
Terms for subject Environment containing coal | all forms | exact matches only
bituminous mixtures, coal tar and tarred productsasfalt,teer en teerprodukten
black coal A natural black graphitelike material used as a fuel, formed from fossilized plants and consisting of amorphous carbon with various organic and some inorganic compoundssteenkool
black coalsteenkool
clean coalschone steenkool
coal-based energyop steenkool gebaseerde energie
coal-based energysteenkoolenergie
coal-based energy Power generated by the steam raised by burning coal in fire-tube or water-tube boilerssteenkoolenergie
coal-fired power plantsteenkoolcentrale
coal-fired power plant Power plant which is fuelled by coalsteenkoolcentrale
coal fly ashkoolvliegas
coal gasificationsteenkoolvergassing
coal gasification Process of conversion of coal to a gaseous product which is used as fuel in electric power stationssteenkoolvergassing
coal industry Industry related with the technical and mechanical activity of removing coal from the earth and preparing it for marketsteenkoolindustrie
coal liquefactionsteenkooliquefactie
coal liquefaction The process of preparing a liquid mixture of hydrocarbons by destructive distillation of coalsteenkooliquefactie
coal liquefactionsteenkool-/kolenliquefactie
coal minewater dischargelozing van koolmijnenwater
coal miningkolenmijnbouw
coal miningsteenkoolmijnbouw
coal mining The technical and mechanical job of removing coal from the earth and preparing it for marketsteenkoolmijnbouw
coal refininghet raffineren van kolen
coal refininghet raffineren/zuiveren van kolen
coal refining The processing of coal to remove impuritieshet raffineren van kolen
coal slurry transporttransport van in water gesuspendeerde kool
coal technologykolentechnologie
coal technology The processing of coal to make gaseous and liquid fuelskolentechnologie
waste from the pyrolytic treatment of coalafval van de pyrolytische behandeling van kool
Wastes from petroleum refining, natural gas purification and pyrolytic treatment of coalAfval van petroleumraffinage, aardgaszuivering en de pyrolytische behandeling van kool
wastes from petroleum refining, natural gas purification and pyrolytic treatment of coalafval van petroleumraffinage,aardgaszuivering en de pyrolytische behandeling van kool
wastes from the pyrolytic treatment of coalafval van de pyrolytische behandeling van kool
wood coalbruinkool