
Terms containing about | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSAbout Microsoft Office CommunicatorOver Microsoft Office Communicator (An item on the Help menu that opens the About dialog box, which includes the copyright, licensing, and license terms for Communicator)
transp., mech.eng.about the axisrond de as
commun.about the frequencyrond de frequentie
transp.axis about which the carriageway is pivoteddraaiingsas van de weg
mech.eng., construct.bearing allowing rotation about a vertical axiskoningsstijl
mech.eng., construct.bearing allowing rotation about a vertical axiskoningsspil
gen.to bring about an adjustment of tariff agreements in force with third countriesgeldende tariefakkoorden met derde landen aanpassen
commer.complaint about maladministrationklacht betreffende wanbeheer
commun., ITcomplaint about the total accountklacht over de totale rekening
hobby, transp.drift aboutronddrijven
hobby, transp.drift aboutronddobberen
fin.enquiries about operations financed by the Fundonderzoek betreffende door het Fonds gefinancierde projecten
hobby, transp.float aboutronddobberen
hobby, transp.float aboutronddrijven
lawto give evidence about somethingeen verklaring afleggen
lawto give evidence about somethinggetuigenis van iets afleggen
transp.to go aboutdraaien
transp., nautic.to go aboutverlageren
transp., nautic.to go aboutafvallen
hobby, transp., nautic.to go aboutoverstag gaan
transp., nautic.going abouthet verlageren
agric.hoeing round about the plantsrondom schoffelen
agric.hoeing round about the plantsrondom hakken
polit., lawindication of the facts about which the witness is to be examinedfeiten waarover de getuigen zullen worden gehoord
gen.information about telecommunicationinlichtingen op het gebied van telecommunicatie
patents.information about telecommunicationsinlichtingen op het gebied van telecommunicatie
gen.information about undertakings or their cost componentsde inlichtingen betreffende de ondernemingen en de bestanddelen van hun kostprijzen
lawit is in the State in which the company or association has its seat that information about the company of association will have been notified and made publicopenbaarmakingsformaliteiten van de vennootschapsaangelegenheden
lawjudgement about to be delivered in the mattergeschil in staat van wijzen
health.knowledge about substance usekennis over het gebruik van bepaalde middelen
health.knowledge about substance usekennis over drugsgebruik
agric., construct.loose housing and covered yards enable the animals to move about freelyin de loopstal of open loopstal kunnen de dieren zich onbelemmerd bewegen
stat., scient.moment about the meangecentreerd moment
el.moment of inertia about one axistraagheidsmoment om een as
transp., tech.neck bending moment about the axis ynekbuigmoment om de y-as
coal.only about 7 % of all coal faces are worked on retreatslechts 7 % van alle pijlers wordt in terugwaartse richting ontgonnen
commun., transp.pitch about lateral axisstampen rond dwarsas
hobby, transp.ready aboutklaar om te wenden
hobby, transp.ready aboutklaar om overstag te gaan
health.regular broadcasts by health organisations about epidemic diseasesepidemiologische bulletins
health.regular broadcasts by health organizations about epidemic diseasesepidemiologische bulletins
lawreport of investigation about liabilityschuldvraagbeoordelingsrapport
el.rotation about the boresightrotatie om de richtas
el.rotational symmetry about the focalrotatiesymmetrie om de brandpuntas heen
math.sum of squares about the meansquariance
commun.talk-about servicebabbellijn
commun.talk-about servicepraatlijn
commun.talk-about servicebabbelbox
construct.to fly aboutstuiven (dust)
transp.train about to departtrein die vertrekklaar is
transp.turn aboutrond-torn
transp.to turn about owing to the streamrondvallen door de stroom
transp.to turn about owing to the streamrondslaan
transp.to turn about owing to the streamrondvallen
transp.to turn about owing to the streamrondgaan
agric.turn-about ploughwentelploeg
commun.turn-about timeomlooptijd
commun.turn-about timeturnaround-tijd