
Terms containing module | all forms | exact matches only
environ., agric., chem.accumulation moduleaccumulatiemodule
commun., ITadd-on hand-free modulebijkomende handenvrij-module
construct.adjustable proportional module APMregelbare aflaat met een vaste verhouding tot het aangevoerde debiet
ITAdministration ModuleAdministration Module
ITAdministration ModuleAdministratiemodule
el.alarm and status lamp modulealarm- en statusverklikkermodule
el.alarm and status switch modulealarm- en statusschakelmodule
commun.alerting modulewaarschuwingsmodule
commun.alerting module controlbesturing van de waarschuwingsmodule
el.amorphous module degradationdegradatie van amorfe modules
commun.analog line moduleanaloge lijnmodule
ITanalog subscriber moduleanaloge abonnee-module
ITanalog subscriber module paireen paar analoge abonneemodules
el.analog trunk interface moduleanaloge trunk interface
el.analog trunk moduleanaloge trunk interface
commun.analogue line moduleanaloge lijnmodule
ITanalogue subscriber moduleanaloge abonnee-module
ITanalogue subscriber module paireen paar analoge abonneemodules
el.analogue trunk interface moduleanaloge trunk interface
el.analogue trunk moduleanaloge trunk interface
nat.sc.application of energy measuring schemes to amorphous silicon modulestoepassing van energiemetingsschema's op modules van amorf silicium
IT, dat.proc.assembling moduleassemblagemodule
mech.eng.axial moduleaxiale modulus
commun.balanced driver-receiver modulesgebalanceerde stuur- en uitleesketen
el.balanced moduleuitgebalanceerde modulator
construct.basic modulemoduul
construct.basic modulebasismoduul
commun., ITbasic system modulebasis systeemeenheid
earth.sc.blackbody regulation of modulezwartlichtaamregelaar van de module
gen.breeding blanket modulekweekmantelmoduul
ITbroadband switching modulebreedbandschakelmoduul
comp., MSBusiness Logic ModuleBedrijfsregelsmodule (A module that contains Business Logic software and is called to enforce data constraints and/or perform tasks that are loaded and executed in a host-specific run-time environment)
IT, transp.calibration moduleregelmodule
commun., ITcall handling moduleoproepbehandelingsmoduul
commun., ITcall processing moduleoproepverwerkingsmoduul
ITcall switching moduleoproep-schakelmodule
ITcapacity of the modulecapaciteit van het moduul
comp., MSCatalog Designer modulemodule Catalogusontwerper (The Commerce Server Business Desk module used to create and manage catalog schema. Catalog schema consists of category definitions, product definitions, and property definitions. These components are the foundation of the categories, products, and properties in catalogs)
comp., MSCatalog Editor modulemodule Catalogus-editor (The Commerce Server Business Desk module used to edit and manage catalogs. The Catalog Editor module supports adding, editing, and deleting products and categories, as well as, importing and exporting catalogs and refreshing full-text indexing)
comp., MSCatalog Sets modulemodule Catalogussets (The Commerce Server Business Desk module used to create and manage catalog sets)
commun., ITCCE moduleCCE moduul
IT, dat.proc.central control module with memorycentraal besturingsmoduul met geheugen
ITchannel selection modulekanaalselectiemodule
ITcircuit switching modulecircuitschakeling moduul
transp., mater.sc.clamping moduleinklembare module
comp., MSclass moduleklassemodule (A module that can contain the definition for a new object. Each instance of a class creates a new object. Procedures defined in the module become properties and methods of the object)
ITclock and tone moduleklok-en toonregelmodule
ITcluster modulescluster-modules
life.sc., el.collector modulecollectormodule
astronaut., transp., el.command modulecommandomodule
ITcommon channel modulegemeenschappelijk signaleringsmodule
ITcommon channel modulegemeenschappelijk lampsignaleringsmodule
ITcommon modulegemeenschappelijke module
commun., ITcommunications LAN moduleLAN-module voor communicatie
ITCommunications ModuleCommunications Module
ITCommunications ModuleCommunicatiemodule
el.commutating switch moduleomschakelmodule
construct.component moduleafbouwrooster
IT, dat.proc.computer peripherals moduleaansluitmodule voor randapparatuur
econ., tech., lawconformity assessment modulemodule voor conformiteitsbeoordeling
mech.eng.control modulebedieningspaneel
IT, transp.control module indicatorstuurmodule-aanwijzer
ITcontrol output moduleoutput-module voor besturing
ITcontroller ac input moduleinput-module voor een AC-besturingseenheid
ITcontroller ac output moduleoutput-module voor een AC-besturingseenheid
