
Terms for subject Environment containing material | all forms | exact matches only
accumulation of materialopslag van stoffen
alternative material Materials employed in the place of others which are more dangerous for the environment, such as phosphate substitutes in detergentsalternatief materiaal
alternative materialalternatief materiaal
building materialbouwmateriaal
building material Any material used in construction, such as steel, concrete, brick, masonry, glass, wood, etc.bouwmateriaal
carrier materialdrager
Committee of Inquiry into the handling and transport of nuclear materialOnderzoekscommissie behandeling en vervoer van nucleair materiaal
compostable materialkomposteerbare fractie
compostable materialcomposteerbare deel
construction with recycled materialbouw met hergebruik van materiaal
construction with recycled materialbouw met hergebruik-materiaal
construction with recycled material Construction with waste product used as raw materialbouw met hergebruik-materiaal
Contamination of nutrition and consumer products due to material releaseVerontreiniging van voedingsmiddelen en consumentenartikelen als gevolg van het vrijkomen van materialen
dangerous material transportvervoer van gevaarlijke stoffen
dredged materialdreg-afval
dredged materialbaggerspecie
dredged material Unconsolidated material removed from rivers, streams, and shallow seas with machines such as the bucket-ladder dredge, dragline dredge, or suction dredgebaggermateriaal
dredged materialopgedregd materiaal
dredged materialbaggermateriaal
dredged materialspecie
dredged materialbagger
ecotoxic materialecotoxische stof
electronic materialelektronisch materiaal
electronic material No definition neededelektronisch materiaal
energy source material Sources from which energy can be obtained to provide heat, light, and power. Energy resources, including fossil and nuclear fuels as well as solar, water, tidal and geothermal energy, may be captured or recovered and converted into other energy forms for a variety of household, commercial, transportation, and industrial applicationsenergiebronmateriaal
energy source materialenergiebronmateriaal
environmental materialmilieucomponent
excavated materialafgegraven grond
fibrous absorbing materialgeluidabsorberend vezelmateriaal
filling material Any substance used to fill the holes and irregularities in planed or sanded surfaces so as to decrease the porosity of the surface for finish coatingsvulmiddel
filter materialfiltermateriaal
genetic material of the speciesgenetisch materiaal van de species
hazardous working material A poison, corrosive agent, flammable substance, explosive, radioactive chemical, or any other material which can endanger human health or well-being if handled improperlygevaarlijk bouwmateriaal
hazardous working materialgevaarlijk bouwmateriaal
hazardous working materialgevaarlijk bouw-/gebruiksmateriaal
high calorific value materialstof met hoge kalorische waarde
high calorific value materialstof met hoge stookwaarde
high calorific value materialstof met hoge verbrandingswaarde
high calorific value materialstof met hoge calorische waarde
industrial materialindustrieel materiaal
industrial materialindustriële stof
industrial material No definition neededindustrieel materiaal
inert materialbiologisch inert materiaal
insulating material Material that prevents or reduces the transmission of electricity, heat, or sound to or from a body, device or regionisolerend materiaal
liner material A layer of synthetic or natural materials, on the sides of or beneath a landfill, landfill cell or surface impoundment, that restricts the downward or lateral escape of liquids carrying leachate into the surrounding environmentbekledingsmateriaal
liner materialvoerings/bekledingsmateriaal
liner materialbekledingsmateriaal
local building materialplaatselijke bouwmaterialen
material life cycle All the stages involved in the manufacturing, distribution and retail, use and re-use and maintenance, recycling and waste management of materialslevenscyclus van materialen
material life cyclelevenscyclus van materialen
material recyclingrecycling van materialen
material resourcesmateriële hulpmiddelen
material sizemateriaalgrootte
material testingmateriaalbeproeving
mechanical reduction of the raw materialmechanische bewerking van grondstof
multi-material recycling schemerecyclageschema voor verschillende materialen
natural materialnatuurlijke materiaal
natural material No definition needednatuurlijke materiaal
new material Novel high-performance materials obtained through the interdisciplinary research of chemistry, applied chemistry, chemical engineering, and mechanical engineeringnieuw materiaal
new materialnieuw materiaal
