
Terms for subject General containing People | all forms | exact matches only
advice centre for disadvantaged young peopleJongeren-adviescentrum
Advisory Committee on the transitional product-specific safeguard mechanism for imports originating in the People's Republic of ChinaRaadgevend Comité inzake het productspecifiek vrijwaringsmechanisme in de overgangsperiode voor producten uit de Volksrepubliek China
Afrikaner People's FrontAfrikaans Volksfront
Agreement between the European Economic Community and the People's Republic of Bangladesh on trade in jute productsOvereenkomst tussen de Europese Economische Gemeenschap en de Volksrepubliek Bangladesh betreffende de handel in juteproducten
Agreement on economic and technological cooperation between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the People's Republic of ChinaOvereenkomst inzake economische en technologische samenwerking tussen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en de Volksrepubliek China
Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation between the European Economic Community and the People's Republic of ChinaOvereenkomst inzake commerciële en economische samenwerking tussen de Europese Economische Gemeenschap en de Volksrepubliek China
an association for single people in relationships which do not involve marriageStichting Los-Vast , Oude-Empel
Aruban People's PartyArubaanse Volkspartij
Austrian People's PartyVolkspartij
Austrian People's PartyOostenrijkse Volkspartij
Azanian People's Liberation ArmyVolksbevrijdingsleger
Bill on the Equal Treatment of Disabled and Chronically Ill PeopleWet gelijke behandeling gehandicapten en chronisch zieken
Black People's ConventionZwarte Volksconventie Zuid-Afrika
Bulgarian Agrarian People's UnionBulgaarse Agrarische Volksunie
Bulgarian Agrarian People's UnionBulgaarse Agrarische Nationale Unie
Cameroon People's Democratic RallyDemocratische Vergadering van het Kameroense Volk
Catholic People's PartyKatholieke Volkspartij
Central Federation of Old People's OrganisationsCentraal Orgaan Samenwerkende Bejaarden Organisaties
Christian Democratic People's PartyChristen-Democratische Volkspartij
Christian Democratic Union - Czech People's PartyChristen-democratische Unie - Tsjechoslowaakse Volkspartij
Christian Democratic Union - Czech People's PartyChristen-democratische Volkspartij
Christian Democratic Union - Czech People's PartyChristen-Democratische Unie - Tsjechische Volkspartij
Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's PartyChristen-democratische Unie - Tsjechoslowaakse Volkspartij
Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's PartyChristen-Democratische Unie - Tsjechische Volkspartij
Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's PartyChristen-democratische Volkspartij
Christian People's PartyChristelijke Volkspartij
Christian Social Party: European People's PartyChristelijke Volkspartij - Europese Volkspartij
Committee on the Rehabilitation and Integration of People with DisabilitiesCommissie voor de Revalidatie en Integratie van Gehandicapten
Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the Government of the Republic of the Sudan and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Sudan People's Liberation Armyalomvattend vredesakkoord
Congress of People's DeputiesCongres van Volksafgevaardigden
Conservative People's PartyConservatieve Volkspartij
constituent people"constituerende bevolkingsgroep"
Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and the People's Republic of Bangladesh on partnership and developmentSamenwerkingsovereenkomst tussen de Europese Gemeenschap en de Volksrepubliek Bangladesh inzake partnerschap en samenwerking
Council for the Disabled and Chronically Ill PeopleChronisch Zieken en Gehandicapten Raad Nederland
Croatian People's PartyKroatische Volkspartij
Croatian People's PartyKroatische Nationale Partij
Cultural Committee of the People's Party for Freedom and DemocracyCulturele commissie v.d. V.V.D.