ITcontrol-system output moduleoutput-module van het besturingssysteem
el.cordwood modulemodule met micro schakelingsbouwstenen
energ.ind.crystalline silicon photovoltaic modulefotovoltaisch module van kristallijn silicium
mech.eng.cutting modulesnijmodule
ITdata communication computer modulegegevenscommunicatie computermoduul
ITdedicated control modulegespecialiseerde besturingsmodule
gen.Deployable Communications Moduleinzetbare communicatiemodule
commun., ITdestination moduleontvangstmodule
comp., MSdevice-specific modulehardwarespecifieke module (A storage array manufacturer's module that incorporates knowledge of the manufacturer's hardware and interacts with the MPIO driver. The DSM plays a crucial role in device initialization and I/O request handling, including I/O request error handling)
el.digital carrier moduleinterface naar de digitale bundelverbinding
el.digital line/trunk interface modulemodule van de hoofdverbindingsinterface
ITdigital multiservice moduledigitale onderhoudsmodule
ITdigital multiservice moduledigitale multi onderhoudsmodule
ITdigital trunk moduledigitale trunkmodule
ed., ITdiscrete functional moduleafzonderlijk functioneel module
commun.display moduleA-scherm
el.distribution amplifier moduledistributieversterkermodule
construct.double orifice module outletsifon met vastgestelde uitlaat
construct.double orifice module outletafvoer regelende sifon-uitlaat
IT, el.dual module test adaptortestapparatuur voor gedupliceerde eenheid
med.ECG moduleECG-moduul
IT, earth.sc.echo and reverberation moduleeenheid voor echo en reverberatie
ITEDP moduleEDP moduul
ed.educational moduleLeerpakket
mech.eng.emergency aircraft hydraulic system modulehydraulisch noodsysteem
gen.end modulefrontdeel
ITerror correction modulefoutherstelmodule
med., pharma., engl.EudraVigilance Clinical Trial ModuleEudraVigilance Clinical Trial Module
comp., MSexit moduleUitgiftemodule (A Certificate Services component that performs post-processing after a certificate is issued, such as the publication of an issued certificate to Active Directory)
mater.sc.fault tree construction modulefoutenboommodule
mater.sc.fault tree construction modulefaalboommoduul
commun., el.first mixer moduleeerste mengmodule
ITfive-channel module5-kanaalseenheid
gen.flat-plate photovoltaic modulefotovoltaïsche cellen op vlakke plaat
construct.flexible moduleaflaat met afvoerregeling gekoppeld aan het bovenwater
gen.fly-sheet moduledubbeldak
comp., MSform moduleformuliermodule (A module that includes code for all event procedures triggered by events occurring on a specific form or its controls)
comp., MSFriends modulevriendenalbum (A module that shows a photo list of your friends and provides for adding, editing, and deleting people from your friends list)
nucl.phys.fuel/sodium movement modulemodulus van splijtstof/natrium-bewegingen
el.functional modulefunctionele module
el.gating modulemodule voor poortschakelingen
el.gating modulelogische module
ITgeneral purpose modulemodule voor algemene toepassingen
construct.Gibb moduleGibb's constructie
astronaut., transp.habited modulewoonmodule
comp., MShardware security moduleHardware Security Module (A secure device that provides cryptographic capabilities, typically by providing private keys used in Public-key cryptography)
comp., MSHome moduleStartpaginamodule (The Microsoft CRM module that contains a summary of activities scheduled over a three-day period for the logged-on user. Home also displays announcements, the Create an Activity and Create a Record areas, and a side tab leading to the Settings area)
tech.HPLC-solvent delivery modulemodule voor oplosmiddelinjectie voor HPLC
comp., MSHTTP moduleHTTP-module (A component that can be registered as part of the ASP.NET request lifecycle and that can read or change the request or response as it is processed. HttpModules are often used to perform special tasks that need to monitor each request, such as security or site statistics)
earth.sc., construct.hydro moduleirrigatiemodule
comp., MSIIS Manager moduleIIS-beheermodule (A set of extension to IIS Manager. Windows Server AppFabric extensions to IIS Manager allow you to configure, control, query, and monitor WCF and WF services (in .NET Framework 4))
IT, el.in-module connectionintramodule-verbinding
IT, el.in-module connectionin-module-verbinding
mech.eng.individual air moduleindividuele ventilatiemodule
gen.in-pile motion modulemodule voor bewegingen in de reactorkern
ITinput/output modulein/uitvoermodule
med.instrument moduleinstrumentenmoduul
commun.interface modulegrensvlakmodule
