
Terms containing library | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSAcademic LibraryAcademische bibliotheek (A site template that offers a protected document library for educational institutions where students can discover, acquire, and consume selected content that is subject to digital rights management)
commun.academic support librarybibliotheek met een Wetenschappelijke Steunfunctie
commun.academic support libraryWSF-bibliotheek
comp., MSAnimation Libraryanimatiebibliotheek (A library that developers can use in their applications throughout the new Windows user interface)
comp., MSApp Controller LibraryApp Controller-bibliotheek (A single logical representation of all library objects from registered clouds from VMM and Windows Azure)
comp., MSapplication library cachingopslag van toepassingsbibliotheek in cache (In Silverlight, a feature that enables applications to use external library assemblies retrieved from the server or from the local browser cache)
commun.arrangement of a librarybibliotheekinrichting
gen.Art Libraries AssociationVereniging Overleg Artotheken , 's-Gravenhage
ITbackup system libraryaanvullende systeembibliotheek
work.fl., commun.book mobile librarymobiele bibliotheek
gen.catalogue for public librariescatalogus voor openbare bibliotheken
med.cDNA libraryc-DNA-bibliotheek
IT, el.cell librarybibliotheek van aanpasbare standaardprodukten
el.cell librarybibliotheek van cellen
gen.Central Association of Public LibrariesCentrale Vereniging voor Openbare Bibliotheken
work.fl.Central Information, Documentation and Library DepartmentCentrale Directie Voorlichting,Documentatie en Bibliotheek
work.fl., commun.central librarycentrale bibliotheek
commun.central technical librarycentrale vakbibliotheek
work.fl.centralised special libraryzwaartepuntbibliotheek
econ.children's libraryjeugdbibliotheek
commun.circulating libraryleesclub
commun.circulating libraryleesbibliotheek
work.fl., commun.city librarystadsbibliotheek
med.clone libraryklonenbibliotheek
med.clone libraryklonenbank
comp., MScloud librarycloudbibliotheek (A grouping of read-only library shares that are assigned to a private cloud and a location where self-service users of a private cloud can store virtual machines or services)
gen.computerized resources for librariesgeïnformatiseerde hulpmiddelen voor bibliotheken
comp., MScontent libraryinhoudsbibliotheek (A data repository, in which items such as text, text boxes, pictures, tables, shapes, etc. can be stored and re-used within the same document and across multiple documents)
work.fl., commun.copyright librarywettelijk-depotbibliotheek
comp., MScross-domain librarybibliotheek tussen domeinen (A JavaScript library available in apps for SharePoint to allow cross-domain client-level communication)
comp., MScursor librarycursorbibliotheek (A part of the ODBC and DB-Library application programming interfaces (APIs) that implements client cursors)
comp., MSData Connection LibraryGegevensverbindingsbibliotheek (A document library, located on a site running Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, that contains a collection of universal data connection (.udcx) and Office data connection (.odc) files)
work.fl., commun.department libraryinstituutsbibliotheek
work.fl., commun.deposit librarydepotbibliotheek
commun., patents.depositary librarydepotbibliotheek
polit.Directorate for the Librarydirectoraat Bibliotheek
work.fl., commun.district libraryregionale bibliotheek
med., life.sc., industr.DNA librarygenenbibliotheek
med., life.sc., industr.DNA librarygenenbank
comp., MSdocument librarydocumentbibliotheek (A location on a SharePoint site where a collection of files and their associated metadata are stored)
econ.Documentation and Library BranchHoofdafdeling Documentaire Research en Informatievoorziening
gen.Documentation and Library DivisionAfdeling Documentatie
gen.Documentation, Internal Information and Library Section, Ministry of FinanceBureau Documentatie, interne informatie en bibliotheek
