
Terms for subject Microsoft containing object | all forms | exact matches only
activation objectactiveringsobject (An object used by one or more client computers to activate a volume license for an application such as Windows or Office. The activation object contains the ID of the root domain and the end user license data from the activation and validation service)
Active Directory objectActive Directory-object (An entity that can hold an identity in a Windows environment, such as computers, printers, mobile devices, users, groups, and so on)
active objectactief object (The object with which the user is currently interacting or that has the input focus)
ActiveX Data ObjectsActiveX-gegevensobjecten (A data access interface that communicates with OLE DB-compliant data sources to connect to, retrieve, manipulate, and update data)
ActiveX objectActiveX-object (An object supplied by a component that supports Automation)
application objecttoepassingsobject, application object (The top-level object that represents the application to the system. The system calls methods on this object when the application is loaded, before it is shut down, and throughout the lifetime of the application to notify it of system-wide events. The application object contains application-wide code and maintains state that can be accessed from multiple views)
Assistant objectassistentobject (The Assistant is the shared Microsoft Office Assistant object. It is a fully programmable object)
Automation objectautomatiseringsobject (An object supplied by a component that supports Automation)
BCD objectBCD-object (A collection of elements that describes the settings for the object that are used during the boot process. There are three main types of objects: application, device, and inherited)
BDC Administration object modelobjectmodel voor BDC-beheer (An object model that lets you create, read, update, and delete metadata objects in the BDC Metadata Store)
BDC Runtime object modelobjectmodel voor BDC-runtime (An object model designed for use by BDC clients and applications that provides an intuitive, object-oriented interface that abstracts the underlying data sources)
binary large objectblob (" A discrete packet of binary data that has an exceptionally large size, such as pictures or audio tracks stored as digital data, or any variable or table column large enough to hold such values. The designation "binary large object" typically refers to a packet of data that is stored in a database and is treated as a sequence of uninterpreted bytes.")
Boot Configuration Data objectBoot Configuration Data-object (A collection of elements that describes the settings for the object that are used during the boot process. There are three main types of objects: application, device, and inherited)
bound object framekader voor afhankelijk object (A control on a form or report used to display and manipulate OLE objects that are stored in tables)
browser helper objectbrowserhelperobject (An in-process Component Object Model (COM) component that Internet Explorer will load each time it starts; it runs in the same memory context as the browser and can perform actions on the available windows and modules)
business modeling objectsBusiness Modeling Objects (The set of objects that a modeler uses to create a custom application. The set includes the following primary object categories: system, application, model, and modeling site. Primary object categories can contain other object categories. For example, system-level security objects and application-level security objects)
child objectonderliggend object (An object that resides in another object. A child object implies relation. For example, a file is a child object that resides in a folder, which is the parent object)
CIM Object Manager repositoryCIM Object Manager-opslagplaats (A central storage area, managed by the CIM Object Manager, where defined objects, such as static class definitions and instances that are used to access and manipulate system management information, are stored)
client object modelclientobjectmodel (A set of APIs for SharePoint products. These APIs are based on the server object model, and can be called from clients such as desktop PCs and mobile devices)
COM objectCOM-object (An instance of a COM class)
common object file formatCommon Object File Format (A format in 32-bit programming for executable (image) and object files that is portable across platforms. The Microsoft implementation is called portable executable (PE) file format)
composite objectsamengesteld object (A high-level object made of tightly bound parts. A composite object is an instance of a composite class, which implies the composition aggregation between the class and its parts)
composite objectsamengesteld object (A high-level object made of tightly bound parts. A composite object is an instance of a composite class, which implies the composition aggregation between the class and its parts)
Composites Runtime object modelobjectmodel voor composites-runtime (An object model that that can be used to incorporate and/or modify the behavior of a composite at runtime)
configuration objectconfiguratieobject (" A generic user-defined instance of any of the different kinds of configurations in ILM "2", such as OVC and domain config.")
