
Terms containing accrual accounting | all forms | in specified order only
econ., account.accounting on an accruals basistoerekeningsbeginsel
account.accrual accountingbaten-lastenadministratie
comp., MSaccrual accountingperiodetoerekeningsboekhouding (An accounting method that recognizes revenues when they are earned and expenses when they are incurred, regardless of when they are received or paid)
econ., account.accrual accountingboekhouding op transactiebasis
comp., MSaccrual basis accountingperiodetoerekeningsmethode (An accounting method that recognizes revenues when they are earned and expenses when they are incurred, regardless of when they are received or paid)
econ., account.accrual basis accountingtoerekeningsbeginsel
account.accrual-based accountingbaten-lastenadministratie
econ.accrual-based accountingperiodetoerekening per begrotingsjaar
econ.accrual-based accountingboekhouding op transactiebasis
econ.accruals-based accountingperiodetoerekening per begrotingsjaar