
Terms for subject Environment containing oil | all forms | exact matches only
accidental discharge of oil into the seaonbedoelde lozing van aardolie in zee
accidental discharge of oil into the seaonopzettelijk lozen van aardolie in zee
accidental discharge of oil into the seamorsen van aardolie in zee
accidental release of oil into the seamorsen van aardolie in zee
accidental release of oil into the seaonbedoelde lozing van aardolie in zee
accidental release of oil into the seaonopzettelijk lozen van aardolie in zee
accidental spillage of oil at seaonbedoelde lozing van aardolie in zee
accidental spillage of oil at seaonopzettelijk lozen van aardolie in zee
accidental spillage of oil at seamorsen van aardolie in zee
Advisory Committee on the control and reduction of pollution caused by oil and other harmful substances discharged at seaRaadgevend Comité voor de controle op en de beperking van de verontreiniging van de zee door lozingen van koolwaterstoffen en andere gevaarlijke stoffen
Advisory Committee on the Control and Reduction of Pollution caused by Oil and other Harmful Substances discharged at SeaRaadgevend Comité voor de controle op en de beperking van de verontreiniging van de zee door lozingen van koolwaterstoffen en andere gevaarlijke stoffen
Agreement between Denmark, Norway and Sweden on Modification of the Annex to the Agreement of the 13th of September 1983 for Cooperation in Dealing with Pollution of the North Sea by Oil and Other Harmful SubstancesOvereenkomst tussen Denemarken, Noorwegen en Zweden tot wijziging van de Bijlage bij de Overeenkomst van 13 september 1983 inzake samenwerking bij de bestrijding van verontreiniging van de Noordzee door olie en andere schadelijke stoffen
Agreement for Cooperation in Dealing with Pollution of the North Sea by Oil and Other Harmful SubstancesOvereenkomst inzake samenwerking bij de bestrijding van verontreiniging van de Noordzee door olie en andere schadelijke stoffen
Agreement for Cooperation in Dealing with Pollution of the North Sea by Oil and Other Harmful SubstancesOvereenkomst van Bonn
Amendments to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, 1954 concerning tank arrangements and limitation of tank sizeWijzigingen op het Internationaal Verdrag ter voorkoming van verontreiniging van de zee door olie, 1954, betreffende tankindeling en beperking van de grootte van tanks
Amendments to the International Convention for the prevention of pollution of the sea by oil, 1954 as amended in 1969, concerning the protection of the Great Barrier ReefWijzigingen op het Internationaal Verdrag ter voorkoming van verontreiniging van de zee door olie, 1954 zoals gewijzigd in 1969, betreffende de bescherming van het Great Barrier Reef
anti-malaria oilsmalariabestrijdingsolie
aqueous liquid waste from oil regenerationolie/watermengsel van olieregeneratie
bacteria feeding on oilgenetisch gemodificeerde bacterien die zich met olie voeden
bilge oil Waste oil that accumulates, usually in small quantities, inside the lower spaces of a ship, just inside the shell plating, and usually mixed with larger quantities of waterruimolie
bilge oillensolie
bilge oilruimolie
bilge oilsruimolie
bilge oils from inland navigationruimolie van de binnenvaart
bilge oils from jetty sewersruimolie uit de kadeafvoer
bilge oils from other navigationruimolie van de overige scheepvaart
Chemical Waste and Waste Oil ActWet chemische afvalstoffen
Chemical Waste and Waste Oil Regulations ActWet chemische afvalstoffen
chlorinated engine, gear and lubricating oilsgechloreerde motor-, transmissie- en smeerolie
Committee for the Adaptation to Scientific and Technical Progress of the Directive on Crude Oil Saving through the Use of Substitute Fuel Components in PetrolComité voor de aanpassing aan de vooruitgang van de techniek inzake besparing van ruwe olie door het gebruik van vervangingscomponenten in benzine
Convention establishing the International Oil Pollution Compensation FundVerdrag tot oprichting van het Internationaal Fonds voor vergoeding van schade door verontreiniging door olie
Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage Resulting from Exploration for and Exploitation of Seabed Mineral ResourcesVerdrag inzake de wettelijke aansprakelijkheid voor schade door verontreiniging door olie ten gevolge van opsporing en winning van minerale rijkdommen in de zeebodem
Convention on International Cooperation on Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response in Emergency CasesOvereenkomst betreffende internationale samenwerking inzake het voorbereid zijn op en het optreden in geval van noodsituaties als gevolg van olievervuiling
