
Terms for subject Transport containing cell | all forms | exact matches only
accumulator cell boxaccumulatorbak
accumulator cell boxaccubak
aluminium cell structurealuminium honingraat
bladder-type cellzaktank
cell densityceldichtheid
cell pressureceldruk
cells of a container shipcellen
closed-cell type plasticgeslotencellig schuimplastic
closed-cell type plasticgeslotencellig kunststofschuim
direct cold hydrogen celldirect koude waterstofcel
direct cold hydrogen celldirecte koude waterstofcel
direct hydrogen-oxygen celldirecte waterstof-zuurstofcel
direct methanol-air celldirecte methanol-luchtcel
European Aviation Crisis Coordination CellEuropees crisiscoördinatiecentrum voor de luchtvaart
Faraday cellfaradaycel
femur load cell simulatorfemur-meetcelsimulator
fuel cell backing boardsteunelement van de brandstofcel
fuel cell driven electrical vehicledoor brandstofcellen aangedreven elektrisch voertuig
fuel cell driven electrical vehiclebrandstofcelauto
fuel cell fastener retainerbrandstofcelbevestigingsklem
fuel cell lining sheetbrandstofcelbekleding
fuel cell powered electric vehiclebrandstofcelauto
fuel cell-powered electric vehicledoor brandstofcellen aangedreven elektrisch voertuig
fuel cell-powered electric vehiclebrandstofcelauto
fuel cell vehiclebrandstofcelauto
fused electrolyte cellgesmolten electrolyt cel
high-temperature solid electrolyte cellhoge temperatuurcel met vaste electrolyt
H2-O2 cellH2-O2-brandstofcel
HT/LT cellhoogspanningsruimte/laagspanningsruimte
HT/LT cellHS/LS-cel
hydrazine cellhydrazinecel
hydrazine-air cellhydrazine-luchtcel
hydrocarbon / acid electrolyte cellkoolwaterstofcel met zure elektrolyt
hydrocarbon/acid electrolyte cellkoolwaterstofcel me t zure elektrolyt
low-temperature acid electrolyte celllage temperatuurcel met zure elektrolyt
low-temperature acid electrolyte celllage temperatuurcel me t zure elektrolyt
low-temperature celllage temperatuur-cel
low-temperature celllage temperatuurbrandstofcel
low-temperature celllage temperatuurcel
low-temperature celllage temperatuur -brandstofcel
medium temperature cellgemiddelde temperatuurcel
methanol / acid electrolyte cellmethanolcel met zure elektrolyt
methanol cellmethanolcel
methanol/acid electrolyte cellmethanolcel met zure elektrolyt
output signal of the photoelectric cellelectrische
redox cellredoxcel
regenerative cellherlaadbare cel
wing cellvleugelmiddenstuk