ITinterfacing linguistic moduleaansluiten van linguistische moduli
ITinterfacing linguistic moduleaankoppelen van linguistische moduli
gen.intermediate moduletussendeel
transp.internal control moduleregeleenheid
ITinternal control moduleinterne stuureenheid
earth.sc., construct.irrigation moduleirrigatiemodule
commun., ITISDN subscriber moduleISDN-abonneemodule
commun., ITISDN trunk moduleISDN-trunkmodule
ITknowledge acquisition moduleconsistentie-controleur
transp., mech.eng.landing gear control handle moduleonderstelbedieningshendel
ed.learning moduleleermodule
transp., mil., grnd.forc., el.LED moduleledmodule
transp., mil., grnd.forc.light source modulelichtbronmodule
commun.line interface modulelijn-interface
commun.line modulelijn-interface
ITline processor modulelijnprocessormodule
IT, el.line supervision modulelijnbewakingseenheid
IT, tech.load modulelaadbaar programma
IT, tech.load modulelaadmodule
astronaut., transp.lunar exploration modulemaanexploratiemodule
gen.lunar modulemaanmodule
commun.matrix modulematrix-module
mech.eng.maximal modulegrootste moduul
IT, el.memory card industrial burn-in moduleindustriële burn-inmodule van de geheugenkaart
comp., MSmerge modulesamenvoegmodule (A module that packages components together with any related files, resources, registry entries, and setup logic. Merge modules can be used to install components that multiple applications share. Merge modules cannot be installed directly; they must be merged into deployment projects)
commun., ITmessage distribution moduleverzendeenheid voor berichtenverkeer
commun.micro wave module assemblymicrogolfmodule
commun.micro wave module assymicrogolfmodule
ITmicroprocessor card modulemicroprocessor-kaartmodule
IT, el.microprocessor modulemicroprocessormodule
earth.sc.module annealingwarmtebehandeling van module
ed.module certificatedossierverklaring
mech.eng.module-controlled milling cuttingvervaardigen van tandwielen met moduleerfrezen
commun., ITmodule controlsmoduul controles
commun., ITmodule controlsaansturing van de modules
met.module-dependent feedingtoevoer per modulus
met.module-dependent feedingtoevoer per gietvorm
econ., tech., lawmodule for conformity assessmentmodule voor conformiteitsbeoordeling
el.module generationmodulegeneratie
ITmodule interface tablemodule-interfacetabel
gen.module jointmoduulverbinding
comp., MSmodule levelmoduleniveau (Describes any variable or constant declared in the Declarations section of a module or outside a procedure. Variables or constants declared at the module level are available to all procedures in a module)
comp., MSmodule-level variablevariabele op moduleniveau (A variable that's declared in the Declarations section of a module by using the Private keyword. These variables are available to all procedures in the module)
ITmodule librarymodulenbibliotheek
met., mech.eng.module-milling cuttermoduulfrees
commun., ITmodule of guidance electronicsmodule voor geleidingselektronica
IT, transp.module on the vehiclevoertuigcomputer
IT, transp.module on the vehicleautocomputer
mech.eng.module pitch threadmodulaire schroefdraad
mech.eng.module rangemoduulbereik
construct.module scaffoldingmodulaire steiger
IT, dat.proc.module strengthsamenhang
ITmodule testingtesten van programmamodulen
mech.eng.module threadmodulaire schroefdraad
ITmonolingual analysis moduleeentalige analysemodulus
ITmonolingual analysis moduleeentalig analysemoduul
el.MSI modulefunctionele module
el.multi-chip modulemultichip-module
earth.sc.multijunction grill modulemulti-junctie roostermodule
ITMultimedia training modulemultimediale onderwijsmodule
ITmultiplex trunk circuit connection modulemultiplex doorverbindingseenheid
commun., ITNetwork Access ModuleNetwork Access Module
commun., ITNetwork Access ModuleNetwerk Toegang Module
transp., construct.Neyrpic moduleNeyrpic-regelstuw
mech.eng.normal modulenormaalmodulus
commun., ITnumber assignment moduleabonnee-identiteitsmodule
commun.numeric assignment moduleabonnee-identiteitsmodule
IT, dat.proc.object moduleobjectmodule
construct.orifice type modulebuis met constante afvoer
IT, el.output moduleoutput-module
IToverlay load moduleoverlay-laadmodule
IToverlay moduleoverlay-laadmodule
IT, tech.overload module testingoverladingscontrole
ITpanoramic display modulepanoramische weergeefmodule
transp.passenger modulevoertuigopbouw
transp.passenger moduleopbouw
commun., ITpayload modulenetlastmodule
commun., ITpayload modulepayload module
commun.peripheral modulegrensvlakmodule
ITperiphery and switching modulesrandapparatuur en schakelmodules