cooling oilkoelolie
cooling oil Oil used as a cooling agent, either with forced circulation or with natural circulationkoelolie
crude oil A comparatively volatile liquid bitumen composed principally of hydrocarbon, with traces of sulphur, nitrogen or oxygen compounds; can be removed from the earth in a liquid stateruwe aardolie
crude petroleum oilruwe aardolie
Decree on the prevention of oil pollution from shipsBesluit voorkoming olieverontreiniging door schepen
discharge of oilolielozing
domestic fuel oil Liquid petroleum product used in domestic heatershuisbrandolie
dregs of oiloliebezinksel
drilling for oilnaar olie boren
drilling for oil Boring a hole for extracting oilnaar olie boren
environmentally friendly oil tankermilieuvriendelijke olietanker
form oilolie voor het insmeren van vormen
form oilontkistingsolie
frying oilfrituurolie
fuel oil A liquid product burned to generate heat, exclusive of oils with a flash point below 38°C; includes heating oils, stove oils, furnace oils, bunker fuel oilsstookolie
gas oil bunkergasolietank
gas oil bunkergasoliebunker
gas oil tankgasoliebunker
gas oil tankgasolietank
grease and oil mixture from oil/waste water separationvet/oliemengsel van olie/waterscheiding
hydraulic oils containing only mineral oilhydraulische olie welke alleen minerale olie bevat
hydraulic oils, containing PCBs or PCTsPCB- of PCT-houdende hydraulische olie
insulating or heat transmission oils and other liquids containing PCBs or PCTsPCB- of PCT-houdende olie en andere vloeistoffen voor isolatie en warmteoverdracht
International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1984Internationaal Verdrag inzake de wettelijke aansprakelijkheid voor schade door verontreiniging door olie, 1984
International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution DamageAansprakelijkheidsverdrag
International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution DamageInternationaal Verdrag inzake de wettelijke aansprakelijkheid voor schade door verontreiniging door olie
International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1984Aansprakelijkheidsverdrag 1984
International Convention on Oil Pollution and ResponseInternationale Overeenkomst inzake paraatheid bij olieverontreiniging en maatregelen ter bestrijding daarvan
International Convention on oil pollution preparedness and responseInternationale Overeenkomst inzake paraatheid en samenwerking bij olieverontreiniging en maatregelen ter bestrijding daarvan
International Convention on oil pollution preparedness and responseinternationale samenwerkingsovereenkomst ter voorkoming en bestrijding van vervuiling van het zeemilieu door lozing van koolwaterstoffen
International Convention on oil pollution preparedness and responseInternationaal Verdrag inzake de voorbereiding op, de bestrijding van en de samenwerking bij olieverontreiniging
International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperationinternationale samenwerkingsovereenkomst ter voorkoming en bestrijding van vervuiling van het zeemilieu door lozing van koolwaterstoffen
International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and CooperationInternationaal Verdrag inzake de voorbereiding op, de bestrijding van en de samenwerking bij olieverontreiniging
International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and CooperationInternationale Overeenkomst inzake paraatheid en samenwerking bij olieverontreiniging en maatregelen ter bestrijding daarvan
International Convention on the establishment of an International Fund for compensation for oil pollution damageInternationale Overeenkomst tot oprichting van een Internationaal Fonds voor vergoeding van schade veroorzaakt door waterverontreiniging door olie
International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution DamageInternationaal Verdrag ter oprichting van een internationaal fonds voor vergoeding van schade door verontreiniging door olie
International Convention relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution CasualtiesInternationaal Verdrag inzake optreden in volle zee bij ongevallen die verontreiniging door olie kunnen veroorzaken
International Oil Pollution Compensation FundInternationaal Fonds voor vergoeding van schade door verontreiniging door olie, 1992
International Oil Pollution Compensation FundInternationaal Fonds voor vergoeding van schade door verontreiniging door olie
