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Ad Hoc Group on Information ExchangeAd-hocgroep informatie-uitwisseling
Ad hoc Working Group on Sustainability Criteria for BiofuelsAd-hocgroep duurzaamheidscriteria voor biobrandstoffen
Ad-hoc Working Party on ChemicalsAd-hocgroep chemische stoffen
Ad hoc Working Party on Fundamental Rights and CitizenshipAd-hocgroep grondrechten en burgerschap
Ad hoc Working Party on Joint EU-Africa StrategyAd-hocgroep Gezamenlijke strategie EU-Afrika
Ad hoc Working Party on the European Institute of Technology EITAd-hocgroep Europees Technologisch Instituut ETI
JHA-RELEX Ad Hoc Support GroupGroep JBZ-Relex
JHA-RELEX Ad Hoc Support Groupad hoc Ondersteuningsgroep JBZ-Relex