
Terms for subject Life sciences containing component | all forms | exact matches only
ageostrophic wind componentageostrofische wind
ageostrophic wind componentageostrofische windcomponent
climate componentsklimaatcomponenten
crosswind componentzijwind component
crosswind componentdwarswind component
diurnal componentenkeldaags partieel getij
gustiness componentvlaagfactor
gustiness componentvlaagkomponent
gustiness componentturbulente komponent van de windsnelheid
major componenthoofdbestanddeel
minor componentsecundair bestanddeel
the total beta activity component of falloutde totale bêta-neerslag
tidal componentcomponent
tidal componentpartieel getij
tidal componentgetijcomponent
turbulence componentvlaagkomponent
turbulence componentvlaagfactor
turbulence componentturbulente komponent van de windsnelheid