comp., MSdownload package for Windows Library for JavaScriptdownloadpakket voor Windows-bibliotheek voor JavaScript (The set of tools and APIs for JavaScript developers that is delivered in Visual Studio and downloadable from the web)
comp., MSDrop Off LibraryAfgiftebibliotheek (A SharePoint document library where users can upload files that are then routed automatically to the correct library or folder in the site based upon rules defined by the site administrator)
arts., ITDutch centre for library automationproject voor geïntegreerde catalogus-automatisering
commun.Dutch Centre for Public Libraries and LiteratureNederlands Bibliotheek-en Lektuur Centrum
arts.Dutch Centre for Public Libraries and LiteratureNederlands Bibliotheek en Lektuur Centrum
commun.Dutch Institute for libraries and InformationNederlands Instituut voor Bibliotheek en Informatievoorziening
comp., MSdynamic-link libraryDynamic-Link Library (An operating system feature that allows executable routines (generally serving a specific function or set of functions) to be stored separately as files with .dll extensions. These routines are loaded only when needed by the program that calls them)
comp., MSdynamic-link library fileDLL-bestand (A file that contains executable routines that an application can load on demand)
gen.Economic History Archives LibraryNederlands Economisch-Historisch Archief , Amsterdam
ITelectronic libraryelektronische bibliotheek
ITEurocell Library and InterfacesEurocellenbibliotheek en interfaces
gen.European Depositary LibraryEuropese depotbibliotheek
work.fl., ITEuropean digital libraryEuropese digitale bibliotheek
work.fl., IT, engl.European digital libraryEuropeana
work.fl., IT, engl.European digital library networkEuropeana
work.fl., ITEuropean digital library networkEuropese digitale bibliotheek
work.fl.European library areaEuropees bibliotheekterrein
work.fl.European library areaEuropees bibliotheekgebied
work.fl.European library programmeEurolib-programma
work.fl.European library programmeEuropese bibliotheek
gen.European Reference LibraryEuropese naslagbibliotheek
commun.ex-library copyafgeschreven bibliotheekboek
comp., MSExtras LibraryExtra's-bibliotheek (A renaming of the Vista Program Library experience that showcases and allows quick access to installed Media Center Extras)
commun.faculty libraryfaculteitsbibliotheek
gen.Federation of Organisations in the Library,Information and DocumentationFederatie van Organisaties op het gebied van Bibliotheek-,Informatie-en
ITfile librarybestandsbibliotheek
work.fl.film libraryfilmarchief
gen.Film Library Sub-divisionOnderafdeling Filmotheek
IT, dat.proc.font libraryfontcatalogus
IT, dat.proc.font librarytypotheek
comp., MSform libraryformulierbibliotheek (A folder in which a collection of forms based on the same template is stored and shared. Each form in a form library is associated with user-defined information that is displayed in the content listing for that library)
comp., MSForm Library URL Repair ToolURL-reparatiehulpmiddel voor formulierbibliotheken (A feature that updates absolute URLs in form templates associated with SharePoint Form Libraries (i.e., InfoPath XSNs) as well as Universal Data Connection files)
comp., MSform template libraryformuliersjabloonbibliotheek (The location, in the top-level site of a site collection, where the form templates that have been activated by an administrator are stored)
social.sc.game libraryspeelotheek
social.sc.game libraryspeel-o-theek
med., life.sc., industr.gene librarygenenbank
health., nat.sc.gene librarygen-bibliotheek
med., life.sc., industr.gene librarygenenbibliotheek
work.fl., commun.general libraryalgemene bibliotheek
health.genetic mapping librarybibliotheek van genetische kaarten
med.genomic librarygenbank
med.genomic librarygenomenbibliotheek
work.fl., commun.government libraryoverheidsbibliotheek
work.fl., commun.gramophone records libraryfonotheek
work.fl.Green Paper on the role of librariesGroenboek betreffende de rol van bibliotheken in de moderne samenleving
