
Terms for subject Microsoft containing chart | all forms | exact matches only
area chartvlakdiagram (A type of chart that displays the trend of values over time or categories. By displaying the sum of the plotted values, an area chart also shows the relationship of parts to a whole)
bar chartstaafdiagram (A graph that uses horizontal bars to illustrate comparisons among individual data items)
bar of pie chartstaaf-van-cirkeldiagram (A pie chart with user-defined values extracted and combined into a stacked bar)
bubble chartbellendiagram (A variation on a scatter chart in which the data points are replaced with bubbles, and three values are compared instead of two. The third value determines the size of the bubble marker)
chart areagrafiekgebied (The entire chart and all its elements)
chart data regiondiagramgegevensregio (A report item on a report layout that displays data in a graphical format)
chart effect optionoptie voor grafiekeffect (An animation enhancement that lets you apply effects to a chart by series, category, or element in a series or category)
chart elementgrafiekelement (One of the distinct pieces that make up a chart, such as a title, axis, legend, trendline, or error bar)
chart of accountsrekeningschema (An account structure whose valid value combinations are constrained by integrity constraints and account rules)
chart sheetgrafiekblad (A sheet in a workbook that contains only a chart)
chart slidegrafiekdia (A slide in PowerPoint containing a chart)
chart stylegrafiekstijl (A predefined style that users can apply to their chart and that is optimized for the chart type)
Chart Web PartWebonderdeel Grafiek (A Web Part that implements Web chart controls to visually display information in a variety of chart types in SharePoint)
clustered bar chartgegroepeerd staafdiagram (A bar chart subtype that compares values across categories)
clustered column chartgegroepeerd kolomdiagram (A column chart subtype that compares values across categories. The categories are organized horizontally, and values vertically, to emphasize variation over time)
column chartkolomdiagram (A graph that uses vertical bars to show data changes over a period of time or illustrate comparisons among items)
combination chartcombinatiegrafiek (A chart that uses two or more chart types to emphasize that the chart contains different kinds of information)
cone chartkegeldiagram (A variation on a column chart that uses cone shapes instead of rectangular columns)
contour chartcontourdiagram (A surface chart subtype that provides a view of the surface chart from above, with colors representing specific ranges of values)
Control chartControlediagram (A chart that displays additional information about a graph in terms of the following control lines: Average, Upper limit (calculated based on natural process deviation and six sigma technique), and Lower limit (calculated based on natural process deviation and six sigma technique))
cycle chartcyclusgrafiek (A chart that surfaces cyclical patterns in data by comparing the performance for certain time periods, such as days of the week or months, over time)
cylinder chartcilinderdiagram (A variation on a column chart that uses cylinder shapes instead of rectangular columns)
3-D column chart3D-kolomdiagram (A column chart subtype that compares data points along two axes)
doughnut chartringdiagram (A chart that displays data in rings, where each ring represents a data series)
embedded chartingesloten grafiek (A chart that is placed on a worksheet rather than on a separate chart sheet. Embedded charts are beneficial when you want to view or print a chart or a PivotChart report with its source data or other information in a worksheet)
exploded doughnut chartringdiagram met uitgelichte segmenten (" A doughnut chart that displays the contribution of each value to a total while emphasizing individual values, by showing each slice of the doughnut as "pulled out," or separate, from the whole.")
exploded pie chartcirkeldiagram met uitgelichte segmenten (" A pie chart that displays the contribution of each value to a total while emphasizing individual values, by showing each slice of the pie as "pulled out," or separate, from the whole.")
floating column chartzwevend kolomdiagram (A stacked column chart that creates the effect of floating columns by making the first data series invisible. The result is a chart that depicts mininum and maximum values)
Gantt chartGantt-diagram (A type of bar chart that typically shows the timing of tasks or activities as they occur over time)
horizontal cone charthorizontaal kegeldiagram (A variation on a bar chart that uses cone shapes instead of horizontal rectangles)
horizontal cylinder charthorizontaal cilinderdiagram (A variation on a bar chart that uses cylinder shapes instead of horizontal rectangles)
horizontal pyramid charthorizontaal piramidediagram (A variation on a bar chart that uses pyramid shapes instead of horizontal rectangles)
line chartlijndiagram (A chart that shows trends in data at equal intervals, with values from one or more sets of data connected by lines)
org chartorganigram (A diagram that is used to show hierarchical relationships; for example, company management and employee structures)
organization chartorganigram (A diagram that is used to show hierarchical relationships; for example, company management and employee structures)
Organization ChartOrganigram (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show hierarchical information or reporting relationships in an organization. The assistant shape and the Org Chart hanging layouts are available with this layout)
Organization Chart Add-in for Microsoft® Office programsInvoegtoepassing Organigram voor Microsoft® Office-programma's (Microsoft supplemental software that enables users to create and edit organization charts in Microsoft Office programs)
organizational chartorganigram (A diagram that is used to show hierarchical relationships; for example, company management and employee structures)
PERT chartPERT-diagram (A project optimization tool that enables scheduling and tracking of tasks, goal setting, and timelines)
pie chartcirkeldiagram (A round chart that shows the size of items in a single data series, proportional to the sum of the items)
pie of pie chartcirkel-van-cirkeldiagram (A pie chart with user-defined values extracted and combined into a second pie)
Program Evaluation and Review Technique chartProgram Evaluation and Review Technique-diagram (A project optimization tool that enables scheduling and tracking of tasks, goal setting, and timelines)
pyramid chartpiramidediagram (A variation on a column chart that uses pyramid shapes instead of rectangular columns)
radar chartradardiagram (A type of chart that compares the aggregate values of a number of data series)
Recommended ChartsAanbevolen grafieken (A feature that presents the user with recommended charts that can be used to display the data provided)
scatter chartspreidingsdiagram (A chart that plots numerical data along two value axes (x,y))
Seating ChartDeelnemers (A color-coded representation of the participants at a meeting and their statuses)
Seating Chart panelpaneel Deelnemers (The Live Meeting console element that displays the Seating Chart for a Live Meeting session)
100% stacked bar chart100% gestapeld staafdiagram (A bar chart subtype that compares the percentage that each value contributes to a total across categories)
100% stacked column chart100% gestapeld kolomdiagram (A column chart subtype that compares the percentage that each value contributes to a total across categories)
surface chartoppervlakdiagram (A chart that shows a three dimensional surface that connects a set of data points. As in a topographic map, colors and patterns indicate areas that are in the same range of values)
trend analysis chartdiagram voor trendanalyse (A chart that shows the projected trend for a KPI based on analysis of previous data)
trend charttrendgrafiek (A chart that shows the change in data over time)
wireframe contour chartcontourdraadmodeldiagram (A contour chart displayed without color)
xy chartspreidingsdiagram (A chart that plots numerical data along two value axes (x,y))