
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing Cone | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance conekritische hoek
camera conecameraconus
cone loudspeakerconusluidspreker
cone pumpkonuspomp
cone pumpconuspomp
diffusing conegeluidsreflector in piramidevorm
duo-cone loudspeakerdubbelconusluidspreker
entrance coneinstroomtuit
entrance coneinstroomkonus
escape coneontsnappingskegel
exit coneuitstroomtuit
exit coneuitstroomkonus
guide conegeleidingskegel
lens conelensconus
light reflecting conelichtgenerator
loss coneontsnappingskegel
Mach conekegel van Mach
Mach coneMachkegel
profile of cone of depressionverlagingskromme