gen.Head, Information, Documentation and Library DivisionHoofd v.d. Afd. Voorlichting, Documentatie en Bibliotheek
work.fl., commun.High Level Expert Group on Digital LibrariesDeskundigengroep op hoog niveau voor digitale bibliotheken
health.hospital libraryziekenhuisbibliotheek
work.fl., commun.information libraryinformatiebibliotheek
ITinput/output libraryin/uitvoerbibliotheek
commun.inter-library lendingonderlinge uitleen tussen bibliotheken
commun.inter-library loanonderlinge uitleen tussen bibliotheken
environ.inter-library loan The service provided by one library in which a second library's clients are temporarily allowed to use books and other printed materials belonging to the first library; and consequently the system providing rules and infrastructure for this service to a group of librariesinterbibliothecair leenverkeer
environ.inter-library loanuitlening van een bibliotheek naar een andere
relig., commun.International Federation of Library Associations and InstitutionsInternationale Federatie van Bibliotheekverenigingen en -instellingen
IT, dat.proc.job librarykarweibibliotheek
IT, dat.proc.job librarybewerkingenbibliotheek
gen.language librarybibliotheek
work.fl., commun.learned libraryresearchbibliotheek
work.fl., commun.legal deposit librarywettelijk-depotbibliotheek
work.fl., EU.2. lei-hing libraryuitleenbibliotheek
patents.lending librariesuitleenbibliotheken
gen.lending librariesuitleen van boeken
gen.lending libraryuitleenbibliotheek (A library that allows users to borrow material for a specified period of time)
commun., industr., construct.lending library deskuitleenbalie
gen.Libraries Council ActWet op de Bibliotheekraad
commun.Libraries for the Visually Impaired FundFonds voor het Bibliotheekwerk voor Blinden en Slechtzienden
commun.Libraries for the Visually Impaired FundFonds Blindenbibliotheek
gen.Libraries Management CommitteeComité van beheer voor de bibliotheken
gen.Library and Country Information SectionBureau Bibliotheek en Landeninformatie
work.fl.Library and Documentation SchoolBibliotheek-en Dokumentatie-Akademie
ed.Library and Information Service Advisory CouncilRaad van Advies voor Bibliotheekwezen en Informatieverzorging
lab.law.library assistantbibliotheekbediende
commun.library associationvereniging van bibliothecarissen
commun.library bindingliefhebbersband
commun.library buildingbibliotheekgebouw
work.fl., ITlibrary classificationbibliotheek-classificatie
work.fl., ITlibrary classificationbibliothecarische classificatie
comp., MSlibrary databasebibliotheekdatabase (A collection of procedures and database objects that you can call from any application. In order to use the items in the library, you must first establish a reference from the current database to the library database)
commun.library directorbibliotheekdirecteur
ITlibrary diskbibliotheekschijf
gen.Library DivisionAfdeling Bibliotheek
gen.library extensionbibliotheek-uitbreidingswerk
comp., MSlibrary filebibliotheekbestand (In programming, a collection of routines stored in a file. Each set of instructions in a library has a name, and each performs a different task)
commun.library financebibliotheekfinanciën
cultur.library footagearchiefbeelden
commun., social.sc.library for the blindblindenbibliotheek
commun., social.sc.library for the blindblindenbiblioteek
work.fl.library holdingbibliotheekcollectie
gen.library instructionbibliotheekinstructie (Training in the use of libraries and library collections)
commun.library markboekstempel
commun.library networkbibliothekennetwerk
IT, el.library of building blocksbibliotheek van aanpasbare standaardprodukten
ITlibrary of cells on VLSI levelbibliotheek van complexe cellen
ITlibrary of complex cellsbibliotheek van complexe cellen
ITlibrary of primitive cellsbibliotheek van elementaire cellen
work.fl., ITlibrary of programsprogrammatuurbibliotheek
commun.library organizationbibliotheekorganisatie
gen.library programbibliotheekprogramma