International Oil Pollution Compensation Fundinternationaal fonds voor vergoeding van schade wegens verontreiniging door olie
International Oil Pollution Compensation Supplementary Fund, 2003Internationaal aanvullend fonds voor vergoeding van schade door verontreiniging door olie van 2003
Marine Pollution by Oil ActWet olieverontreiniging zeewater
mineral insulating and heat transmission oilsminerale isolatie- en warmteoverdrachtolie
Mineral Lubricating and System Oil Levies DecreeHeffingbesluit minerale smeer-en systeemolie
mineral oil Oil which derives from petroleum and is made up of hydrocarbonsminerale olie
mould release oilontkistingsolie
non chlorinated hydraulic oils not emulsionsniet-gechloreerde hydraulische olie geen emulsies
non-chlorinated engine, gear, lubricating oilsniet-gechloreerde motor-, transmissie- en smeerolie
non-chlorinated insulating and heat transmission oils and other liquidsniet-gechloreerde olie en andere vloeistoffen voor isolatie en warmteoverdracht
offshore oil drilling The act or process of extracting petroleum from deposits underlying the floor of the ocean or some other large body of waterolieboringen op zee
offshore oil drillingolieboringen op zee
oil and fatolie en vet
oil and fat industryolie- en vettenindustrie
oil and fat industry Industry for the production and processing of edible oils and fatsolie- en vettenindustrie
oil and grease removalafscheiding van olie en vetten
oil-based energyop olie gebaseerde energie
oil-based energy Energy produced using oil as fuelop olie gebaseerde energie
oil-based mudboorspoeling op oliebasis
oil binding agent Highly absorbent agents used for physically removing spilled oil in case of leakages and oil accidents occurring in water bodies, industry, work-shops, on roads, etc. Materials that have been found useful for this service vary from simple, naturally occurring materials such as straw, sawdust, and peat to synthetic agents, such as polyurethane foam and polystyrene powderoliebindende stof
oil binding agentoliebindende stof
oil boom A floating device used to contain oil on a body of water. Once the boom has been inflated, it is towed downwind of the oil slick and formed into a U-shape; under the influence of wind, the oil becomes trapped within the boom. Skimming equipment travels into the boom enclosure and the oil is pumped into containersperiode van hoogconjunctuur in de olie-industrie
oil boomperiode van hoogconjunctuur in de olie-industrie
oil spillage clearance vesselopruimingsschip
oil container boomoliescherm
oil-containing drilling muds and wastesoliehoudend boorgruis en -afval
oil-content meteroliegehaltemeter
oil desulphurisation wasteolieontzwavelingsafval
oil disaster The disaster caused by the dumping and accidental spillage of oil into waterways from ships and land-based or offshore installations. Oil pollution may destroy or damage aquatic life and wildlife such as birds, contaminate water supplies and create fire hazardsaardolieramp
oil disasteraardolieramp
oil explorationaardolie-exploratie
oil exploration No definition neededaardolie-exploratie
oil extractionaardoliewinning
oil extraction Recovery of oil by surface mining, as in tar sands or oil shales, or from tunnels in a shallow reservoiraardoliewinning
oil field slopsresidu van oliewinning
oil-film filteroliefilmfilter
oil fluorescence excitationoliefluorescentie-excitatie
oil fly asholievliegas
oil pipelineoliepijpleiding
oil pipeline A line of pipe connected to valves and other control devices, for conducting oiloliepijpleiding
oil pollutionolievervuiling
oil pollutionolieveld
oil pollutionolieverontreiniging
oil pollution Contamination of any ecosystem, but usually of freshwater or marine ecosystems, by oil or other petroleum productsolievervuiling
oil pollutionolieramp
oil pollution"zwarte vloed"
oil pollution abatement There are various systems for the abatement of oil pollution at sea: the "Load-on-top" system involves passing the washing from tank cleaning operations and residue from discharge of the original ballast water to an empty cargo tank nominated as the "slop" tank. Fresh oil cargo is loaded on top of the final residue left after further discharges of water, the resulting mixture being acceptable to refineries despite some additional cost in removing the salt and water. Under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, all oil-carrying ships will be required to be capable of operating with this method of retention, or alternatively to discharge to reception facilities. Another method consists in spraying on the oil dispersives and/or blasting straw and sawdust, functioning as "blotting paper", onto water, beaches, rocks and docks. The Vikoma System for the containment of oil spills at sea, developed by British Petroleum, a seaboom of about 500 metres in length, is inflated and towed downwind of the oil slick and formed into a U-shape; under the influence of wind, the oil becomes trapped within the boom. Skimming equipment travels into the boom enclosure and the oil is pumped into containersvermindering van olievervuiling