connected object scopebereik van verbonden objecten (A filter that identifies object types from a source directory based on a particular condition, for example Users, Computers, Printers)
connected object typetype verbonden object (The object type in the connected system to which the ILM objects are connected)
connected system object creation flagparameter voor maken van verbonden systeemobject (A parameter of a synchronization rule to indicate whether an object should be created in the connector space if the relationship criteria are not met)
connection objectverbindingsobject (An Active Directory object that represents a replication connection from one domain controller to another. The connection object is a child of the replication destinations NTDS Settings object and identifies the replication source server, contains a replication schedule, and specifies a replication transport. Connection objects are created automatically by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC), but they can also be created manually. Automatically generated connections must not be modified by the user unless they are first converted into manual connections)
container objectcontainerobject (An object that can logically contain other objects. For example, a folder is a container object)
control device objectControl Device Object (A device object that represents the filter driver to the system and to user-mode application and which allows applications to communicate with the filter driver directly, even before the filter is attached to a file system or volume device object)
cross reference objectkruisverwijzingsobject (An object in which Active Directory stores information about directory partitions and external directory services)
Distributed Component Object ModelDCOM (The version of Microsoft's Component Object Model (COM) specification that stipulates how components communicate over Windows-based networks. It permits the distribution of different components for a single application across two or more networked computers, running an application distributed across a network so that the distribution of components is not apparent to the user, and remotely displaying an application. Because DCOM is language-neutral, any language that uses COM components can also produce DCOM applications)
drawing objecttekenobject (Any graphic you draw or insert, which can be changed and enhanced. Drawing objects include AutoShapes, curves, lines, and WordArt)
embedded objectingesloten object (An object created with one program and embedded into a document created by another. Embedding the object, rather than simply inserting or pasting it, ensures that the object retains its original format. If you double-click the embedded object, you can edit it with the toolbars and menus from the program used to create it)
enlistment objectinschrijvingsobject (An object that represents the relationship between a resource manager and a transaction object on which the resource manager has enlisted)
equivalent objectsgelijkwaardige objecten (Different files (for example, .vhd files) on which a user has set the same family and release properties to indicate that the different files are related)
Format Object task panetaakvenster Object opmaken (A task pane that provides functionality for formatting objects)
Group Policy Object EditorGroepsbeleidsobjecteditor (The Microsoft Management Console snap-in used to edit Group Policy objects)
inline objectinlineobject (A picture or other object placed within a line of text that retains its place next to adjacent text when text is added or deleted)
IP objectIP-object (A performance object that includes counters that describe the rates at which internet protocol (IP) datagrams are transmitted by a computer using the IP protocol. It also describes various error counts for the IP protocol)
job objecttaakobject (A system-level structure that allows processes to be grouped together and managed as a single unit)
lingering objectachtergebleven object (A domain controller that was offline for longer than the value of the tombstone lifetime can contain objects that have been deleted on other domain controllers and for which tombstones no longer exist)
linked objectgekoppeld object (An object that is inserted into a document but still exists in the source file. When information is linked, the new document is updated automatically if the information in the original document changes)
local objectlokaal object (A table, query, form, report, macro, or module that remains in the replica or Design Master where it was created. Neither the object nor changes to the object are copied to other members in the replica set)
mail-enabled objectobject dat e-mail kan gebruiken (A type of object that has an e-mail address on a domain in the organization, but the object does not have a mailbox in the domain at which to receive messages. The object appears in the global address list, which allows other people in the organization to easily locate or send a message to that person, but the administrator does not need to manage an unnecessary mailbox. Contacts, users, and even folders can be mail-enabled)
object anchorobjectanker (A format code in a desktop publishing or word processing document that keeps an element in the document, such as a figure or a caption or a label associated with the figure, in a certain position in the document. The anchored object is generally attached to another element in the document)
Object BrowserObjectenoverzicht (A dialog box that displays information about objects, properties, methods, and constants in the current project and in referenced object libraries, and that you use to search for an element, get help on it, or paste it into a module)
Object BrowserObjectenoverzicht (A dialog box that displays information about objects, properties, methods, and constants in the current project and in referenced object libraries, and that you use to search for an element, get help on it, or paste it into a module)
object classobjectklasse (A category of objects that share a common set of characteristics)
Object data typegegevenstype Object (A fundamental data type representing any object that can be recognized by Visual Basic. Although you can declare any object variable as type Object, it is best to declare object variables according to their specific types)
Object Dependencies panevenster Objectafhankelijkheden (A pane that shows objects that have a dependency on the selected object. Also shows objects on which the selected object has dependencies)
object flowobjectstroom (In an activity diagram, a dashed arrow that indicates that an object is input or output by an action. An object flow arrow connects an object flow state either to a control flow arrow or to an action state)
object flow stateobjectstroomtoestand (In an activity diagram, a state that defines an object flow between actions. An object flow state signifies the availability of an instance of a classifier in a given state, usually as the result of an operation)
object frameobjectkader (A control you place on a form or report to contain an object)
object IDobject-id (" An attribute type in which the value of the attribute is a globally unique identifier (GUID) assigned by ILM"2" to each resource when it is created.")
