen
construct.plaster stud partitiongips-staanderwand
transp.power-operated partitionelektrisch bediend scheidingssysteem
comp., MSprimary partitionprimaire partitie (A type of partition created on basic disks that can host an operating system and functions as though it were a physically separate disk)
comp., MSprotected partitionbeveiligde partitie (A partition on a shared computer whose state is made static by Windows Disk Protection)
chem.reversed phase partition chromatographyverdelingschromatografie met omgekeerde fase
chem.reversed-phase partition chromatographyverdelingschromatografie met omgekeerde fase
health.single homogeneous partitionenkelvoudige homogene wand
mater.sc.single-partition walltussenschot
mun.plan., transp.sliding partitionverplaatsbaar schot
life.sc.soil-organic matter partition coefficientbodem-organisch materiaal verdelingscoëfficiënt
construct.stud partitionbeklede scheidingswand met regelwerk
commun.system information partitionsysteeminformatieveld
comp., MSsystem partitionsysteempartitie (The partition that contains the hardware-specific files needed to load Windows (for example, Ntldr, Osloader, Boot.ini, Ntdetect.com). The system partition can be, but does not have to be, the same as the boot partition)
met.the formation of this network may be traced to the partition of chromiumhet ontstaan van dit netwerk moet toegeschreven worden aan uitscheiding van chroom
mun.plan., transp.trellis partitionschot van latwerk
stat., life.sc.variability partitioningopsplitsing van variabiliteit
stat., life.sc.variance partitioningopsplitsing van variabiliteit
stat., life.sc.variation partitioningopsplitsing van variabiliteit
IT, dat.proc.vertical screen partitioningverticale schermverdeling
construct.wall, partition, partition wallwand
environ.water partitionwaterscheiding
construct.within dwellings,lightweight partitions with plasterboardbinnen de woningen,lichte binnenmuren van gipsplaten