oil pollution abatementvermindering/reductie van olievervuiling
oil pollution fighteropruimingsschip
oil production chainolieproductie
oil record bookoliejournaal
oil recovery vessel Boats used for recovering oil spilled at sea from oil tankers. The recommended procedure is to contain and physically recover the spill with or without the use of adsorbents. This approach entails three processes: 1. confinement of the spill by spill booms; 2. recovery of the spill by sorbing agents; 3. physical removal of the contained oil by oil pick-up devicesolieopruimingsschip
oil recovery vesselolieopruimingsschip
oil recovery vesselopruimingsschip
oil refinery System of process units used to convert crude petroleum into fuels, lubricants, and other petroleum-derived productsolieraffinaderij
oil refiningolieraffinage
oil refining The separation of petroleum mixtures into their component partsolieraffinage
oil regenerationolieregeneratie
oil regeneration plantbedrijf voor de zuivering van afgewerkte olie
oil residue recuperation The recovery of oil that is leftover or left behind, usually following the primary containment operations for an oil spillterugwinning van olieresten
oil residue recuperationterugwinning van olieresten/olie residuën
oil residue recuperationterugwinning van olieresten
oil residuesolierest
oil residuesolieresidu
oil shale A kerogen-bearing, finely laminated brown or black sedimentary rock that will yield liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons on distillationolie in kleilagen
oil shaleolie in kleilagen
oil slickolievlek
oil slick The mass of oil that floats on a surface of water, which is discharged accidentally, naturally or by design, and can be moved by currents, tides and the winddrijvende olielaag
oil slickdrijvende olielaag
oil slick lickerwaterwisser
oil slick lickerveeg/arm
oil spill"zwarte vloed"
oil spillolievlek
oil spill The accidental release of oil, or other petroleum products usually into freshwater or marine ecosystems, and usually in large quantities. It can be controlled by chemical dispersion, combustion, mechanical containment, and absorptionolielozing
oil spillolielozing
oil spillolielozing/-verlies
oil-spill combating vesselopruimingsschip
oil spill pollutionolievlek
oil spill slide ruleoliegedragslineaal
oil spillageolieverlies
oil spillsgemorste olie
oil tanker A very large ship which carries crude oil or other petroleum products in big tanksolietanker
Oil Tankers Third Party Liability ActWet aansprakelijkheid olietankschepen
oil trapolieafscheidingsbekken
oil waste not otherwise specifiedniet eerder genoemd olieafval
Oil wastes except edible oils, 05 00 00 and 12 00 00Olieafval exclusief spijsolie, 05 00 00 en 12 00 00
oil wastes except edible oils, 05 00 00 and 12 00 00olieafvalexclusief spijsolie,05 00 00 en 12 00 00
oil wastes and wastes of liquid fuels except edible oils, and those in chapters 05, 12 and 19olieafvalexclusief spijsolie,05 00 00 en 12 00 00
oil/water separator contentsinhoud van olie/waterscheiders
oil/water separator sludgesslib uit olie/waterscheiders
oil/water separator solidsvaste stoffen uit olie/waterscheiders
oiling of birdsbesmeuren van vogels
oils and other fat products from sea-dwelling mammalsuit zeezoogdieren gewonnen vetten en oliën
olive oil mill wastewater Aqueous residue deriving from the process of oil extraction from olives; it is composed of the olive-combined water and of the water used in the extraction and washing processes. It also contains a certain percentage of mineral compounds and of organic substances that are only partially biodegradableoliebezinksel
olive oil mill wastewateroliebezinksel
other chlorinated hydraulic oils not emulsionsoverige gechloreerde hydraulische olie geen emulsies
other chlorinated insulating and heat transmission oils and other liquidsoverige gechloreerde olie en andere vloeistoffen voor isolatie en warmteoverdracht
