
Terms for subject Environment containing mechanical | all forms | exact matches only
catalysers are quickly destroyed by thermal and mechanical actionkatalysatoren vergaan snel door thermische en mechanische inwerking
cleaning by mechanical shakingmechanische verwijdering van stof
cleaning by mechanical shakingafkloppen van filterstof
mechanical aerationmechanische beluchting
mechanical aeratormechanische beluchter
mechanical collectormecanische ontstoffer
mechanical effluent treatmentmechanische afvalwaterbehandeling
mechanical engineeringprocestechnologie
mechanical engineering The branch of engineering concerned with the design, construction, and operation of machinesprocestechnologie
mechanical equipment Machines and tools employed in manual and mechanical labourmechanisch materiaal
mechanical gravity dust catcherzwaartekracht ontstoffer
mechanical industry A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of enterprises is engaged in the design, manufacture and marketing of mechanical apparatuses for commercial or industrial usagewerktuigbouw
mechanical industrywerktuigbouw
mechanical inertial dust catchermechanische inertie-ontstoffer
mechanical mixing vesselmengerreactor
mechanical pulpmechanische pulp
mechanical recyclingmechanische recycling
mechanical reduction of the raw materialmechanische bewerking van grondstof
mechanical vibrationmachinetrilling
mechanical vibration A motion, usually unintentional and often undesirable, of parts of machines and structuresmachinetrilling
wastes from mechanical surface treatment processes blasting, grinding, honing, lapping, polishingafval van mechanische oppervlaktebehandeling stralen, slijpen, wetten, schuren, polijsten
wastes from mechanical surface treatment processes blasting,grinding,honing,lapping,polishingafval van mechanische oppervlaktebehandelingstralen,slijpen,wetten,schuren,polijsten
wastes from shaping and physical and mechanical surface treatment of metals and plasticsafval van machinale bewerkingsmeden,lassen,persen,trekken,draaien,boren,snijden en vijlen
wastes from shaping and physical and mechanical surface treatment of metals and plasticsafval van de machinale bewerking en oppervlaktebehandeling van metalen en kunststoffen
wastes from washing, cleaning and mechanical reduction of the raw materialafval van wassen, schoonmaken en mechanische bewerking van de grondstoffen