ITpersonality moduleverpersoonlijkte module
el.photonic switching moduleoptische schakelmatrix
energ.ind.photovoltaic modulefotovoltaïsche module
energ.ind.photovoltaic modulezonnemodule
energ.ind.photovoltaic solar modulezonnemodule
energ.ind.photovoltaic solar modulefotovoltaïsche module
commun., el.pilot tone modulestuurpulsmodule
construct.pipe-cum-orifice semi-modulekoker met aan het bovenwater gekoppelde regelende afvoeruitlaatopening
construct.pipe-cum-semi-module outletkoker met aan het bovenwater gekoppelde regelende afvoeruitlaat
construct.planning modulemoduulmaat
construct.planning moduleroostermaat
construct.planning modulebasismaat
construct.planning moduleruwbouwrooster
commun.plug-in subscriber identity moduleinsteek-SIM
ITplurilingual synthesis moduleveeltalige synthesemodulus
ITplurilingual synthesis modulemeertalig synthesemoduul
comp., MSpolicy moduleBeleidsmodule (A Certificate Services component that determines whether a certificate request should be automatically approved, denied, or marked as pending)
el.potted circuit moduleingegoten schakeling-module
commun., el.power supply modulevoedingsmodule
industr.preformed toilet modulevoorgevormde WC-cabine
IT, dat.proc.program modulesubprogramma
ITprogram modulemodul van het programma
IT, dat.proc.program moduleprogrammamodule
commun., ITprogrammable timer moduleprogrammeerbare timermodule
transp., mech.eng.proximity detector module unitschakelaar van de "grond-lucht"-detector
earth.sc.pump limiter modulepompbegrenzer-modulus
commun.range-rate moduleafstand-controlebundel
commun.range-rate moduleafstand-controle-module
el.reactor blanket modulekweekmantelmodule voor een reactor
R&D.real time software moduleprogrammatuurmodule voor onmiddellijke verwerking
commun.recorder moduleopnamemodule
commun., el.reference distribution module cardreference distribution module-kaart
commun., el.reference distribution module cardRDM-kaart
commun.reference oscillator modulereferentie-oscillatormodule
commun., ITremote modulemodule op afstand
ITremoting moduleafstandsbedieningseenheid
comp., MSreport modulerapportmodule (A module that includes code for all event procedures triggered by events occurring on a specific report or its controls)
comp., MSReports moduleRapportenmodule (A Microsoft CRM module used to create, view, and print metrics and statistical reports)
ITresource interface modulenetinterface module
transp., tech.rib moduleribmodule
environ.risk priority modulerisico-prioriteiten-module
comp., MSSales moduleVerkoopmodule (The Microsoft CRM module used to access business records pertaining to sales, such as accounts, contacts, quotes, orders, and sales literature. In this module, users can create leads, convert them to opportunities, accounts, and contacts, and view and track information about competitors. Users can also create quotes and orders, and generate invoices)
chem.sample modulebemonsteringsapparaat
commun.SAT generator moduleSAT-generatormodule
commun., ITsatellite and cable commercial modulecommerciële groep Satelliet/kabel
commun., ITsatellite connection modulesatellietverbindingsmoduul
law, ITsecurity software moduleprogrammatuur "security module"
construct.semi-moduleaflaat met afvoerregeling gekoppeld aan het bovenwater
gen.separator module housinghuis van scheidingsmodule
ITserver moduleserver-module
commun., ITService Access Moduleservice-toegangsmodule
commun., ITService Access Moduletoegangsmodule voor diensten
commun., ITService Access Modulediensttoegangsmodule
comp., MSService moduleServicemodule (The Microsoft CRM module used to access business records pertaining to customer service, such as cases, accounts, contacts, contracts, and the Knowledge Base Manager (KB Manager). In this module, users can open and resolve cases, create and view service contracts, and create and manage information in the Knowledge Base)
commun., el.signaling I-F modulesignalerings I-F-module
el.signaling modulesignaleringsverbinding
el.signaling modulesignaleringsnetwerk
commun., el.signalling I-F modulesignalerings I-F-module
el.signalling modulesignaleringsnetwerk
el.signalling modulesignaleringsverbinding
comp., MSsingle inline memory moduleSingle Inline Memory Module (A small circuit board, designed to accommodate surface-mount memory chips, with a 32-bit data path and connectors that are on the same circuit and that respond to the same signal)
ITSoftware development using concurrently executable modulesprogrammatuurontwikkeling met behulp van simultaan uitvoerbare modules
energ.ind.solar modulezonnemodule
energ.ind.solar modulefotovoltaïsche module