other engine, gear and lubricating oilsoverige motor-, transmissie- en smeerolie
other hydraulic oilsoverige hydraulische olie
overfill safety device for oil tanksoverloopbeveiliging voor oliereservoirs
overflow safety device for oil tanksoverloopbeveiliging voor oliereservoirs
petroleum oilaardolie
Protocol of 1992 to amend the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969Protocol van 1992 tot wijziging van het Internationaal Verdrag inzake de wettelijke aansprakelijkheid voor schade door verontreiniging door olie van 1969
Protocol of 1984 to amend the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1971Protocol van 1984 houdende wijziging van het Internationaal Verdrag betreffende de instelling van een Internationaal Fonds voor vergoeding van schade door verontreiniging door olie, 1971
Protocol of 1992 to amend the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1971Protocol van 1992 tot wijziging van het Internationaal Verdrag betreffende de instelling van een Internationaal Fonds voor vergoeding van schade door verontreiniging door olie, 1971
Protocol of 2003 to the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992Protocol van 2003 bij het Internationaal Verdrag betreffende de instelling van een Internationaal Fonds voor vergoeding van schade door verontreiniging door olie, 1992
Protocol on Cooperation in Combating Oil Spills in the Wider Caribbean RegionProtocol betreffende samenwerking bij de bestrijding van olielozingen in het Caraïbische gebied
Protocol relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Pollution by Substances other than OilProtocol inzake het optreden in volle zee in gevallen van verontreiniging door andere stoffen dan olie, 1973
Protocol to the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969 "Liability Convention 1969"Protocol bij het Internationaal Verdrag inzake de wettelijke aansprakelijkheid voor schade door verontreiniging door olie, 1969
Protocol to the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1971Protocol bij het Internationaal Verdrag ter oprichting van een internationaal fonds voor vergoeding van schade door verontreiniging door olie, 1971
pyrolytic oilpyrolytise-olie
rerun oilgerecycleerde olie
residues of oil manufacturebijprodukten van de olie-industrie
sea bird affected by oildoor olie aangetaste zeevogel
sludge oiloliehoudend slik
synthetic insulating and heat transmission oils and other liquidssynthetische olie en andere vloeistoffen voor isolatie en warmteoverdracht
synthetic machining oilssynthetische machineolie
system for the continuous identification of oil spillssysteem voor het continu identificeren van olieverliezen
used oilolieafval
used oilgebruikte olie
used oilafvalolie
vegetable oil An edible, mixed glyceride oil derived from plants (fruit, leaves, and seeds), including cottonseed, linseed, tung, and peanut; used in food oils, shortenings, soaps, and medicine, and as a paint drying oilplantaardige olie
waste engine, gear and lubricating oilsafval van motor-,transmissie-en smeerolie
waste engine, gear & lubricating oilsafval van motor-, transmissie- en smeerolie
waste engine-oilmotorolieafval
waste engine-oilafval van motorolie
waste engine-oilafgewerkte motorolie
waste from marine transport tank cleaning, containing oiloliehoudend afval van tankreiniging zeevaart
waste from railway and road transport tank cleaning containing oiloliehoudend afval van tankreiniging weg- en railvervoer
waste from storage tank cleaning, containing oiloliehoudend afval van opslagtankreiniging
waste hydraulic oilsafval van hydraulische olie en remvloeistof
waste hydraulic oils and brake fluidsafval van hydraulische olie en remvloeistof
waste insulating and heat transmission oilsafval van olie en andere vloeistoffen voor isolatie en warmteoverdracht
waste insulating and heat transmission oils and other liquidsafval van olie en andere vloeistoffen voor isolatie en warmteoverdracht
waste machining oils containing halogens not emulsionedafval van halogeenhoudende machineolie geen emulsies
waste machining oils free of halogens not emulsionedafval van halogeenvrije machineolie geen emulsies
waste oil Oil arising as a waste product of the use of oils in a wide range of industrial and commercial activities, such as engineering, power generation and vehicle maintenance and should be properly disposed of, or treated in order to be reusedafvalolie
waste oilafvalolie
waste oilolieafval
waste oils collection systemregeling inzake het ophalen van aftapolie
wastes from oil regenerationafval van olieregeneratie