
Terms containing ACCESS | all forms | exact matches only
commer.abusive barring of access to the marketonrechtmatig belemmerde toegang tot de markt
comp., MSaccess accounttoegangsaccount (An account used to crawl Web sites, servers and network resources included in a content index)
environ.access and benefit-sharingtoegang en verdeling van voordelen
lawAccess and Mobility ActWet bereikbaarheid en mobiliteit
comp., MSAccess appAccess-app (An app for SharePoint that is built by using Access and has its data stored in SQL Server or SQL Azure)
comp., MSAccess app for SharePointAccess-app voor SharePoint (An app for SharePoint that is built by using Access and has its data stored in SQL Server or SQL Azure)
hobbyaccess areatoegangsweg
construct.access balconygalerij
gen.access-balcony flatgalerijflat
comp., MSaccess-based enumerationOp toegangsrechten gebaseerde inventarisatie (A feature that displays only the files and folders that a user has permissions to access)
commun., ITaccess capabilityISDN-toegangsmogelijkheden
commun., ITaccess capabilityISDN-toegangs-capability
stat.access chargestoegangsrecht
comp., MSaccess codetoegangscode (A string of characters entered by a user to verify his or her identity to a network or to a local computer, device, or client, or to sign in to an account, app, and so on)
IT, dat.proc.access conflicttoegangsconflict
gen.access connection elementgebruikerstoegang
gen.access connection elementabonneetoegang
commun., ITaccess contentiontoegangsconflict
commun., ITaccess contexttoegangscontext
gen.access context to a security objecttoegangscontext
comp., MSaccess controltoegangsbeheer (A security mechanism that determines which operations a user, group, service, or computer is authorized to perform on a computer or on a particular object, such as a file, printer, registry subkey, or directory service object)
patents.access-control apparatustoegangscontroleapparaten
comp., MSaccess control entryvermelding voor toegangsbeheer (An entry in either a securable object's discretionary access control list (DACL) or an object's system access control list (SACL). In a DACL, the entry grants or denies permissions to a user or group. In a SACL, the entry specifies which security events to audit for a particular user or group or controls the Windows Integrity Level for the object)
comp., MSAccess Control Entry Management Viewweergave Access Control Entry-beheer (A feature that allows the user to set access levels for a group of contacts)
comp., MSaccess control listtoegangsbeheerlijst (In Windows-based systems, a list of access control entries (ACE) that apply to an entire object, a set of the object's properties, or an individual property of an object, and that define the access granted to one or more security principals)
construct.access control systemtoegangsbeveiligingssysteem
construct.access courtyarddienstbinnenplaats
patents.access coverssluitplaten voor inlaten
econ., ITaccess creep"access creep" - ongecontroleerde vergaring van toegangsrechten
comp., MSAccess database engineAccess-database-engine (Part of the Access database system that retrieves and stores data in user and system databases. The engine can be thought of as a data manager on which database systems are built)
fin., commun.access deficit contributionbijdrage voor het toegangsdeficit
comp., MSaccess-denied assistanceondersteuning bij geweigerde toegang (" Assistance provided to users who receive an "access denied" error while attempting to access a file or folder on a file server for which access-denied assistance has been enabled by the administrator of the server.")
