
Terms containing default | all forms | exact matches only
lawaction to have a judgment by default set asideverzetproces
lawaction to have a judgment by default set asideverzet
fin.credit default swapkredietverzuimswap
fin.credit default swap spreadspread voor een kredietverzuimswap
gen.credit default swap spreadCDS-spread
fin.cross-default clausecross-default clause
econ.cross-default clauseverzuimclausule
commun.default actionsstandaard akties
ITdefault attributesysteemgekozen attribuut
IT, dat.proc.default attributesstandaardweergavevorm
IT, dat.proc.default attributesstandaardopmaak
comp., MSdefault buttonstandaardknop (In some dialog boxes, the command button that is selected or highlighted when the dialog box is initially displayed. The default button has a bold border, indicating that it will be chosen automatically if you press ENTER. You can override a default button by clicking Cancel or another command button)
lawdefault by failure to demandverstek bij gebreke van conclusies
lawdefault by failure to pleadverstek bij gebreke van conclusies
comp., MSdefault control stylestandaardstijl van besturingselement (The default property setting of a control type. You customize a control type before you create two or more similar controls to avoid customizing each control individually)
comp., MSdefault data filestandaardgegevensbestand (The .pst data file used as the main delivery location for your e-mail messages)
lawdefault date for the payment of debtsuiterste datum voor de betaling van schulden
comp., MSDefault delimiterStandaard scheidingsteken (Field that specifies which character will be the default character used to separate data items when the data is being imported into Microsoft Dynamics CRM)
comp., MSdefault devicestandaardapparaat (The device that Lync and Communicator uses by default when the user places a call (either PBX telephone phone or computer through a VOIP connection))
comp., MSdefault documentstandaarddocument (The file that is sent by a Web server when it receives a request for a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that does not specify a file name. This document can be generated automatically by the server, or it can be a custom file that is placed in that directory by the administrator)
IT, dat.proc.default entitystandaard entiteit
IT, dat.proc.default entitydefault entiteit
fin.default eventgebeurtenis waardoor wanbetaling ontstaat
ITdefault facetstandaard
ITdefault facetstandaardwaarde
ITdefault facet"default"-facet
comp., MSdefault folderstandaardmap (A folder that exists by default in all users' mailboxes. The Inbox, Outbox, Sent Items, Deleted Items, Calendar, and Contacts folders are default folders)
comp., MSdefault fontstandaardlettertype (The font that a program uses by default to display text)
comp., MSdefault formstandaardformulier (" A form that is provided "out of the box" for any entity, or the form that a user sees when they view a record and have options to choose additional forms.")
IT, dat.proc.default formatstandaardopmaak
IT, dat.proc.default formatstandaardweergavevorm
IT, dat.proc.default format valuesstandaardweergavevorm
IT, dat.proc.default format valuesstandaardopmaak
fin.default fundwanbetalingsfonds
comp., MSdefault gatewaystandaardgateway (A configuration item for the TCP/IP protocol that is the IP address of a directly reachable IP router. Configuring a default gateway creates a default route in the IP routing table)
IT, dat.proc.default glossarystandaardglossarium
stat.default hierarchystandaardhiërarchie
comp., MSdefault home pagestandaardintroductiepagina (The file that is sent by a Web server when it receives a request for a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that does not specify a file name. This document can be generated automatically by the server, or it can be a custom file that is placed in that directory by the administrator)
comp., MSdefault hyperlinkstandaardhyperlink (In an image map, the hyperlink that site visitors follow when they click an area of the picture where there are no hot spots)
fin.default in paymentin gebreke blijven van debiteuren
law, fin.default interestnalatigheidsintrest
econ., fin.default interestmoratoire interest
law, fin.default interestmoratoriumrente
econ., fin.default interestmoratoire rente
econ., fin.default interestrente bij uitstel van betaling
law, fin.default interestrente wegens vertraagde overmaking
fin.default interestsachterstandsrente
fin.default interestsachterstallingheidsrente
fin.default interestsrente bij te late betaling
comp., MSdefault locationstandaardlocatie (Information that describes the current location of a computer. The location is entered manually in Default Location, and can be used by programs to determine the location of a computer when a location sensor is unavailable)
comp., MSDefault LocationStandaardlocatie (An area within the Windows Control Panel that allows the user to designate his home coordinates or address for location-aware functionalities)
comp., MSdefault namestandaardnaam (The name automatically assigned to an object by a program or process when the user does not specify an alternative)
comp., MSdefault networkstandaardnetwerk (In the Macintosh environment, the physical network on which the processes of a server reside as nodes and on which the server appears to users. The default network of the server must be one to which that server is attached. Only servers on AppleTalk Phase 2 internets have default networks)
commer.default of paymentwanbetaling
