
Terms for subject Environment containing New | all forms | exact matches only
A New Solid Waste Environmental Responseeen nieuwe milieuvriendelijke aanpak van vaste afvalstoffen
Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Environmentnationale maatschappij voor alternatieve energie
European office for the approval of new substancesEuropees bureau voor de goedkeuring van nieuwe stoffen
injecting new life into a shore line areaeen nieuwe impuls voor een rivierengebied
Japan, US, Canada, Australia, New ZealandJUSSCANNZ-Groep
new community A sociopolitical, religious, occupational or other group of common characteristics and interests formed as an alternative to social, and often residential, options currently availablenieuwe gemeenschap
new communitynieuwe gemeenschap
new entrantnieuwkomer
new entrants' reservenieuwkomersreserve
new installationnieuwe installatie
new installation A device, system, or piece of equipment that has been recently installednieuwe installatie
new kraftnieuw kraftpapier
new material Novel high-performance materials obtained through the interdisciplinary research of chemistry, applied chemistry, chemical engineering, and mechanical engineeringnieuw materiaal
new materialnieuw materiaal
new plantnieuw bedrijf
new shavings of corrugated boardnieuw golfkartonafval
new technology Electronic instruments and devices which have recently been developed and are been introduced into industry. New technologies have been introduced often in almost total ignorance or disregard of the biological and ecological systems that they subsequently disturb, and of the dynamic and evolving nature of living systemsnieuwe technologie
new town Any of several recent urban developments that constitute small and essentially self-sufficient cities with a planned ordering of residential, industrial, and commercial developmentnieuwe gemeente
new townnieuwe gemeente
new townnieuw dorp
New World seedeatersvinken, sijzen en kruisbekken (Fringillidae)
offset for any new emissionoffset voor elke nieuwe emissie
offset for any new emissioncompensatie van/voor elke nieuwe emissie
pathogenic property of organisms carrying new genetic informationpathogene eigenschap van organismen, die nieuwe genetische informatie bevat
scheme to monitor the average specific emissions of CO2 from new passenger carssysteem ter bewaking van de gemiddelde specifieke uitstoot van CO2 door nieuwe personenauto's