law, commun.Access Directiverichtlijn inzake de toegang tot en interconnectie van elektronische-communicatienetwerken en bijbehorende faciliteiten
law, commun.Access Directivetoegangsrichtlijn
industr.access doorinspectieluik
construct.access doorserviceluik
comp., MSAccess Edge serviceAccess Edge-service (A service that runs on Lync Server that resides in the perimeter network and routes instant messaging (IM) and presence information from external users to internal users)
construct.access floorverhoogde vloer
construct.access floorinstallatievloer
construct.access flooringinstallatievloer
construct.access flooringverhoogde vloer
construct.access gallerygalerij
agric.access hatchtoegangsluik
industr.access hatchinspectieluik
construct.access hatchserviceluik
agric.access hatchluik
agric.access hatchwayluik
agric.access hatchwaytoegangsluik
comp., MSaccess keytoegangstoets (Any combination of keys that must be pressed sequentially)
mater.sc.access ladderladder
comp., MSaccess leveltoegangsniveau (A security role setting that determines for a given object type at which levels within the organization hierarchy a user can act on that object type)
comp., MSAccess Levels ManagementToegangsniveaubeheer (A UI element that displays a user's contacts and access level entries (ACEs) organized by access level)
comp., MSaccess masktoegangsmasker (In Windows-based computers, a 32-bit value (a bitmask) that specifies the permissions that are assigned in an access control entry (ACE). An access mask is also part of the access request when an object is opened. The access mask in the request is compared to the access mask in each ACE to determine whether or not to grant the request)
agric.access openingtoegangsopening
fin., ITaccess operationtoegangsoperatie
comp., MSaccess permissionstoegangsmachtigingen (Authorization to perform operations associated with a specific shared resource, such as a file, directory, or printer. Permissions must be granted by the system administrator to individual user accounts or administrative groups)
gen.access permissionstoegang
comp., MSaccess pointtoegangspunt (A device used to connect wireless computers and other wireless devices to a wired network)
comp., MSaccess point namenaam van het toegangspunt (The name of the access point used to establish wireless connectivity)
tech., el.access probetoegangssonde
comp., MSaccess providertoegangsprovider (A business that supplies Internet connectivity services to individuals, businesses, and other organizations. An ISP provides a telephone number, a user name, a password, and other connection information so that users can access the Internet through the ISP's computers)
met.access rampoprit
construct.access ramphellingbaan
fin., commun.access requesttoegangsverzoek
environ.access road Any street or narrow stretch of paved surface that leads to a specific destination, such as a main highwaytoegangsweg
construct.access roadverbindingsweg
construct.access roadontsluitingsstraat
gen.access roadontsluitingsweg
construct.Access roads and loopsSpruitwegen en lussen
stat.access servicesterminal-adaptorservices
comp., MSAccess Services AdministrationAccess Services-beheer (A feature that allows administration of Access services through an administration interface and powershell scripts)
gen.access threatongeoorloofde toegang tot het computersysteem
gen.access timeverwerkingstijd
construct.access to a bridgetoeleidingsweg
tech.access to a certification systemtoegang tot een certificatiesysteem
polit., lawaccess to a Council document shall not be granted where its disclosure could undermine the protection of the public interest, the protection of the individual and of privacy, the protection of commercial and industrial secrecy, the protection of the Community's financial interests, the protection of confidentialityEr kan geen toegang worden verleend tot een document van de Raad, wanneer de verspreiding ervan afbreuk zou kunnen doen aan de bescherming van het algemeen belang, de bescherming van de persoon en de persoonlijke levenssfeer, de bescherming van het commercieel en industrieel geheim, de bescherming van de financiële belangen van de Gemeenschap, de bescherming van de geheimhouding
law, life.sc.access to a parcel of landtoegang tot een perceel
econ.access to a professiontoegang tot het beroepsleven
law, social.sc.access to a righttoegang tot een recht
environ.access to administrative documentstoegankelijkheid van administratieve stukken
environ.access to administrative documents The legal right of access to administrative documents or the opportunity to avail oneself of the sametoegankelijkheid van administratieve stukken
environ.access to administrative documentstoegang tot administratieve stukken
ed.access to all forms of educationtoegang tot alle vormen van onderwijs
work.fl., lab.law.access to an activitytoegang tot een beroepsactiviteit
lawto access to an estatein het genot treden van...
