
Terms for subject Chemistry containing coal | all forms | exact matches only
as-crushed coalvergruisde kool
chemical coal cleaningchemische koolverzuivering
cinder coalsintelkool
classification of coalssteenkolenklassificatie
classification of coalsklassificatie van steenkolen
coal ash content metergehaltemeter voor as in steenkool
coal bucketkolenmand
coal classificationsteenkolenklassificatie
coal classificationklassificatie van steenkolen
coal classification by sizesteenkolenklassificatie naar stukgrootte
coal discharge trestlelosplatform
coal feed chamberkolensluis
coal feed hopperkolenvultrechter
coal feed ratekolendoorzet
coal gasification plantkolenvergassingsinstallatie
coal gasification plantkolenvergasser
coal grabkolenmand
coal-loading apparatuskolenlaadinrichting
coal lockkolensluis
coal oilkoololie
coal samplingnemen van steenkoolmonsters
coal shedkolenloods
coal storage groundkolenopslagplaats
coal storage yardkolenopslagplaats
coal storekolenloods
coal storekolenopslagplaats
coal tarkoolteer
coal tarsteenkolenteer
coal tar colorantkoolteerkleurstof
coal-tar coloursteerverfstoffen
coal-tar creosote solutioncreosootolie
coal-tar dyesteerverfstoffen
coal-tar emulsionteeremulsie
coal-tar enamelkoolteeremaille
coal tar epoxy paintepoxy-teer-verf
coal tar epoxy paintepoxi-teerverf
coal tar varnishkoolteerlak
coal tar-epoxy coatingteer-epoxyharsverf
coal tar-urethane coatingkoolteer-polyurethaanverf
coal valvekolenvuller
cold-applied coal-tar paintskoud verwerkbare teerverf
dry ash-free coalas-en watervrije kool
dust coalpoederkool
fluidised bed of coalgefluïdiseerd bed van steenkool
fluidised bed of coalgefluïdiseerd bed
grading of coalsortering van steenkool
high temperature coal tarhoge-temperatuur-steenkoolteer
high temperature coal tar, pitchpek, koolteer hoge temperatuur
large coalstukkolen
low swelling coallicht zwellende kool
low temperature coal tarlage-temperatuur-steenkoolteer
low temperature distillation of coalvan steenkolen
low temperature distillation of coaldistillatie van Lage-temperatuur
lump coalruwe fijnkolen
lump coalongewassen fijnkolen
moisture and ash-free coalas-en watervrije kool
producer coalgeneratorkool
proportioning coal mixturesmengen van kolen
pulverised coalpoederkool
pure coal substanceas-en watervrije kool
rough small coalruwe fijnkolen
rough small coalongewassen fijnkolen
saving of coalkolenbesparing
swelling coalzwellende kool
type of coalsteenkoolsoort
unscreened small coalongewassen fijnkolen
unscreened small coalruwe fijnkolen
upgrading of coalsteenkoolveredeling
upgrading of coalkolenveredeling
washed small coalgewassen fijnkolen