IT, dat.proc.library programbibliotheek-zoekprogramma
IT, dat.proc.library programmebibliotheek-zoekprogramma
commun.library publicitybibliotheekpropaganda
commun.library rulesbibliotheekreglement
commun.library schoolbibliotheekschool
work.fl., commun.library sciencebibliotheekwetenschap
arts.library sciencebibliotheekbeheer
arts.library sciencebibliotheconomie
ed.Library Science DepartmentVakgroep Boek-en Bibliotheekkunde
gen.Library SectionBureau Bibliotheek
environ.library servicebibliotheekwetenschap
environ.library service The duties of an establishment, or a public institution, charged with the care and organizing of a collection of printed and other materials, and the duty of interpreting such materials to meet the informational, cultural, educational, recreational or research needs of its clientsbibliotheekdienst
environ.library servicebibliotheekdienst
gen.Library Service cataloguing - BrusselsDienst bibliotheek catalogisering - Brussel
work.fl., commun.library servicesbibliothecaire informatiehulpmiddelen
work.fl., commun.library servicesbibliothecaire informatiemiddelen
work.fl., commun.library servicesbibliothecaire dienstverlening
patents.library servicesbibliotheekdiensten
gen.library shelvesbibliotheekrekken
commun.library staffbibliotheekpersoneel
arts.library stampbibliotheekstempel
gen.Library Sub-divisionOnderafdeling Bibliotheek
IT, life.sc.library subroutinebibliotheek-subroutine
ITlibrary trackreferentiespoor
gen.local librarywijkbibliotheek
ITmacro librarymacro-bibliotheek
work.fl., commun.main librarycentrale bibliotheek
life.sc.map librarykaartenbibliotheek
commun.media libraryverzameling van nieuwe media
econ.media librarymediatheek
health.medical librarymedische bibliotheek
health.medical records libraryziekenregistratuur
transp.mobile librarybibliotheekautobus
ed., commun.mobile libraryrijdende bibliotheek
transp.mobile librarybibliotheekauto
ed., commun.mobile librarybibliobus
transp.mobile librarybibliotheekbus
work.fl., commun.mobile librarymobiele bibliotheek
gen.mobile library servicesmobiele bibliotheken
commun.modest pilot librarykleine geavanceerde bibliotheek
ITmodule librarymodulenbibliotheek
relig.monastery librarykloosterbibliotheek
commun.multigroup cross section librarymeergroepen doorsneebibliotheek
arts.municipal librarygemeentebibliotheek
work.fl., commun.municipal librarystadsbibliotheek
gen.National Advisory Committee for LibrariesRijkscommissie van advies inzake het Bibliotheekwezen
gen.National Advisory Committee for Public LibrariesRijksadviescommissie voor de Openbare Bibliotheken
commun.National Inter-library Lending Centrelandelijke bibliotheekcentrale
commun.National Inter-library Lending Centrelandelijke bibliotheek centrale
econ.national librarynationale bibliotheek
work.fl.National Library of the NetherlandsKoninklijke Bibliotheek
comp., MS.NET Framework class library.NET Framework-klassebibliotheek (A library of classes, interfaces, and value types that are included in .NET Framework. This library provides access to system functionality and is designed to be the foundation on which .NET Framework applications, components, and controls are built)
commun.Netherlands Libraries ServiceStichting Nederlandse
commun.Netherlands Libraries ServiceStichting Nederlandse Bibliotheek Dienst
gen.Netherlands Library for the BlindNederlandse blindenbibliotheek, Den Haag
work.fl.Netherlands Organization for Libraries and Information ServicesNederlands Bureau voor Bibliotheekwezen en Informatieverzorging
gen.non-denominational librarygemeenschappelijke bibliotheek
ITobject librarybibliotheek van werkprogramma's
comp., MSobject libraryobjectbibliotheek (A file that contains definitions of objects and their methods and properties)
ITon line tape librarymagneetbandbibliotheeksysteem
polit.On-site and Online Library Services Unitafdeling Fysieke en Digitale Bibliotheek
work.fl., commun.open access libraryopen-accessbibliotheek
work.fl., commun.open access libraryopen bibliotheek