Danish Socialist People's PartyDeense Socialistische Volkspartij
Democratic and Social Centre Party - People's PartySociaal-democratisch Centrum - Volkspartij
Democratic People's PartyDemocratische Volkspartij
Democratic People's Republic of KoreaNoord-Korea
EEC-People's Republic of China Joint CommitteeGemengde Commissie EEG-Volksrepubliek China
Eritrean People's Liberation FrontEritrees Volksbevrijdingsfront
Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic FrontEthiopische Revolutionair Demokratische Volksfront
Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, of the other partEuropees-mediterrane overeenkomst waarbij een associatie tot stand wordt gebracht tussen de Europese Gemeenschap en haar lidstaten, enerzijds, en de Democratische Volksrepubliek Algerije, anderzijds
Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement between the European Community and its Member States and the People's Democratic Republic of AlgeriaEuropees-mediterrane overeenkomst waarbij een associatie tot stand wordt gebracht tussen de Europese Gemeenschap en haar lidstaten, enerzijds, en de Democratische Volksrepubliek Algerije, anderzijds
European People's PartyEuropese Volkspartij
European Peoples' Coalition: Eusko Alkartasuna EACoalitie voor het Europa der volkeren: Eusko Alkartasuna EA
European Voluntary Service for young peopleEuropese vrijwilligersdienst
Evangelical People's PartyEvangelische Volkspartij
free movement of goods,people and servicesvrij verkeer van personen,goederen en diensten
Friends of the Syrian peopleVrienden van het Syrische volk
Friends of the Syrian peopleGroep "Vrienden van het Syrische volk"
General People's CongressAlgemeen Volkskongres
Group of Friends of the Syrian PeopleGroep "Vrienden van het Syrische volk"
Group of Friends of the Syrian PeopleVrienden van het Syrische volk
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of ChinaSpeciale Administratieve Regio Hongkong
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of ChinaSAR Hongkong
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of ChinaHongkong, China
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of ChinaHongkong
House of PeoplesVolkskamer
House of PeoplesHuis van Volkeren
Hungarian Democratic People's PartyHongaarse Democratische Volkspartij
Hungarian People's PartyHongaarse Volkspartij
Indian People's PartyBharatiya Janata Partij
Intergroup on Peace for the Saharaoui PeopleInterfractiewerkgroep "Vrede voor het Saharaoui-volk"
International Ministerial Conference for Economic Assistance to the Palestinian PeopleInternationale Ministeriële Conferentie over bijstand aan de Palestijnen
International Ministerial Conference for Economic Assistance to the Palestinian PeopleConferentie over economische bijstand aan de Palestijnen
Italian People's PartyVolkspartij
Italian People's Partykristendemokratische Volkspartij
Italian People's PartyItaliaanse Volkspartij
Lao People's Democratic RepublicLaos
Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of ChinaSAR Macau
Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of ChinaMacau
Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of ChinaSpeciale Administratieve Regio Macau van de Volksrepubliek China
Mongolian People's Revolutionary PartyMongoolse Revolutionaire Volkspartij
National Anti-Revolutionary Young People's AssociationNationale Anti-Revolutionaire Jongerenorganisatie
National Congress for the Defence of the PeopleNationaal Congres voor de verdediging van het volk
National Congress for the Defence of the PeopleCongrès national pour la défense du peuple
National Federation of Disabled People's OrganisationsNationale Federatie van Organisaties van Gehandicapten
National Old People's Welfare OrganisationNationale Organisatie voor Bejaardenwerk
National People's CongressNationaal Volkscongres
Netherlands Young People's Nature Study SocietyNederlandse Jeugdbond voor Natuurstudie
Netherlands Young People's SocietyNederlandse Jeugdbond ter bestudering van de geschiedenis, Utrecht
New People's ArmyNieuw Volksleger
Old People's Insurance FundFonds Bejaardenverzekering
Old People's Welfare AssociationBond voor Staatspensionering
Pakistan People's PartyPakistaanse Volkspartij
"People" programmespecifiek programma "Mensen"
People's AllianceVolksalliantie
People's Consultative AssemblyVolkscongres
People's Consultative AssemblyRaadgevend Volkscongres
People's Democracy PartyDemokratische Volkspartij
People's Democratic PartyDemocratische Volkspartij
People's Democratic Party of AfghanistanDemocratische Volkspartij van Afghanistan
People's Democratic RepublicDemocratische Volksrepubliek
People's Democratic Republic of AlgeriaAlgerije
people's EuropeEuropa van de burgers
People's Labour PartyPartij van de Volksarbeid