object identifierobject-id (A number that identifies an object class or attribute. Object identifiers (OIDs) are organized into an industry-wide global hierarchy. An object identifier is represented as a dotted decimal string, such as, with each dot representing a new branch in the hierarchy. National/regional registration authorities issue root object identifiers to individuals or organizations, who manage the hierarchy below their root object identifier)
object in statetoestand Object in (In an activity diagram, an object that is manipulated by a number of successive activities. Each appearance of the object indicates a different phase in its life)
object initializerobjectinitializer (A set of name/value pairs or unnamed variable initializers that are assigned to the public fields of an object in the same statement in which the object is declared)
object layoutobjectlay-out (The positioning of an object, such as a chart, shape, image or text box, on a page, along with related options such as text-wrapping styles)
object libraryobjectbibliotheek (A file that contains definitions of objects and their methods and properties)
object lifelineobjectlevenslijn (In a sequence diagram, a representation of the existence of an object at a particular time. If the object is created or destroyed during the time period the diagram represents, then the lifeline stops or starts at the appropriate point)
object lifetimelevensduur van object (The span of time a cached object resides in cache and is available to be retrieved by cache clients. The object expires when its lifetime ends. Expired objects cannot be retrieved by cache clients, but remain in memory of the cache host until they are evicted. Specified as time to live (TTL))
object linking and embeddingObject Linking and Embedding (A technology for transferring and sharing information among applications. When an object, such as an image file created with a paint program, is linked to a compound document, such as a spreadsheet or a document created with a word processing program, the document contains only a reference to the object; any changes made to the contents of a linked object will be seen in the compound document. When an object is embedded in a compound document, the document contains a copy of the object; any changes made to the contents of the original object will not be seen in the compound document unless the embedded object is updated)
object linking and embedding for POSobjecten koppelen en insluiten voor POS (A widely-adopted POS device standard initiated by Microsoft, NCR, Epson, and Fujitsu-ICL to help integrate POS hardware into applications for the Windows™ family of operating systems)
object modelobjectmodel (A hierarchical set of objects and its members - methods, properties, and events - that a particular component provides)
object model diagramobjectmodeldiagram (A graphical representation of the objects and collections that are contained within a specified object model)
Object PaletteObjectenpalet (A tab in the Toolbox where you can go to insert objects into your document)
object pathobjectpad (A formatted string used to access namespaces, classes, and instances. Each object on the system has a unique path that identifies it locally or over the network. Object paths are conceptually similar to Universal Resource Locators (URL))
object permissionobjectmachtiging (A permitted create, read, update, delete, or execute operation on a securable object)
object poolingobjectgroepen (An automatic service provided by COM+ that enables you to configure a component so that instances of itself are kept active in a pool, ready to be used by any client that requests the component)
object protection levelbeveiligingsniveau van object (The integrity level of an object, stored in a token or an object's system access control list (SACL). The access check algorithm uses the object protection level to perform Mandatory Integrity Control (MIC))
object scopeobjectbereik (A set of objects about which a request can be submitted)
object tabobjecttabblad (A tab that you use to display or work with a database object, such as a table, query, form, or report)
object typeobjecttype (An opaque data structure that defines a protected entity that is implemented and manipulated by the operating system. For example, the system service that reads a file operates on an open file object)
object type mappingobjecttypetoewijzing (" A relationship between an object type that is used to represent a resource in ILM "2" and an object class that is used to represent that object in the metaverse.")
