
Terms containing Associate | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSAssociate a different documentEen ander document koppelen (An option that allows the user to replace the document currently attached to the To Do with another document that has already been saved)
comp., MSAssociate a different Web site linkEen andere websitekoppeling koppelen (An option that allows the user to replace the Web link attached to the To Do with a different web link)
comp., MSAssociate a different Works taskEen andere Works-taak koppelen (An option that allows the user to change the document associated with the active To Do by selecting a different Works template to serve as the basis for a new associated item)
comp., MSAssociate a documentEen document koppelen (An option that allows the user to associate an existing document with a Project To Do)
comp., MSAssociate a Web linkEen webkoppeling koppelen (An option that allows the user to associate a Web site link with a Project To Do)
comp., MSAssociate a Works taskEen Works-taak koppelen (An option that allows the user to associate a Works task with a Project To Do)
lawassociate authorized to act on behalf of the firmbeherend vennoot
math.associate classassociate class
polit.Associate Commissionergedelegeerd Commissielid
insur., busin., labor.org.associate companyverwant bedrijf
insur., busin., labor.org.associate companygeaffilieerde onderneming
gen.associate expert on secondmentgedetacheerd assistent deskundige
gen.associate expert on secondmentgedetacheerd bilateraal assistent-deskundige
gen.Associate Experts DivisionAfdeling Assistent-Deskundigen
gen.Associate Experts ProgrammeAssistent Deskundigen Programma
gen.Associate Experts Schemeassistent-deskundigenprogramma
lawassociate judgerechter-bijzitter
transp.associate memberbuitengewoon lid
gen.Associate Member of the Council of EuropeToegevoegd Lid van de Raad van Europa
gen.Associate Membergeassocieerd lid
polit.associate member of the IMFgeassocieerd lid van het IMF
ed.associate member of the teaching staffbuitengewoon hoogleraar
ed.associate member of the teaching staffbuitengewoon docent
gen.associate member of WEUgeassocieerd lid van de WEU
gen.associate membership of WEUstatus van geassocieerd lid van de WEU
gen.associate membership of WEUgeassocieerd lidmaatschap van de WEU
fin.associate partnergeassocieerde partner
gen.Associate Professional OfficerAssistent Professional Officer
ed.associate professoruniversitair hoofddocent
ed.associate professorbuitengewoon hoogleraar
ed.associate professorbuitengewoon docent
comp., MSAssociate to ContactKoppelen aan contactpersoon (In a conference, this command associates a participant or phone number with a contact on the user's contact list)
IT, dat.proc.to associate windowsvensters koppelen
gen.bilateral associate expertbilateraal assistent-deskundige
dialys.Clinical Research Associateklinische onderzoeks-medewerker (CRA)
crim.law.contacts and associatescontact- en begeleidende personen
math.cubic designs with three associate classeskubische proefopzetten met drie geassocieerde klassen volgens Raghavarao-Chandrasekhararao
math.cubic designs with three associate classeskubische proefopzetten met drie geassocieerde klassen
gen.Multilateral Associate Expert from Developing Countries Programmemultilateraal assistent-deskundige van ontwikkelingslanden programma
gen.Multilateral Associate Experts Programmemultilateraal-assistent deskundigen programma
IToptoelectronic circuit associating monolithically several electronic functionsopto-elektronische schakeling,waarmee monolitisch verschillende elektronische functies worden verenigd
dialys.Quintiles Clinical Research AssociateQuintiles klinische onderzoeksmedewerker
dialys.Quintiles Clinical Research AssociateQuintiles CRA
commun.senior associateeerste medewerker
gen.status of Associate Partner in the WEUstatus van Geassocieerd Partner in de WEU