
Terms containing logical | all forms | exact matches only
ITAdvanced Logical Programming Environmentsgeavanceerde logische programmeeromgevingen
IT, transp.AP/FD logical computerap/fd logische computer
ITarithmetical and logical unitreken/logica-eenheid
IT, dat.proc.basic logical objectlogisch basisobject
IT, tech.Boolean logical functionBoole-functie
IT, tech.Boolean logical functionBoole functie
IT, tech.Boole's logical functionBoole-functie
IT, tech.Boole's logical functionBoole functie
IT, dat.proc.composite logical objectlogisch samengesteld object
ITcompound logical elementsamengesteld logisch element
IT, dat.proc.document logical rootlogische wortel van een document
IT, dat.proc.false logical valueNIET WAAR-Boole-waarde
ITFORTRAN IV logical capabilitieslogische capaciteit van FORTRAN IV
IT, dat.proc.generic logical structuregenerieke logische structuur
ITlogic conventionlogicaconventie
ITlogic diagramlogicaschema
IT, tech.logic elementkoppelend schakelelement
IT, dat.proc.logic faultprogrammafout
commun.logic systemverwerkingseenheid
IT, el.logic systemlogicasysteem
el.logic variableschakelvariabele
el.logic zeronulspanning
ITlogical 0logische 0
ITlogical 1logische 1
ITlogical addvereniging
ITlogical addunie
ITlogical addlogische som
ITlogical addOF-inclusief bewerking
ITlogical addOF-functie
ITlogical adddisjunctie
IT, tech.logical analyserlogische analysator
comp., MSlogical block addressingaddressering middels logische blokken (A method used with SCSI and IDE disk drives to translate the cylinder, head, and sector specifications of the drive into addresses that can be used by an enhanced BIOS. LBA is used with drives that are larger than 528MB)
el.logical channellogisch kanaal
commun.logical channel group numbergroepsnummer van het logisch kanaal
commun.logical channel numbernummer van het logisch kanaal
commun.logical channels for incoming calls onlylogische kanalen alleen voor binnenkomende oproepen
commun.logical channels for outgoing calls onlylogische kanalen alleen voor uitgaande oproepen
el.logical channels of GSMlogische kanalen van GSM
commun.logical circuitlogisch circuit
IT, tech.logical comparisonlogische vergelijking
IT, dat.proc.logical decisiongeprogrammeerde beslissing
el.logical delaylogische vertraging
IT, dat.proc.logical deletionlogische suppressie
IT, dat.proc.logical deletionlogisch wissen
IT, dat.proc.logical deletionlogisch schrappen
IT, dat.proc.logical-deletion characterverwijderteken
IT, dat.proc.logical-deletion characterlogisch wisteken
IT, dat.proc.logical-deletion symbolverwijderteken
IT, dat.proc.logical-deletion symbollogisch wisteken
ITlogical designlogisch ontwerp
comp., MSlogical devicelogisch apparaat (A volume that you create within an extended partition on a basic master boot record (MBR) disk. Logical drives are similar to primary partitions, except that you are limited to four primary partitions per disk, whereas you can create an unlimited number of logical drives per disk. A logical drive can be formatted and assigned a drive letter)
IT, dat.proc.logical diagramlogisch schema
IT, dat.proc.logical diagramlogicaschema
relig.logical differencelogisch verschil
comp., MSlogical drivelogisch station (A volume that you create within an extended partition on a basic master boot record (MBR) disk. Logical drives are similar to primary partitions, except that you are limited to four primary partitions per disk, whereas you can create an unlimited number of logical drives per disk. A logical drive can be formatted and assigned a drive letter)
work.fl., ITlogical elementlogische schakeling
IT, el.logical elementpoortschakeling
IT, el.logical elementschakelelement
ITlogical elementlogisch element
work.fl., ITlogical elementlogische symbolen
IT, el.logical elementlogische basisschakeling
el.logical end of medialogisch einde van media
IT, dat.proc.logical erasurelogisch wissen
IT, dat.proc.logical erasurelogische suppressie
IT, dat.proc.logical erasurelogisch schrappen
ITlogical expressionlogische uitdrukking
IT, dat.proc.logical fieldlogisch veld
ITlogical flow chartlogisch stroomschema
IT, mech.eng.logical flowchartlogisch stroomschema
IT, dat.proc.logical formulaBoole-formule
gen.logical frameworkprojectschema
commun.logical groupinglogische groep
ITlogical independencelogische onafhankelijkheid
ITlogical inference per secondlogische gevolgtrekkingen per seconde
IT, tech.logical inference per secondlogische inferentie per seconde
IT, dat.proc.logical instructionlogische instructie
IT, dat.proc.logical leading endfunctioneel begin