object variableobjectvariabele (A variable that contains a reference to an object)
Object Visualization Configurationobjectvisualisatieconfiguratie (" Configuration objects that are used to render UI in the Universal Object Control for authoring a specific object type in ILM "2". ")
object zoominzoomen op object (A view that shows a close-up of an object within a document)
OLE embedded objectingesloten OLE-object (An object embedded within a compound document in which only a single piece of content can be active)
OLE objectOLE-object (An object that supports the OLE protocol for object linking and embedding)
OLE Object data typegegevenstype OLE-object (A field data type that you use for objects created in other applications that can be linked or embedded (inserted) in an Access database)
on-object UIobjectgerelateerde gebruikersinterface (A user interface that appears near a selected object, usually after the user right-clicks a selection, for example, a context menu that pops up above or beside a selected object and displays a list of commands that fit the selection)
on-object user interfaceobjectgerelateerde gebruikersinterface (A user interface that appears near a selected object, usually after the user right-clicks a selection, for example, a context menu that pops up above or beside a selected object and displays a list of commands that fit the selection)
parent objectbovenliggend object (The object in which another object resides. A parent object implies relation. For example, a folder is a parent object in which a file, or child object, resides. An object can be both a parent and a child object. For example, a subfolder that contains files is both the child of the parent folder and the parent folder of the files)
Password Settings objectPassword Settings Object (An Active Directory object that is stored in the Password Settings Container. The Password Settings object holds the attributes of a certain fine-grained password policy)
performance objectprestatie-object (In System Monitor, a logical collection of counters that is associated with a resource or service that can be monitored)
permission objectmachtigingsobject (An instance of a permission class that represents access rights to resources or identity. A permission object can be used to specify a request, demand, or a grant of permission)
persistent objectpermanent object (A COM object that adheres to standards through which clients can request objects to be initialized, loaded, and saved to and from a data store, such as a flat file, structured storage, or memory)
PowerShell pipe objectPowerShell-pipeobject (In PowerShell scripting, the file or process to which the script's output is directed)
predefined objectvooraf gedefinieerd object (A system-generated object)
Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling diagramReal-Time Object-Oriented Modeling-diagram (A graphical model of a system's components and their relationships (the structure), and of the system's response to events (its behavior))
recipient objectontvangersobject (An object that represents a user or resource in Outlook, generally a mail message addressee)
Runtime object modelruntimeobjectmodel (An object model designed for use by BDC clients and applications that provides an intuitive, object-oriented interface that abstracts the underlying data sources)
securable objectbeveiligbaar object (Anything in the SharePoint environment on which permissions or permission levels can be set)
service objectserviceobject (The component or product that is covered by a service agreement)
SQL Server objectSQL Server-object (An entity within SQL Server)
state objectstatusobject (A collection of state variables for a particular protocol layer)
storage objectopslagobject (A logical grouping of data or objects within a compound file that can contain streams or other subordinate storages. The relationship between storages and streams in a compound file is similar to that of folders and files)
system objectsysteemobject (A database object that is defined by the system, such as the table MSysIndexes, or by the user)
tagged objectgelabeld object (A physical object that is optically or digitally tagged to be used interactively with Surface applications. The Surface Vision System currently recognizes byte tags and identity tags)
text objecttekstobject (An entity containing text in a document, for instance a text box or table cell)
unbound objectniet-afhankelijk object (An object, such as a picture, whose value isn't derived from data stored in a table)
unbound object frameniet-afhankelijk object (A control you place on a form or report to contain an unbound object)
user objectgebruikersobject (An object in Active Directory that contains information about the user, including user logon name, first name, last name, display name, and telephone number)
user-defined objectdoor de gebruiker gedefinieerd object (A custom object defined by the user)
virtual objectvirtueel object (Any content or control in an application that a user can interact with, i.e. a menu, a button, the background, etc)