energ.ind.solar module offering good dissipationzonnemoduul met goede dissipatie
commun.sorting moduletrieerelement
commun., ITsound module of the first typegeluidsmodule van het eerste type
commun., ITsound module of the second typegeluidsmodule van het tweede type
commun., ITspecialized modulegespecialiseerd moduul
IT, earth.sc.speech reproducing modulesamenstelling voor spraakweergave
agric., construct.spray irrigation moduleberegeningseenheid
commun.stand-alone module with open interfaceautonome module met open "interface
mech.eng.standard modulegenormaliseerde modulus
comp., MSstandard modulestandaardmodule (A module in which you can place Sub and Function procedures that you want to be available to other procedures throughout your database)
ITstandardized functional modulegestandaardiseerd functiemodule
ITstorage modulegeheugenmodule
ITstorage module drivegeheugenbesturingseenheid
IT, earth.sc.storage-module-drivegeheugenbesturingseenheid
construct.structural modulemoduulmaat
construct.structural moduleroostermaat
construct.structural modulebasismaat
construct.structural moduleruwbouwrooster
commun.subscriber identification moduleidentiteitsmodule abonnee
commun.subscriber identification modulesubscriber identification module
commun.subscriber identity modulesubscriber identification module
commun.subscriber identity moduleidentiteitsmodule abonnee
commun.subscriber-identity-module cardSIM-kaart
ITswitch moduleschakelmoduul
ITswitching moduleswitching module
ITswitching moduleswitchting module
ITswitching moduleschakelmodule
commun.synchronous transport modulesynchrone transport module
construct.syphon module outletsifon met vastgestelde uitlaat
construct.syphon module outletafvoer regelende sifon-uitlaat
comp., MSsystem control modulesysteembesturingsmodule (The power supply that controls powering up the computer motherboard and all other devices that require power in the system. The SCM operates at all times when the system is plugged into an electrical outlet)
ITsystem integration modulesysteem integratie module
IT, earth.sc.system integration modulesysteemintegratiemodule
ITsystem modulemoduul van het systeem
commun., ITTDMA terminal moduleTDMA-terminal
IT, el.terminal station moduleafstandsbedieningsmodule voor werkstation
commun., ITterrestrial commercial modulecommerciële groep Etheromroep
el.thermoelectric heating modulethermo-elektrisch verwarmingselement
el.thermoelectric heating modulethermo-elektrisch koelelement
earth.sc., mech.eng.thermo-electric modulethermo-elektrische koelbatterij
IT, el.throw-away modulewegwerpmodule
commun., ITtime division multiple access terminal moduleTDMA-terminal
commun., ITtiming moduleklokmodule
mech.eng.tool modulegereedschapsmodulus
ed.training modulepedagogische module
ed.training moduleopleidingsmodule
commun.transponder moduletranspondermodule
mech.eng.transverse moduleomtreksmodulus
el.tritium breeding blanket moduletritium-kweekmantelmodule
el.trunk moduleanaloge trunk interface
comp., MStrusted platform moduleTrusted Platform Module (Microchip designed to provide certain basic security-related functions to the software that utilizes TPM)
ITultra-high vacuum transfer between modulesultrahoog-vacuümoverdracht
tech.vibration modulevibratiemodule
ed.vocational modulehoofdvakkenpakket
commun.voice I-F modulespraak- I-F-module
commun.voice intermediate frequency modulespraak- I-F-module
comp., MSWeb Server Management Enumerator moduleWeb Server Management Enumerator-module (A probe action module type that performs a WS-Management Enumerate operation)
comp., MSWindows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShellWindows Azure Active Directory-module voor Windows PowerShell (A group of cmdlets used to administer Windows Azure Active Directory. You can use these cmdlets to manage users, groups, domains, cloud service subscriptions, licenses, directory sync, single sign-on, and more)
comp., MSWindows Azure AD Module for Windows PowerShellWindows Azure AD-module voor Windows PowerShell (A group of cmdlets used to administer Windows Azure Active Directory. You can use these cmdlets to manage users, groups, domains, cloud service subscriptions, licenses, directory sync, single sign-on, and more)
mech.eng.working modulebedrijfsmodulus
comp., MSWorkplace moduleWerkplekmodule (The Microsoft CRM module that contains the work a user has been assigned, is currently working on, and is available in queues to which the user has access. Users can accept, assign, and delete assignments from here. Users can also access their calendars and the Knowledge Base)