
Terms containing Persistent | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a serious and persistent breachernstige en voortdurende schending
gen.1998 Aarhus Protocol on Persistent Organic PollutantsProtocol inzake persistente organische verontreinigende stoffen POP's
gen.1998 Aarhus Protocol on Persistent Organic PollutantsProtocol van Aarhus
environ.1998 Aarhus Protocol on Persistent Organic PollutantsProtocol inzake persistente organische verontreinigende stoffen bij het Verdrag van 1979 betreffende grensoverschrijdende luchtverontreiniging over lange afstand
environ.1998 Aarhus Protocol on Persistent Organic PollutantsProtocol bij het Verdrag van 1979 betreffende grensoverschrijdende luchtverontreiniging over lange afstand, inzake persistente organische verontreinigende stoffen
gen.1998 Aarhus Protocol on Persistent Organic PollutantsPOP-protocol
insur.civil liability convention for pollution damage from persistent oilsverdrag inzake burgerrechtelijke aansprakelijkheid voor olieverontreiniging
environ.drought-persistent plantxerofyt
environ.drought-persistent plantxerofiele plant
econ.fundamental and persistent disturbancesfundamentele en duurzame moeilijkheden
environ.non-persistent insecticide of the phosphorated organic typeniet persistent insekticide van de groep van organische fosforverbindingen
ITnon-persistent unslotted CSMAnon-persistent unslotted carrier sense multiple access
gen.p-persistent carrier sense multiple accessp-persistent CSMA-CD-methode
gen.p-persistent CSMAp-persistent CSMA-CD-methode
chem.persistent, bioaccumulative and toxicpersistent, bioaccumulerend en toxisch
fin.persistent budgetary slippageaanhoudende budgettaire ontsporing
commun., IT1-persistent carrier sense multiple access1-persistent carrier sense multiple acces
commun., IT1-persistent carrier sense multiple accesspersistent carrier sense multiple acces
commun., ITpersistent carrier sense multiple access1-persistent carrier sense multiple acces
commun., ITpersistent carrier sense multiple accesspersistent CSMA
commun., ITpersistent carrier sense multiple access1-persistent CSMA
commun., IT1-persistent carrier sense multiple accesspersistent CSMA
commun., IT1-persistent carrier sense multiple access1-persistent CSMA
commun., ITpersistent carrier sense multiple accesspersistent carrier sense multiple acces
comp., MSpersistent chatpermanente chat (A type of chat in which messages are posted to a chat room where they can be viewed and responded to in real time by multiple participants. Users can search for other rooms by name, member/owner, keywords, and content across groups from Lync)
med.persistent cloacacongenitale cloaca
commun.persistent commandcontinu commando
comp., MSpersistent cookiepermanente cookie (A cookie that remains on the user's computer between browser sessions; a cookie with an expiration time independent of when the browser is closed)
med.persistent corneal involvementhardnekkige hoornvliesaandoening
commun., IT1-persistent CSMApersistent CSMA
commun., IT1-persistent CSMA1-persistent CSMA
commun., IT1-persistent CSMApersistent carrier sense multiple acces
commun., IT1-persistent CSMA1-persistent carrier sense multiple acces
el.persistent currentpermanente stroom
med.persistent fevercontinua (continua, febris continua)
med.persistent feverfebris continua (continua, febris continua)
med.persistent filariaAcanthocheilonema perstans
comp., MSpersistent file handlepersistente bestandsingang (A file handle that has a persistent value for the lifetime of the file system object to which it refers)
med.persistent generalized lymphadenopathypersisterende gegeneraliseerde lymfadenopathie
med.persistent hepatitischronische persisterende hepatitis
energ.ind., chem.persistent hydrocarbonpersistente koolwaterstof
commun., el.persistent indicationduurmelding
commun., el.persistent indicationblijvende melding
commun.persistent informationpermanente informatie
chem.persistent insecticidepersistent insekticide
environ.persistent insecticide of the chlorinated organic typepersistende insekticide van de groep gechloreerde organische verbindingen
industr., construct., chem.persistent materialduurzaam materiaal
industr., construct., chem.persistent materialbestendig materiaal
med.persistent modificationblijvende modificatie