relig., ed.open shelf libraryopen bibliotheek
health., life.sc., R&D.ordered clone librariesgeordende klonenbanken
health., nat.sc.ordered clone librarygeordende klonenbank
nat.sc.ordered clone library of human DNAgeorderde klonenbank van menselijk DNA
health., life.sc., R&D.overlapping clone librariesoverlappende klonenbanken
commun.parish libraryparochiebibliotheek
commun.parliamentary libraryparlementsbibliotheek
econ.parliamentary librarybibliotheek van het parlement
ed., ITpersonal electronic librarypersoonlijke elektronische bibliotheek
IT, dat.proc.phase libraryfasenbibliotheek
work.fl., commun.phonograph records libraryfonotheek
work.fl.photograph libraryfotoarchief
patents.photograph library searching serviceszoekdiensten voor fototheken
cultur.photographic libraryfototheek
commun., ITPlan of action aimed at library cooperation based on the application of new information technologiesActieprogramma met het oog op de samenwerking tussen bibliotheken op basis van de toepassing van nieuwe informatietechnologieën
arts.plan of action to promote interconnection between librariesactieplan voor de onderlinge verbinding van bibliotheken
comp., MSpreservation hold libraryopslagbibliotheek (A SharePoint document library in which content is stored after being deleted or modified so that it can be accessed for electronic discovery or other legal purposes)
law, commun.prison librarygevangenisbibliotheek
commun.private libraryparticuliere bibliotheek
arts.private libraryprivébibliotheek
ITproduction libraryproductie-bibliotheek
IT, tech.program libraryprogrammabibliotheek
commun.Provincial Library CentreProvinciale Bibliotheekcentrale
commun.Provincial Library CentreProvinciale Bibliotheek Centrale
lawPublic Libraries ActWet op het Openbaar Bibliotheekwerk
econ.public libraryopenbare bibliotheek
work.fl.public patent libraryopenbare octrooibibliotheek
cultur., transp.railway film libraryspoorfilmotheek
comp., MSread-only library sharebibliotheekshare met alleen-lezentoegang (A library share that is assigned to a private cloud and that is used to share resources to self-service users that deploy services to that private cloud)
gen.Recommendation concerning the international standardisation of library statisticsAanbeveling betreffende de internationale normalisering van op het bibliotheekwezen betrekking hebbende statistieken
econ.record librarydiscotheek
comp., MSRecorded TV LibraryBibliotheek met tv-opnamen (A Windows library that allows users to store, manage and share all their recorded TV items)
work.fl., commun.reference librarynaslagbibliotheek
work.fl., commun.regional libraryregionale bibliotheek
work.fl., commun.rental librarywinkelbibliotheek
comp., MSreport libraryrapportbibliotheek (A structured set of files (row worksheets, column worksheets and reporting trees) that are combined to create a financial report)
work.fl., commun.research libraryresearchbibliotheek
comp., MSresults libraryresultatenbibliotheek (A location on the local computer where Windows Assessment Console job results are stored)
work.fl., commun.scholarly libraryresearchbibliotheek
commun.school libraryschoolbibliotheek
econ.scientific librarywetenschappelijke bibliotheek
comp., MSshared librarygedeelde bibliotheek (A container for assumptions and metadata (dimensions, hierarchies, forms and reports, inter-model mappings, DTS packages that are used by PerformancePoint Server, and PerformancePoint Server data sources) that are global to any child model site of the root model site, or of a model site with which the library is associated. The assumptions and metadata of a shared library are for the exclusive consumption of these child models and are not available outside their immediate model family)
comp., MSSlide LibraryDiatheek (A folder where a collection of PowerPoint slides is shared)
cultur.slides librarydiatheek
cultur.slides librarydiateek
ITsoftware development librarysoftware-ontwikkelingsbibliotheek
ITsoftware libraryprogrammatheek