People's Liberation ArmyVolksbevrijdingsleger
People's Movement against the ECVolksbeweging tegen de EG
People's Movement against the EUVolksbeweging tegen de EU
People's PartyVolkspartij
People's Party for Freedom and DemocracyVolkspartij voor Vrijheid en Demokratie
People's Party for Freedom and DemocracyVolkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie
People's Party of Free RussiaVolkspartij van het Vrije Rusland
People's Party of Republicans and ConservativesRepublikeinse Conservatieve Volkspartij
People's Party of Republicans and ConservativesRechtervleugel
People's Party of Republicans and ConservativesEstlandse Republikeinse Conservatieve Partij
People's Republic of BangladeshBangladesh
People's Republic of ChinaChina
People's Republic of HungaryHongaarse Volksrepubliek
People's Republic of MongoliaMongoolse Volksrepubliek
People's Republican PartyRepublikeinse Volkspartij
People's Revolutionary ArmyRevolutionair Volksleger
People's Theatrepubliekstheater
People's UnionVolksunie
Flemish People's Union - European Free AllianceVolksunie - Europese Vrije Alliantie Vlaanderen-Brussel
People's Union-ID21Volksunie-ID21
people suffering from serious organic disordersorgaangehandicapte
Peoples' LeftLinks van de volkeren
personalized measures to help young peopleindividueel begeleiden van jongeren
Policy Document on Housing for Single PeopleNota Huisvesting Alleenstanden
Polish People's PartyPoolse Boerenpartij
Programme of Community action 2004 to 2008 to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at riskDaphne-programma
Progressive Party of the Working PeopleProgressieve Partij van de Werkende Klasse
Progressive Party of the Working PeopleProgressieve Arbeiderspartij
to promote a climate of confidence and respect among peopleseen klimaat van vertrouwen en respect tussen de volken bevorderen
Protocol for the Accession of the People's Republic of Bangladesh to the General Agreement on Tariffs and TradeProtocol inzake de toetreding van Bangladesh tot de Algemene Overeenkomst betreffende Tarieven en Handel
Recommendation on Participation by the People at Large in Cultural Life and their Contribution to itAanbeveling betreffende de deelneming en bijdrage aan het culturele leven door brede lagen van de bevolking
relations among people engaged in cultural activitiesbetrekkingen tussen personen die zich bezighouden met culturele activiteiten
Republican People's PartyRepublikeinse Volkspartij
Revolutionary People's PartyRevolutionaire Volkspartij
Revolutionary People's Republic of GuineaRevolutionaire Volksrepubliek Guinee
right of self-determination of peoplesrecht op zelfbeschikking
self-determination of peopleszelfbeschikking
Slovene People's PartySloveense Volkspartij
Slovenian People's PartySloveense Volkspartij
Socialist People's PartySocialistische Volkspartij
South Tyrol People's PartyZuidtiroolse Volkspartij
South-West African People's OrganizationZuidwestafrikaanse Volksorganisatie Namibie
Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of ChinaSpeciale Administratieve Regio
Specific programme 2007-2013 to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk Daphne III programme as part of the General Programme Fundamental Rights and JusticeDaphne-programma
Sudan People's Liberation ArmySudanese Volksbevrijdingsleger
Sudan People's Liberation ArmySoedanees Volksbevrijdingsleger
Sudan People's Liberation MovementSudanese Volksbevrijdingsbeweging
Surinamese Progressive People's PartyProgressieve Surinaamse Volkspartij
Swedish People's PartyZweedse Volkspartij
Swiss People's PartyZwitserse Volkspartij
The association for single peopleNederlandse Vrijgezellenbond, 's-Gravenhage
TNO Research Unit for Health Aspects of Ageing in Old PeopleWerkgroep Bejaardenonderzoek, Leiden
Trade Agreement between the European Economic Community and the People's Republic of ChinaHandelsovereenkomst tussen de Europese Economische Gemeenschap en de Volksrepubliek China
Union of Diocesan Old People's and Pensioners' Associations in the NetherlandsUnie van Diocesane Bonden van Bejaarden en Gepensioneerden in Nederland
Working Group on Economic Recovery and Development of the Friends of the Syrian PeopleWerkgroep economisch herstel en ontwikkeling van de Vrienden van het Syrische volk
Young People's Organization of the Party for Freedom and DemocracyJongeren Organisatie voor Vrijheid en Democratie
Young People's Premium Savings Schemejeugdspaarregeling
Young People's Savings ActJeugdspaarwet
Young Peoples' Experimental Garden ProjectStichting de Jonge Onderzoekers Proeftuin Noord-Brabant
young working peoplewerkende jongeren
Zimbabwe African People's UnionAfrikaanse Volksunie van Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe People's ArmyVolksleger van Zimbabwe