comp., MSpersistent objectpermanent object (A COM object that adheres to standards through which clients can request objects to be initialized, loaded, and saved to and from a data store, such as a flat file, structured storage, or memory)
environ.persistent organic pollutantpersistente organische verontreinigende stof
environ.persistent organic pollutantniet goed afbreekbare organisch verontreinigende stoffen (Organic pollutants that do not break down chemically and remain in the environment. Pollutants with higher persistence may produce more harmful environmental effects)
environ.persistent organic pollutantpersistente organische stof
environ., chem.Persistent Organic Pollutants Review CommitteeToetsingscommissie persistente organische verontreinigende stoffen
chem.persistent organic toxic substancepersistente toxische organische stof
chem.persistent organochloride compoundspersistente organische chloorverbinding
health., agric., chem.persistent organo-chlorine compoundpersistente organische chloorverbinding
environ., engl.persistent pesticidepersistent pesticide
med.persistent pupillary membranemembrana pupillaris
commun.persistent regulating commanddoorloopcommando
comp., MSpersistent reservationpermanente reservering (A reservation placed on a disk by Failover Clustering to prevent computers other than the appropriate cluster member from accessing the disk)
med.persistent slight hyperactivityhypomanie
gen.persistent slight hyperactivitylichte vorm van ziekelijke aandrift
stat.persistent statepositief terugkerende toestand
math.persistent statepersistente toestand
environ.persistent substancepersistente stof
environ.persistent synthetic substancepersistente synthetische stof
health.persistent vegetative statepersisterende vegetatieve status
environ.Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants POPsProtocol bij het Verdrag van 1979 betreffende grensoverschrijdende luchtverontreiniging over lange afstand, inzake persistente organische verontreinigende stoffen
environ.Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants POPsProtocol inzake persistente organische verontreinigende stoffen bij het Verdrag van 1979 betreffende grensoverschrijdende luchtverontreiniging over lange afstand
gen.Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants POPsProtocol van Aarhus
gen.Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants POPsProtocol inzake persistente organische verontreinigende stoffen POP's
gen.Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants POPsPOP-protocol
environ.Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution on Persistent Organic PollutantsProtocol bij het Verdrag van 1979 betreffende grensoverschrijdende luchtverontreiniging over lange afstand, inzake persistente organische verontreinigende stoffen
environ.Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution on Persistent Organic PollutantsProtocol inzake persistente organische verontreinigende stoffen bij het Verdrag van 1979 betreffende grensoverschrijdende luchtverontreiniging over lange afstand
gen.Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution on Persistent Organic PollutantsPOP-protocol
gen.Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution on Persistent Organic PollutantsProtocol inzake persistente organische verontreinigende stoffen POP's
gen.Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution on Persistent Organic PollutantsProtocol van Aarhus
ITslotted non-persistent carrier sense multiple accessslotted non-persistent carrier sense multiple access
ITslotted non-persistent carrier sense multiple accessslotted non-persistent CSMA
ITslotted non-persistent carrier sense multiple accessniet-persistent carrier sense multiple access met slots
ITslotted non-persistent CSMAslotted non-persistent CSMA
ITslotted non-persistent CSMAslotted non-persistent carrier sense multiple access
ITslotted non-persistent CSMAniet-persistent carrier sense multiple access met slots
environ., chem.Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic PollutantsVerdrag van Stockholm inzake persistente organische verontreinigende stoffen
environ., chem.very persistent and very bioaccumulativezeer persistent en sterk bioaccumulerend
environ., chem.very persistent and very bioaccumulativezeer persistent en zeer bioaccumulerend
environ., chem.very persistent and very bioaccumulativeVPVB-stoffen