
Terms for subject Environment containing Assessment | all forms | exact matches only
Advisory Committee on implementing legislation on ambient air quality assessment and managementRaadgevend Comité voor de tenuitvoerlegging van de wetgeving inzake de bewaking van en de zorg voor de luchtkwaliteit
Akwé: Kon Voluntary Guidelines for the Conduct of Cultural, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment regarding Developments Proposed to Take Place on, or which are Likely to Impact on, Sacred Sites and on Lands and Waters Traditionally Occupied or Used by Indigenous and Local CommunitiesAkwé: Kon-richtlijnen
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programmemonitoring- en evaluatieprogramma voor het arctisch gebied
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment ProgrammeArctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme
assessment matrixbeoordelingstabel
assessment of environmental effectsmilieueffectbeoordeling
assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environmentmilieueffectbeoordeling van bepaalde openbare en particuliere projecten
assessment of the environmental effectsmilieueffectrapportage
assessment of the environmental effectsmilieueffectbeoordeling
assessment of the environmental impact of Community measuresbeoordeling van het milieu-effect van communautaire maatregelen
assessment of the impact on the environmentmilieueffectbeoordeling
assessment of the impact on the environmentmilieueffectrapportage
Assessment Reportevaluatierapport van de Intergouvernementele Werkgroep inzake klimaatverandering
Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changeevaluatierapport van de Intergouvernementele Werkgroep inzake klimaatverandering
common assessment proceduregemeenschappelijke beoordelingsprocedure
compulsory assessment of the environmental impactverplicht beoordelen van het milieu-effect
Convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary contextVerdrag van Espoo
Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary ContextVerdrag inzake milieueffectrapportage in grensoverschrijdend verband
Convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary contextVerdrag inzake milieu-effectrapportage in grensoverschrijdend verband
damage assessmentraming van de schade
damage assessment The evaluation or determination of losses, harm and injuries to persons, property or the environmentraming van de schade
Directive on the Assessment and Management of Flood RisksRichtlijn 2007/60/EG van het Europees Parlement en de Raad van 23 oktober 2007 over beoordeling en beheer van overstromingsrisico's
Directive on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environmentRichtlijn betreffende de milieu-effectbeoordeling van bepaalde openbare en particuliere projecten
Directive on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environmentMER-richtlijn
ecological assessmentecologische taxatie/raming/inschatting
ecological assessment Ecological assessment consists in monitoring the current and changing conditions of ecological resources from which success or failure of the ecosystem can be judged without bias; understanding more fully the structure and function of ecosystems in order to develop improved management options; developing models to predict the response of ecosystems to changes resulting from human-induced stress from which possible ecosystem management strategies can be assessed and assessing the ecological consequences of management actions so that decisionmakers can best understand the outcomes of choosing a particular management strategyecologische beoordeling
ecological assessmentecologische beoordeling
Environmental Assessmentmilieubeoordeling
environmental assessmentmilieuevaluatie
environmental assessment The evaluation or appraisal of ecological or natural resourcesmilieuevaluatie
environmental assessment criterionmilieuevaluatiecriterium
environmental assessment criterion Principle or standard for the evaluation or appraisal of ecological or natural resourcesmilieuevaluatiecriterium
environmental health impact assessmentonderzoek effect op miliehygiëne
environmental health impact assessment Assessment of impacts caused by an action on the health conditions of a populationonderzoek effect op miliehygiëne
environmental impact assessmentmilieueffectbeoordeling
environmental impact assessment Analysis and judgement of the effects upon the environment, both temporary and permanent, of a significant development or project. It must also consider the social consequences and alternative actionsinschatting van de invloed op het milieu
environmental impact assessmentmilieueffectrapportage
environmental impact assessmentevaluatie van de invloed op het milieu
environmental impact assessmentinschatting van de invloed op de milieueffecten