lawto access to an estatein bezit komen
social.sc.access to buildingstoegankelijkheid van gebouwen
fin.access to certain free zones or parts of free zonesopenstellen van bepaalde vrije zones of delen van vrije zones
stat.access to confidential datatoegang tot vertrouwelijke gegevens
gen.access to confidential documentstoegang tot vertrouwelijke documenten
fin.access to creditkredietmogelijkheid
fin.access to creditkredietmogelijkheden
environ.access to culturetoegankelijkheid van de cultuur
environ.access to culture The ability, right and permission to approach and use, or the general availability of resources that transmit the beliefs, customs, artistic activity and knowledge of a peopletoegankelijkheid van de cultuur
environ.access to culturetoegang tot cultuur
gen.access to economic activitiestoegang tot economische activiteiten
econ.access to educationtoegang tot het onderwijs
immigr., lab.law., unions.access to employmenttoegang tot het arbeidsproces
ed.access to employmenttoegang tot de arbeidsmarkt
econ.access to EU informationtoegang tot EU-informatie
fin.access to external financingtoegang tot externe financiering
busin.access to financetoegang tot financiering
fin.access to financial services in eurostoegang tot financiële diensten in euro
busin.access to financingtoegang tot financiering
immigr.access to healthcaretoegang tot gezondheidszorg
social.sc.access to housingtoegang tot huisvesting
environ.access to informationtoegang tot informatie
environ.access to information The ability, right and permission to approach and use, or the general availability of resources that convey knowledgetoegankelijkheid van de informatie
environ.access to informationtoegankelijkheid van de informatie
econ.access to informationtoegang tot de informatie
lawaccess to legal assistancetoegang tot juridische bijstand
law, insur.Access to Private Medical Insurance Additional Categories of Persons DecreeBesluit uitbreiding en beperking van de toegang tot particuliere ziektekostenverzekeringen
fin.access to Bank resourcestoegang tot de middelenvan de Bank
insur.Access to Social Insurance Additional Categories of Persons DecreeBesluit uitbreiding en beperking kring verzekerden volksverzekeringen
fin.access to the capital markettoegang tot de kapitaalmarkt
law, commer.access to the Commission's filetoegang tot het dossier van de Commissie
environ.access to the courts The right of citizens to access to the organs of the governments where justice is administeredtoegankelijkheid van de rechtspleging
environ.access to the courtstoegankelijkheid van de rechtspleging
econ.access to the courtstoegang tot de rechtspleging
med.access to the deposited biological materialtoegankelijk gedeponeerd biologisch materiaal
lawaccess to the filetoegang tot het dossier
lawaccess to the fileinzage in de stukken
immigr., lab.law., unions.access to the labour markettoegang tot het arbeidsproces
econ., commer.access to the markettoegang tot de markt
gen.access to the marketmarkttoegang
fin.access to the regulated markettoegang tot de gereglementeerde markt
environ.access to the seatoegang tot de zee
nat.sc., agric.access to the vineyard, approach to the vineyardoprijlaan
ed.access to trainingtoegang tot opleiding
comp., MSaccess tokentoegangstoken (A data structure that contains authentication and authorization information for a user. Windows creates the access token when the user logs on and the user's identity is confirmed. The access token contains the user's security ID (SID), the list of groups that the user is a member of, the list of privileges held by that user. Each process or thread started for the user inherits a copy of the access token. In some cases a user may have more than one access token, with different levels of authority)
environ., construct.access towertoren met lift en trappen
environ., construct.access towertrappentoren
construct.access viaducttoeleidingsviaduct
comp., MSaccess violationtoegangsfout (An attempt to run a memory operation that the underlying page protection does not allow. An access violation applies to memory operations, but does not apply when the security manager checks user-mode access rights to objects)
comp., MSAccess Web DatasheetAccess-webgegevensblad (An ActiveX component that is used to implement Datasheet view in SharePoint)
lawaccessing Statetoetredende staat
lawAct of 6 April 1995 containing further regulations on parental responsibility and access to minor childrenWet tot nadere regeling van het gezag over en de omgang met minderjarige kinderen
environ.Ad Hoc Working Group on the ECE-Convention on Access to Environmental Information and Public Participation in Environmental Decision-makingAd-hocgroep ECE-Overeenkomst betreffende de toegang tot milieu-informatie en de inspraak van de bevolking in de besluitvorming inzake milieu-aangelegenheden
