
Terms for subject Environment containing Centre | all forms | exact matches only
Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of DisastersCentrum voor Onderzoek van de Epidemiologie bij Rampen
city centrebinnenstad
city centre The central part of a citybinnenstad
Dangerous Goods and Maritime Environmental Control CentreCoordinatiecentrum schadelijke en gevaarlijke stoffen
data centre An organization established primarily to acquire, analyze, process, store, retrieve, and disseminate one or more types of datagegevenscentrum
documentation centre Centre for assembling, coding, and disseminating recorded knowledge comprehensively treated as an integral procedure, utilizing various techniques for giving documentary information maximum accessibility and usabilitydocumentatie centrum
documentation centredocumentatie centrum
eco-centregroen centrum
ecologically efficient centreecologisch verantwoord centrum
effluents from research centresvloeibaar radioactief afval van onderzoekcentra
effluents from research centresvloeibaar afval van onderzoekcentra
environmental documentation centrecentrum voor milieudocumentatie
Euro-Mediterranean Centre for the Environmenteuromediterraan onderzoekscentrum voor het milieu
European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of ChemicalsEuropees Centrum voor ecotoxicologie en toxicologie van chemicaliën
European Centre for Environment and HealthEuropees Centrum voor Milieu en Gezondheid
European environmental documentation centreEuropees Centrum voor milieudocumentatie
European observation centre for land-use developmentEuropese waarnemingspost inzake ruimtelijke ordening
European topic centrethematisch centrum
European Topic Centre Air QualityEuropees Thematisch Centrum Luchtkwaliteit
European Topic Centre on WasteEuropees Thematisch Centrum Afvalstoffen
green centregroen centrum
green centreeco-centrum
historic centregeschiedkundige kern
historic centrehistorische kern
historic centre That part of a town or city in which the principal public and historic buildings are locatedgeschiedkundige kern
information centre Any facility devoted to the collection, maintenance and distribution of materials or data compiled to convey knowledge on some subject, often with trained staff persons available to answer questionsinformatie-centrum
information centreinformatie-centrum
International Environmental Technology Centreinternationaal centrum voor milieutechnologie
international water desalination centreinternationaal centrum voor ontzilting
leisure centrevrijetijdscentrum
leisure centre A building containing a swimming pool and a large room or other places where you can play sportsvrijetijdscentrum
major activity centreaktiviteitscentrum
Ministry of Transport,Public Works and Water Management Crisis Coordination CentreCoördinatie Centrum Waterbestrijding
Netherlands Energy Saving Information CentreStichting Voorlichting Energiebesparing Nederland
nuclear research centre A facility in which scientists and other researchers study the behavior and characteristics of atomic nuclei through testing and other forms of experimentation, often to invent new technology with scientific, medical and industrial purposesnucleair onderzoekscentrum
nuclear research centrenucleair onderzoekscentrum
population and development centrewoongebied
population and development centrewoonkern
recycling centregrondstofrecuperatie-centrum
reference centre of information on the environmentreferentiecentrum voor milieu-informatie
Regional Centre for the Environmentregionaal milieucentrum
Regional Environment CentreRegionaal Milieucentrum
Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern EuropeRegionaal Milieucentrum
Regional Environmental Education Centreregionale centra milieu-educatie
Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Searegionaal centrum voor noodmaatregelen tegen calamiteuze verontreiniging van de Middellandse Zee
regional marine pollution emergency response centre for the Mediterranean Searegionaal centrum voor het aanpakken van noodsituaties bij de verontreiniging van de Middellandse Zee
Regional Meteorological Centreregionaal meteorologisch centrum
remote sensing centreremote-sensingcentrum
remote sensing centre Centre where remote sensing data are stored, handled and analyzedremote-sensingcentrum
research centre Place where systematic investigation to establish facts or principles or to collect information on a subject is performedonderzoekscentrum
research centreonderzoekscentrum
shopping centre Enclosed area in which there is a variety of shopswinkelcentrum
topic centrethematisch centrum
training centre Place where people are prepared for a specific purposeopleidingscentrum
United Nations centre for emergency environmental assistanceVN-milieurampencentrum
urban renewal in old city centresstadsvernieuwing
wheel bin-based drop-off centrevuilnisbak op wiel
World Data Centre for Aerosolswereld datacentrum voor aërosolen