econ., market.default of the debtorniet-betaling door de schuldenaar
fin.default on paymentin gebreke blijven van debiteuren
industr.default optionstandaardwaarde
ITdefault optionsysteemgekozen optie
commun.default packagestandaardpakket
IT, dat.proc.default parameterssysteemgekozen waarden
IT, dat.proc.default parametersdefault-waarden
IT, dat.proc.default parametersvaste waarden
IT, dat.proc.default parametersstandaardwaarden
IT, dat.proc.default parameterswaarden bij verstek
IT, dat.proc.default parametersbij-verstek variabelen
IT, dat.proc.default pathstandaardpad
comp., MSdefault printerstandaardprinter (The printer to which a computer sends documents if you select the Print command without first specifying which printer you want to use with a program. You can have only one default printer; it should be the printer you use most often)
polit., lawdefault procedureverstekprocedure
polit., lawdefault procedurerechtspleging bij verstek
comp., MSdefault propertystandaardeigenschap (A property that you can set for a control so that each time a new control of that type is created, this property will have the same value)
ITdefault reasoningredenering bij verstek
comp., MSdefault reportstandaardrapport (A type of report that does not allow a user to modify the layout but that does allow a user to filter and sort the data in the report)
fin.default riskkredietrisico
fin.default riskdebiteurenrisico
comp., MSdefault rolestandaardrol (A setting associated with a particular user role. Users who are not assigned to an existing role are automatically assigned to the role that is specified as the default)
comp., MSdefault shapestandaardvorm (A virtual shape that contains default formatting properties for new shapes. Each presentation contains one default shape)
comp., MSdefault solutionstandaardoplossing (" A "catch-all" solution that contains a reference to all unprotected components.")
comp., MSdefault subnet maskstandaardsubnetmasker (A subnet mask that is used on an Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) class-based network. The subnet mask for Class A is The subnet mask for Class B is The subnet mask for Class C is
IT, dat.proc.default tab settingstandaard tabulatorinstelling
comp., MSdefault templatestandaardsjabloon (The boilerplate document used whenever you start a new document)
comp., MSdefault tilestandaardtegel (The tile that a developer defines in the manifest. It's the app tile before it receives its first update notification. It consists of just a logo as an image, plus an optional short name)
ITdefault time to sleep modeverstekwaarde inschakelvertraging slaapstand
commun.default to the assumption,toervan uitgaan dat
IT, dat.proc.default typestandaardtype
comp., MSdefault unitstandaardeenheid (The unit of measure used to display a value if no units of measure are explicitly specified)
comp., MSdefault userstandaardgebruiker (The profile that serves as a basis for all user profiles. Every user profile begins as a copy of the default user profile)
IT, dat.proc.default valuedefault-waarde
IT, dat.proc.default valuesysteemgekozen waarde
comp., MSdefault valuestandaardwaarde (A value that is automatically entered in a field or control when you add a new record. You can either accept the default value or override it by typing a value)
IT, mater.sc.default value signalverstekwaarde-signaal
fin.default waterfalltrapsgewijze in gebreke blijven
comp., MSdefault zonestandaardzone (The zone to which all Macintosh clients on the network are assigned by default)
commun.disable a default,toblokkeren
commun.enable a default,tomogelijk maken
commun.enable a default,toaktiveren
lawestablished deficiency or default on paymentvastgesteld gebrek of achterstallige betaling
fin.historical default ratehistorische wanbetalingsgraad
lawin default of evidencebij gebrek aan bewijzen
fin.index credit default swapindex-kredietverzuimswap
lawjudgment given in default of appearancebeslissing bij verstek
lawjudgment in default of appearancebij verstek gegeven beslissing
lawjudgments by default and applications to set them asidearresten bij verstek gewezen en verzet
fin.loss given default of the counterpartyverlies bij wanbetaling van de tegenpartij
comp., MSmanaged default folderbeheerde standaardmap (A mailbox folder (such as the Inbox folder) that appears in Office Outlook by default and to which messaging records management (MRM) has been applied. The retention and journaling of messages in managed default folders are controlled by managed content settings that are applied to the folder)
econ., fin.mutualised default fundonderling wanbetalingsfonds
fin.nth to default credit derivativesnth-to-default
lawobjection to a default judgementverweer
lawobjection to a default judgementverzet
lawobjection to a default judgementverzet tegen een bij verstek gewezen vonnis
transp., tech.permanent emission default modepermanente voorinstelling
lawrecord of default by courtverstek verlenen
IT, dat.proc.to reset default valuesnaar standaardwaarden terugkeren
IT, dat.proc.to return to default valuesnaar standaardwaarden terugkeren
fin.returned in the event of default of its counter-partyteruggekregen bij in gebreke blijven van tegenpartij
fin.single-name credit default swapsingle-name-kredietverzuimswap
fin.single-name credit default swapkredietverzuimswap met één referentie-entiteit
fin.sovereign credit default swapkredietverzuimswap op staatsschuld
gen.sovereign credit default swapCDS op staatsschuld
insur.supplier default coverdekking van het risico van insolventie van de leverancier