
Terms for subject Work flow containing on | all forms | exact matches only
Centre for Information and Documentation on IsraelCentrum Informatie en Documentatie over Israël
Committee on Scientific and Technical Information CodeCOSATI code
European Documentation and Information Network on Tourism and the EnvironmentEuropees documentatie-en informatienet inzake toerisme en milieu
fact-finding Committee on Information ResearchVerkenningscommissie Onderzoek Informatieverzorging
Green Paper on the role of librariesGroenboek betreffende de rol van bibliotheken in de moderne samenleving
High Level Expert Group on Digital LibrariesDeskundigengroep op hoog niveau voor digitale bibliotheken
Information and documentation on minority languagesInformatie en documentatie over minderheidstalen
Information and documentation on minority languagesInformatie en documentatie inzake minderheidstalen
Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language LearningMercator Kenniscentrum voor Meertaligheid en Taalleren
note on definition or on usescope note
report on the state of discussionsverslag over de stand van de besprekingen
Standing Committee on Documentary Information SystemsPermanente Commissie Documentaire Informatieverzorging
surveyor appointed by or acting on behalf of classification societyclasse-expert
title on the spinerugtitel