gen.sound recording libraries for the collection of oral traditionsaudiotheken voor het vastleggen van de mondelinge tradities
econ.sound recording libraryaudiotheek
work.fl.special librariesgespecialiseerd archief voor corporeledocumenten
work.fl., commun.special libraryspeciale bibliotheek
gen.specialised libraryvakbibliotheek
earth.sc.spectrum libraryspectrumbibliotheek
comp., MSstand-alone drive libraryzelfstandige mediawisselaar (A single-drive, non-automated unit, such as a tape drive or CD-ROM drive, that holds a single tape or disc. With this type of library, the user manually inserts a tape or disc into the drives)
IT, el.standard cell librarybibliotheek van aanpasbare standaardprodukten
ITstandard cell librarystandaardcellenbibliotheek
gen.State Public Libraries InspectorateRijksinspectie v.h. openbare bibliotheekwerk
work.fl., commun., mater.sc.storage librarydepot
work.fl., commun.storage librarybibliotheek met magazijnplaatsing
work.fl., commun.subscription librarywinkelbibliotheek
med.supercell librarysupercelbibliotheek
market., ITtape librarybandenbibliotheek
ITtape librarymagneetbandbibliotheek
ITtape librarybandotheek
market., ITtape librarybandenarchief
arts.tape librarycassettotheek
commun.technical libraryvakbibliotheek
commun.technical librarytechnische bibliotheek
commun., ITtelevision program librarytelevideotheek
commun., ITtelevision programme librarytelevideotheek
gen.the use of laboratories, scientific libraries, and other documentation centreshet gebruik van laboratoria, wetenschappelijke bibliotheken en andere documentatiecentra
econ.toy libraryspeel-o-theek
social.sc.toy libraryspeelotheek
transp.travelling librarybibliobus
transp.travelling librarybibliotheekautobus
transp.travelling librarybibliotheekauto
transp.travelling librarybibliotheekbus
work.fl., commun.travelling librarymobiele bibliotheek
law, relig.TREMA photo library -Thesaurus for Electronic Research on Artistic MattersTREMA-fototheek - Thesaurus voor Electronisch Speurwerk inzake Kunstwerken
IT, dat.proc.type libraryfontcatalogus
IT, dat.proc.type librarytypotheek
comp., MStype librarytypebibliotheek (A file (or component within another file) that contains Automation standard descriptions of exposed objects, properties, and methods)
work.fl., commun.universal libraryalgemene bibliotheek
arts.university libraryuniversiteitsbibliotheek
ITuser librarygebruikersbibliotheek
ed., ITvideo-libraryvideoteek
ed., ITvideo-libraryvideotheek
econ.video libraryvideotheek
gen.videotape libraryvideotheek
commun., ITvirtual libraryvirtuele library
econ.virtual libraryvirtuele bibliotheek
comp., MSWindows component libraryWindows-onderdelenbibliotheek (A library of components that have a version that can be independent from the major Windows version. The Windows Store manages the process of ensuring that the correct version of the Windows component library is present when the app is installed on a Windows 8 PC. These libraries, which include Windows Library for JavaScript, C Runtime Libraries (CRT), and PlayReady DRM, are essential to the creation of Windows Store apps)
comp., MSWindows libraryWindows-bibliotheek (A collection of items, such as files and folders, assembled from various locations. The locations might be on your computer, an external hard drive, removable media, or someone else's computer)
comp., MSWindows Library for JavaScriptWindows-bibliotheek voor JavaScript (A set of APIs that developers use to create UI for Windows by using JavaScript)
comp., MSWindows Media audio encoder libraryWindows Media-audiocoderingsbibliotheek (A static library of APIs that is used to convert audio data into a specified digital format for convenient storage, retrieval, and delivery over a network)
comp., MSWindows Runtime C++ Template LibraryWindows Runtime C++ Sjabloonbibliotheek (A library that provides infrastructure for the Windows Runtime; it can also be used to create a language projection to build Windows Runtime components in C++ and for app building)