commer., polit.Advisory Committee for implementation of activities relating to the Community market access strategyRaadgevend Comité inzake de uitvoering van activiteiten betreffende een communautaire strategie inzake markttoegang
industr.aerial access platformhoogwerker
gen.Agreement between the European Community and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on market accessOvereenkomst tussen de Europese Gemeenschap en de regering van de Socialistische Republiek Vietnam inzake markttoegang
agric.agreement on reciprocal accessregeling voor wederzijdse toegang
comp., MSalternate access mappingalternatieve toegangstoewijzing (An alternate URL mapping that Windows SharePoint Services preserves in the mapping table. It is the URL a user would see, but is not a URL that IIS would give to WSS)
comp., MSAnonymous accessanonieme toegang (An authentication mechanism that does not require user accounts and passwords)
comp., MSanonymous user accessanonieme gebruikerstoegang (The ability to gain access to a Web server on which one does not have an account)
fin., polit., ITapplication for access to personal dataverzoek om kennisneming van persoonsgegevens
comp., MSauthenticated accessgeverifieerde toegang (A user access option that you specify at the default Web site level or Application level in IIS. Authenticated access requires a user to have a valid account and password to access the site)
comp., MSauthority information accesstoegang tot CA-gegevens (A certificate extension that contains information useful for verifying the trust status of a certificate, as defined by the 2008 Memo of the Network Working Group. This information potentially includes Uniform Resource Locations (URLs) where the issuing CA's certificate can be retrieved, as well as a location of an Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responder configured to provide status for the certificate in question)
gen.basic accessnormale abonnee-aansluiting
commun.basic accessbasistoegang
gen.basic access capabilitybasistoegang
gen.basic access capabilitynormale abonnee-aansluiting
el.basic rate accessbasistoegang
gen.basic rate accessnormale abonnee-aansluiting
econ.better access to the most remote regionsontsluiting van de ultraperifere gebieden
gen.card for access to public amenitiesbewijs voor toegang tot een openbare instelling
law, social.sc.carnal accessintieme betrekkingen
law, social.sc.carnal accessseksuele omgang
law, social.sc.carnal accessvleselijke gemeenschap
law, social.sc.carnal accesssexuele omgang
law, social.sc.carnal accessintieme omgang
law, social.sc.carnal accessgeslachtsverkeer
commun., ITcarrier sense multiple access/collision detectioncarrier sense multiple access met detecteren van botsingen
commun., ITcarrier sense multiple access/collision detectioncarrier sense multiple access met waarneming van botsingen
commun., ITcarrier sense multiple access/collision detectionluisteren-tijdens-zenden
commun., ITcarrier sense multiple access with collision detectioncarrier sense multiple access met waarneming van botsingen
commun., ITcarrier sense multiple access with collision detectioncarrier sense multiple access met detecteren van botsingen
commun., ITcarrier sense multiple access with collision detectionluisteren-tijdens-zenden
comp., MScentral access policæcentraal toegangsbeleid (An access policy that allows organizations to centrally deploy and manage authorization policies that include conditional expressions using user groups, user claims, device claims, and resource properties)
comp., MSChange Level of AccessToegangsniveau wijzigen (Contact context menu item that allows the user to assign an access level to the selected contact(s))
lawcharge for access to the Office's data bankbedrag voor de toegang tot gegevensbank van het Bureau
commun., ITclass 1 accessklasse-1-toegang
comp., MSClient Access serverserver voor clienttoegang (A set of components and services that enable users to access their Exchange mailboxes through the Outlook Web Access application)
comp., MSClient Access server roleserverfunctie voor clienttoegang (A set of components and services that enable users to access their Exchange mailboxes through the application Outlook Web Access and the protocols Exchange ActiveSync, Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3), and Internet Message Access Protocol 4rev1 (IMAP4). The Client Access server role also includes Web services that are used by other Exchange 2007 server roles)
gen.closed access areamagazijn
comp., MScode access securitybeveiliging op basis van codetoegangsrechten (A mechanism provided by the common language runtime whereby managed code is granted permissions by security policy and these permissions are enforced, helping to limit the operations that the code will be allowed to perform)
