
Terms for subject Microsoft containing kernel | all forms | exact matches only
kernel debuggerkernelfoutopsporingsprogramma (A debugging application that refines and debugs an operating system image. The kernel debugger works like an application debugger except that it is capable of debugging operating systems in addition to applications)
kernel exceptionkerneluitzondering (An exception that occurs while the operating system is executing internal code (in drivers, the kernel, etc))
kernel faultkernelfout (An exception that occurs while the operating system is executing internal code (in drivers, the kernel, etc))
kernel modekernelmodus (A highly privileged mode of operation where program code has direct access to all memory, including the address spaces of all user-mode processes and applications, and to hardware)
kernel-mode driverkernelmodusstuurprogramma (A driver for a logical, virtual, or physical device)
kernel mode exceptionkernelmodusuitzondering (An exception that occurs while the operating system is executing internal code (in drivers, the kernel, etc))
kernel profilingkernelprofilering (The process of analyzing kernel calls by recording all call times, including minimum, maximum, and average times)
kernel timekerneltijd (The approximate time spent executing in kernel mode during the execution of a user mode application. Includes time spent in disk I/O and waiting for synchronization events)