non-regenerating raw materialniet-vervangbare grondstof
oxidizable materialoxydeerbare stof
oxidizable material Substance that can undergo a chemical reaction with oxygenoxydeerbare stof
packaging recoverable in the form of material recyclingterugwinning van verpakking in de vorm van recycling van materialen
plant materialplantenmateriaal
plutonium contaminated waste materialdoor plutonium besmet afvalmateriaal
process of storing radioactive materialopslag van radioactief materiaal
putrescent materialrottende stof
radioactive material removed from the siteafvoeren van radioaktief materiaal
radioactive material removed from the siteafvoer van radioactief materiaal
raw material A crude, unprocessed or partially processed material used as feedstock for a processing operationgrondstof
raw material batchgrondstoftank
raw material consumption The developed countries depend on a stable supply of raw materials for their industries. Total resource requirements are increasing rapidly over the entire world. In developed countries, although population is increasing slowly, per capita use is increasing rapidly, while the opposite is happening in developing countries. Traditionally raw materials have been classified as non-renewable resources, but a distinction may be important between "loosable" resources, such as oil and coal, and "non-loosable" resources, such as metals, which can be used several times over by recycling processesgrondstofverbruik
raw material securingzich verzekeren van grondstoffen
raw material securing Measures used to ensure the provision of or the access to crude, unprocessed or partially processed materials used as feedstock for processing or manufacturingzich verzekeren van grondstoffen
raw material securinggrondstoffen bemachtigen/verkrijgen
recycled material Waste materials that are transformed into new products in such a manner that the original products may lose their identityhergebruikt materiaal
recycled materialhergebruikt materiaal
recycling of materialrecycling van materialen
renewable raw material Resources that have a natural rate of availability and yield a continual flow of services which may be consumed in any time period without endangering future consumption possibilities as long as current use does not exceed net renewal during the period under considerationhernieuwbare grondstof
renewable raw materialhernieuwbare/recycleerbare grondstof
renewable raw materialhernieuwbare grondstof
resuspended materialgeresuspendeerd materiaal
road construction material The aggregation of components used for building streets, highways and other routes, such as asphalt, concrete, brick, sand and gravelmateriaal voor de wegenbouw
road construction materialmateriaal voor de wegenbouw
scrap materialschroot
scrap material Recyclable material from any manufacturing process or discarded consumer productsschroot
scrap material marketschrootmarkt
scrap material market The trade or traffic in discarded or leftover materials that can be reused in some wayschrootmarkt
scrap material price The amount of money or the monetary rate at which materials discarded from manufacturing operations can be bought or soldschrootprijs
scrap material priceschrootprijs
seepage from material deposited in geological formationsvrijkomen van stoffen bij opberging in geologische lagen
segregation of compostable materialafscheiding van de komposteerbare fraktie
sludge treatment section capable of producing reusable materialopnieuw gebruiken van het slib
soil improvement materialbodemverbeteraar
soil materialbodemmateriaal
sound insulation materialisolatiemateriaal
sound insulation material Material used to reduce the transmission of sound to or from a body, device, room, etc.isolatiemateriaal
synthetic materialkunststof
synthetic material Material made artificially by chemical reactionkunststof
teaching materialonderwijsmateriaal
teaching material An article or device used to facilitate the learning process in an instructional settingonderwijsmateriaal
trace material 1. Both metals and non-metals, essential for the metabolic processes of algae, invertebrates and vertebrates. Organisms that derive nearly all their energy via photosynthesis are especially dependent upon dissolved trace substances. 2. Impurities that are present at small but detectable levelssporenmateriaal
trace materialsporenmateriaal
use as material of wastegebruik als materiaal van afval
use of waste as materialgebruik van afval als materiaal
utilization of waste materialgebruik van afvalstoffen
utilization of waste materialafvalverwerking
waste materialafvalprodukt
wastes from washing, cleaning and mechanical reduction of the raw materialafval van wassen, schoonmaken en mechanische bewerking van de grondstoffen