
Terms containing command control | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
CNCclosed-loop fixed command controlvaste-waarderegeling
CNCclosed-loop fixed command controlregelen met constante ingestelde waarde
meas.inst.closed-loop variable command controlregelen met veranderlijke ingestelde waarde
engl.command and controlcommand and control
gen.command and controlcommandovoering
gen.command and controlcommando en controle
gen."command and control" approach"voorschriften en toezicht"-aanpak
environ.command and control becoming a binding restrictiondirecte regulering als bindende beperking
environ.command and control becoming a binding restrictioncommand-and-control als bindende beperking
environ.command and control environmental regulationsbevel- en controle -milieuvoorschriften
el."command and control" measure"command-and-control"-maatregel
commun., ITcommand and control systemverkeersleidingssysteem
comp., MScommand bar controlbesturingselement op opdrachtbalk (A built-in or custom control on a menu bar, toolbar, menu, submenu, or shortcut menu. Custom controls you can add to command bars include buttons, edit boxes, drop-down list boxes, and pop-up controls, which display a menu or submenu)
commun.command controlafstandsbediening
gen.command, control and communicationraadpleging, bevelvoering en controle
gen.command, control and communicationcommando, controle en communicatie
comp., MScommand control blockCommand Control Block (A specifically formatted information set used in the IBM Token Ring environment that is transmitted from the application program to the adapter support software to request an operation)
tech.command, control, communications and informationcommando, controle, communicatie en informatie
tech.command, control, communications and informationC3I-systeem
tech.command, control, communications and intelligenceC3I-systeem
tech.command, control, communications and intelligencecommando, controle, communicatie en informatie
gen.Command, Control, Communications, Computers C4, Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance ISTARCommando, controle, communicatie, computers, inlichtingen, bewaking, doelopsporing en verkenning
gen.Command, Control, Communications, Computers C4, Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance ISTARCommand, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance
ITcommand control programcommandobesturingsprogramma
environ.command-and-control regulationregulering door command-and-control
environ.command-and-control regulationdirecte regulering
IT, engl.command-and-control servercommand-and-control server
gen.consultation, command and controlcommando, controle en communicatie
gen.consultation, command and controlraadpleging, bevelvoering en controle
CNCcontrol commandstuurinstructie
CNCcontrol commandregelbevel
IT, dat.proc.control commandsbedieningsopdrachten
transp., mil., grnd.forc.control-and-commandbesturing
gen.Defensive Command and Control Warfareverdediging tegen commandovoeringsbestrijding
ITdigital servo-command controldigitale besturing van servo-opdrachten
meas.inst.fixed command controlvaste-waarderegeling
gen.NATO Consultation, Command and Control BoardNAVO Raad Consultatie, Commando en Controle
CNC, meas.inst.variable command controlregelen met veranderlijke ingestelde waarde (closed loop)
gen.Work Group on Computerisation of Command and Control CentresWerkgroep Automatisering Meldkamers