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Terms containing European and North | all forms
gen.Agreement between the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation on the Security of InformationOvereenkomst tussen de Europese Unie en de Noord-Atlantische Verdragsorganisatie inzake gegevensbeveiliging
commer.Committee for implementation of projects promoting cooperation and commercial relations between the European Union and the industrialised countries of North America, the Far East and AustralasiaComité inzake de tenuitvoerlegging van projecten ter bevordering van de samenwerking en de handelsbetrekkingen tussen de Europese Unie en de geïndustrialiseerde landen van Noord-Amerika, het Verre Oosten en Australazië
commer.Committee for implementation of projects promoting cooperation and commercial relations between the European Union and the industrialised countries of North America, the Far East and AustralasiaComité EXPROM