
Terms containing aft | all forms | exact matches only
commun., transp.absolute fore and aft tiltabsolute inclinatie
transp., nautic.aft accommodationachterlogies
transp.aft bulkheadachterste schot
transp., mater.sc.aft center of gravity limitachterste centreringsgrens
transp., mater.sc.aft centre of gravity limitachterste centreringsgrens
transp., mater.sc.aft CG limitachterste centreringsgrens
transp., mech.eng.aft crossbraceachterste dwarsbalk
mech.eng.aft fanaft fan
mech.eng.aft fanmotor met tunnelschroef aan achterzijde
astronaut., transp.aft loadbelasting achteraan
transp., nautic., fish.farm.aft-peak bulkheadpakkingbusschot
transp., nautic., fish.farm.aft-peak bulkheadachterpiekschot
transp., mater.sc.aft skirtachterscherm
earth.sc., transp.fore and aft balancinguitbalancering van de massakrachten in langsrichting
transp., nautic.fore and aft beamschaarbalk
transp., nautic.fore and aft bridge,connecting bridgeloopbrug
transp.fore and aft cyclic control supporthoogtebesturingsteun
transp.fore and aft directionlangsscheeps
meas.inst.fore and aft levellongitudinale hellingsmeter
transp.fore and aft mooringhet onderdalen
mech.eng.fore-and-aft cyclic pitchlongitudinale cyclische bladverstelling
earth.sc., environ.fore-and-aft vibrationtrilling volgens de dwarsas x
agric.rake aftachterwaartse valling
transp.rubbing bands aftschenen aan het achterschip