comp., MScode access security CAS policy A set of rules that defines security permissions for a collection of assemblies by associating attributes of those assemblies, such as location and signature, with a set of code access security permissionscodetoegangbeveiligingsbeleid (CAS)
lawcode of conduct concerning public access to Commission and Council documentsGedragscode inzake de toegang van het publiek tot de documenten van de Commissie en de Raad
polit., lawcode of conduct concerning public access to Council and Commission documentsgedragscode inzake de toegang van het publiek tot documenten van de Raad en de Commissie
gen.Code of Conduct on public access to minutesgedragscode over de openbaarheid van de notulen
polit.Code of conduct on public access to the minutes and statements in the minutes of the Council acting as legislatorGedragscode inzake de openbaarheid van de notulen en de verklaringen voor de notulen van de Raad die optreedt als wetgever
econ.commitment on market accessverbintenis inzake markttoegang
lawCommittee for implementation of the directive to improve access to justice in cross-border disputes by establishing minimum common rules relating to legal aid for such disputesComité voor de uitvoering van de richtlijn tot verbetering van de toegang tot de rechter bij grensoverschrijdende geschillen, door middel van gemeenschappelijke minimumvoorschriften betreffende rechtsbijstand bij die geschillen
energ.ind.Committee for implementation of the regulation on conditions for access to the network for cross-border exchanges in electricityComité voor de tenuitvoerlegging van de verordening betreffende de voorwaarden voor toegang tot het net voor grensoverschrijdende handel in elektriciteit
el.common access channelcommon-accesskanaal
polit., loc.name., commun.Community Programme for the Development of Certain Less-favoured Regions of the Community by Improving Access to Advanced Telecommunications ServicesCommunautair programma voor de ontwikkeling van bepaalde minder ontwikkelde regio's van de Gemeenschap door een betere toegang tot geavanceerde telecommunicatiediensten
polit., loc.name., commun.Community Programme for the Development of Certain Less-favoured Regions of the Community by Improving Access to Advanced Telecommunications ServicesSTAR-programma
polit., ITCommunity System for Access to DocumentationCentrale geautomatiseerde documentatiedienst
gen.conditions for enterprise and market accesstoegang tot het bedrijfsleven en de markt
lawconsumer's access to courtzich partij kunnen stellen en in rechte kunnen optreden van een consumentenbond
comp., MScontent access accountaccount voor toegang tot inhoud (An account used to crawl Web sites, servers and network resources included in a content index)
ITcontention accesscontentietoegang
fin.continuous access to a quotate allen tijde van een contingent gebruik kunnen maken
fin.contractual accesstoegang op contractuele basis
IT, dat.proc.controlled accesstoegangscontrole
commun.controlled accessgecontroleerde toegang
health.controlled access areagecontroleerde zone
lawConvention designed to facilitate international access to the courtsVerdrag inzake de toegang tot de rechter in internationale gevallen
environ., UNConvention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental MattersVerdrag van Aarhus
environ., UNConvention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental MattersVerdrag betreffende toegang tot informatie, inspraak bij besluitvorming en toegang tot de rechter inzake milieuaangelegenheden
gen.Convention on International Access to JusticeVerdrag inzake de toegang tot de rechter in internationale gevallen
polit.Council Decision on public access to Council documentsbesluit van de Raad betreffende toegang van het publiek tot documenten van de Raad
environ.Council Directive 90/313/EEC on the freedom of access to information on the environmentRichtlijn 90/313/EEG van de Raad inzake de vrije toegang tot milieu-informatie
h.rghts.act.Council of Europe Convention on Access to official DocumentsVerdrag van de Raad van Europa inzake toegang tot officiële documenten
law, social.sc.cross-border exercise of right of accessgrensoverschrijdende uitoefening van het omgangsrecht
lawcross-border right of accessgrensoverschrijdend omgangsrecht
agric.current access arrangementsregeling "vigerende markttoegang"
agric.current access quotahuidige markttoegang
comp., MScustodian accessbeheerderstoegang (The highest level of access)
comp., MScustom driver accessaangepaste toegang tot stuurprogramma's (Device IO Control to 3rd party driver, a form of restricted device interface access for privileged apps)
gen.customer access to the broadcasting serviceabonneetoegang tot omroepservices
commun., ITcustomer accesses to the public networkklantentoegang tot het openbare netwerk
comp., MSdata access pageData Access-pagina (A Web page, published from Access, that has a connection to a database. In a data access page, you can view, add to, edit, and manipulate the data stored in the database)