environmental impact assessmentinschatting van de invloed op het milieu
environmental impact assessmentevaluatie van de milieu-effecten
environmental impact assessmentmilieu-effectrapportage
environmental impact assessmentevaluatie van de invloed op de milieueffecten
environmental risk assessment Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the risk posed to the environment by the actual or potential presence and/or use of specific pollutantsmilieurisicobeoordeling
environmental risk assessmentmilieurisicobeoordeling
European Life Cycle Assessment PlatformEuropees levenscyclusanalyseplatform
European Platform on Life Cycle AssessmentEuropees levenscyclusanalyseplatform
European Watershed-wide Assessment of Soil and water PollutionEuropese beoordeling van bodem- en waterverontreiniging per stroomgebied
forest resource assessmentbosbestandsonderzoek
framework convention on impact assessmentraamovereenkomst inzake beoordeling van hetmilieu-effect
impact assessmenthet inschatten van het effect van iets
impact assessmentde evaluatie van de uitwerking van
impact assessmentde evaluatie van het effect van
impact assessmenthet inschatten van de uitwerking van
impact assessmenthet inschatten van het effect van
impact assessmentde evaluatie van de weerslag van
impact assessment Evaluation of the effect of a project upon the environmenthet inschatten van het effect van iets
Integrated Air Quality Assessmentgeïntegreerde evaluatie van luchtkwaliteit
international assessment and reviewinternationale evaluatie en toetsing
life cycle assessmentlevenscyclusbeoordeling
life cycle assessmentwieg-tot-grafanalyse
life cycle assessmentlevenscyclusanalyse
Life Cycle Impact Assessmentlevenscycluseffectbeoordeling
measurement and assessment techniquesmeet- en evaluatietechnieken
Millennium Ecosystem Assessmentmillennium-ecosysteemevaluatie
monetary assessment Financial determination, adjustment, estimation, or appraisal for purposes of levying a tax, charge or finemonetaire waardebepaling
monetary assessmentmonetaire waardebepaling
National Acid Precipitation Assessment Programme NAPAPnationaal programma ter bestrijding van zure regen
natural heritage assessment Evaluation of the natural structures, resources and landscapes to ensure their careful management and preservationbepaling van natuurlijk erfgoed
natural heritage assessmenttaxatie van natuurlijk erfgoed
natural heritage assessmentbepaling van natuurlijk erfgoed
Netherlands Environmental Assessment AgencyMilieu- en Natuurplanbureau
Office for Environmental AssessmentMilieu- en Natuurplanbureau
pollutant assessmenttaxatie/inschatting van een verontreinigende stof
pollutant assessmentinschatting van een verontreinigende stof
preliminary assessmentinventarisatie van gegevens
probabilistic risk assessmentprobabilistische risicoanalyse
Protocol on Strategic Environmental AssessmentProtocol inzake strategische milieubeoordeling bij het Verdrag inzake milieueffectrapportage in grensoverschrijdend verband
Protocol on Strategic Environmental AssessmentProtocol betreffende strategische milieueffectrapportage bij het Verdrag inzake milieueffectrapportage in grensoverschrijdend verband
Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary ContextProtocol inzake strategische milieubeoordeling bij het Verdrag inzake milieueffectrapportage in grensoverschrijdend verband
Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary ContextProtocol betreffende strategische milieueffectrapportage bij het Verdrag inzake milieueffectrapportage in grensoverschrijdend verband
risk assessment The qualitative and quantitative evaluation performed in an effort to define the risk posed to human health and/or the environment by an action or by the presence or use of a specific substance or pollutantinschatting van het risico
risk assessmentrisicoberekening
risk assessmentinschatting van het risico
sectoral assessmentbeoordeling/heffing per sector
sectoral assessmentbeoordeling per sector
Strategic Environmental Assessmentstrategische milieueffectrapportage
Strategic Environmental Assessmentstrategische milieueffectbeoordeling
Strategic Environmental Assessmentstrategische milieubeoordeling
technology assessment The systematic analysis of the anticipated impact of a particular technology in regard to its safety and efficacy as well as its social, political, economic, and ethical consequencestechnologiebeoordeling
technology assessmentexpertise op het gebied van technologie
technology assessmenttechnologiebeoordeling
toxicological assessment The process of characterizing and evaluating the inherent toxicity of a chemical substance, a poison, etc.giftigheidsboordeling
toxicological assessmenttoxicologische expertise
toxicological assessmentgiftigheidsboordeling