ITlogical linklogische verbinding
comp., MSlogical link control and adaptation protocolLogical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (A protocol used in personal wireless network applications that provides connection-oriented and connectionless data services to upper layer protocols with protocol multiplexing capability, segmentation and reassembly operation, and group abstractions)
IT, dat.proc.logical looplogische lus
comp., MSlogical networklogisch netwerk (A user-defined named grouping of IP subnets and virtual local area networks (VLANs) that is used to organize and simplify network assignments)
gen.logical objectlogisch object
IT, dat.proc.logical object classklasse van logische objecten
el.logical operationlogische operatie
el.logical operationlogische bewerking
comp.logical operatorlogische operator
work.fl., ITlogical operator lconnectief
work.fl., ITlogical operator llogische koppeling
comp., MSlogical operatorlogische operator (The and/or operator used when constructing a rule)
comp.logical operatoroperator van Boole
fin., ITlogical partylogische partij
IT, dat.proc.logical-physical conversionconversie van centrale geheugen naar de werkstations
comp., MSlogical printerlogische printer (The software interface between the operating system and the printer in Windows. While a printer is the device that does the actual printing, a logical printer is its software interface on the print server. This software interface determines how a print job is processed and how it is routed to its destination (to a local or network port, to a file, or to a remote print share). When you print a document, it is spooled (or stored) on the logical printer before it is sent to the printer itself)
dat.proc.logical productdoorsnede
gen.logical productintersectie
gen.logical productlogisch product
dat.proc.logical productEN-bewerking
dat.proc.logical productlogisch produkt
gen.logical productconjunctie
ITlogical protectionlogische bescherming
commun., tech.logical recordgegevensrecord
commun., tech.logical recordstuk
commun., tech.logical recorddocument
commun., tech.logical recordlogisch record
work.fl., ITlogical relationgeslachts-betrekking
work.fl., ITlogical relationgenerische betrekking
ITlogical representationlogische kennisrepresentatie
commun., ITlogical ring segmentlogisch ringsegment
commun., el.logical route 2logische route 2
commun.logical routelogisch circuit
commun., el.logical route 1logische route 1
ITlogical sequencelogische reeks
ITlogical sequencelogische volgorde
ITlogical sequencelogische rangschikking
comp., MSlogical serverlogische server (A representation of the run-time environment in which an application will deploy)
IT, tech.logical shiftlogische schuifbewerking
gen.logical signalling channellogisch signaleringskanaal
ITlogical structurelogische structuur
IT, dat.proc.logical structure editing processbewerkingsproces van logische structuren
gen.logical sumlogische som
gen.logical sumvereniging
gen.logical sumdisjunctie
med.logical thinkinglogisch denken
IT, dat.proc.logical to physical conversionconversie van centrale geheugen naar de werkstations
comp., MSlogical treelogische structuur (In Windows Presentation Foundation, the tree containing all the elements and content that are directly created by an application and used for a user interface element. For the specified element, the logical tree is not a strict subset of its visual tree, because elements derived from the Visual base class might contain elements that are not derived from the Visual class. For example, the elements might contain a String, a TextElement, or any other common language runtime object)
IT, dat.proc.logical-type fieldlogisch veld
ITlogical unitlogische eenheid
comp., MSlogical unit numberLogical Unit Number (A logical reference to a portion of a storage subsystem. For example, in a disk storage subsystem, a LUN can comprise a disk, a section of a disk, a whole disk array, or a section of a disk array in the subsystem)
IT, dat.proc.logical-value conversionconversie van een logische waarde
comp., MSLogical Volume Integrity Descriptorintegriteitsdescriptor voor logische volumes (A structure that is written any time the contents of the associated Logical Volume is modified)
el.one-way logical channellogische simplexverbinding
el.one-way logical channellogisch simplexkanaal
gen.sequential logical ordersequentiële logische volgorde
IT, dat.proc.specific logical structurespecifieke logische structuur
IT, dat.proc.true logical valueWAAR-Boole-waarde