ed., ITdatabase accessing conventiontot databases toegang verschaffende communicatie-afspraak
commer., ITdatabase on access to marketsdatabank markttoegang
lawDeclaration on the provisions relating to transparency, access to documents and the fight against fraudVerklaring nr. 41 betreffende de bepalingen inzake transparantie, toegang tot documenten en fraudebestrijding
law, social.sc.Declaration No 17 on the right of access to informationVerklaring betreffende het recht op toegang tot informatie
ed.to decompartmentalize access to the management postsde doorstroming naar leidinggevende functies bevorderen
el.dedicated access linesvolledig toegewezen toegangslijnen
el.dedicated access lineshuurlijnen
insur., earth.sc., chem.denial of accessonmogelijke toegang
life.sc.dependence on access to watersafhankelijkheid van de visserijmogelijkheden in de wateren
construct.desk access flatgalerijflat
comp., MSDevice Access APIAPI voor toegang tot apparaten (A set of COM interfaces that a device companion app can use to send requests, to a specialized device, synchronously or asynchronously)
gen.difficulty of access to public contractshinderpaal bij overheidsopdrachten
comp., MSDigest Access protocolDigest-toegangsprotocol (A lightweight authentication protocol for parties involved in communications that are based on Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL))
comp., MSdirect accessdirecte toegang (The ability of a computer to find and go directly to a particular storage location without having to search sequentially from the beginning location. The human equivalent of random access would be the ability to find a desired address in an address book without having to proceed sequentially through all the addresses. A computer's semiconductor memory (both RAM and ROM) provides random access. Certain types of files stored on disk under some operating systems also allow random access. Such files are best used for data in which each record has no intrinsic relationship to what comes physically before or after it, as in a client list or an inventory)
comp., MSdirect memory accessdirecte geheugentoegang (A technology that allows certain devices, such as hard disks and CD or DVD drives, to transfer information directly through the computer's memory without using the computer's processor. DMA improves the performance of the device and frees the computer's processor so it can perform other tasks)
commun., ITdirect T-1 carrier accessonmiddellijke T1-draaggolftoegang
law, commun.Directive on access to, and interconnection of, electronic communications networks and associated facilitiesrichtlijn inzake de toegang tot en interconnectie van elektronische-communicatienetwerken en bijbehorende faciliteiten
law, commun.Directive on access to, and interconnection of, electronic communications networks and associated facilitiestoegangsrichtlijn
law, ITdiscretionary access controldiscretionaire toegangscontrole
law, ITdiscretionary access controldiscretionaire beveiliging
gen.discretionary access controlfacultatieve toegangscontrole
comp., MSdiscretionary access control listDiscretionary Access Control List (An access control list that is controlled by the owner of an object and that specifies the access particular users or groups can have to the object)
ed.distance and access constraintafstands-en toegangsbeperking
fin., tax.duty-free accessdouanevrijstelling
comp., MSdynamic access controldynamisch toegangsbeheer (The ability for IT pros to define how users access a system based on dynamic qualities, such as a user's location or role)
comp., MSdynamic random access memoryDynamic Random Access Memory (A form of semiconductor random access memory (RAM))
comp., MSEase of Access CenterToegankelijkheidscentrum (An area within the Control Panel that provides accessibility options and settings to help users interact more easily with the computer)
gen.easy access busrolstoelbus
gen.electronic access cardelektronische toegangskaart
comp., MSemergency access codetoegangscode in noodgevallen (An emergency access code is a set of letters and numbers that can be included on your emergency profile wallet card or sheet)
ed., ITenhanced access and interpretation toolverbeterd toegangs-en interpretatiehulpmiddel
health.EU law on access to servicesEU-recht inzake toegang tot diensten
fin., industr.European Association of Access Flooring ManufacturersEuropese Associatie van makers van vloeren en toegangen
econ., patents.European Convention on the legal protection of services based on, or consisting of, conditional accessEuropees Verdrag betreffende de rechtsbescherming van diensten gebaseerd op of bestaande uit voorwaardelijke toegang
econ., patents.European Convention on the legal protection of services based on, or consisting of, conditional accessEuropees Verdrag inzake de wettelijke bescherming van diensten die op voorwaarden toegankelijk zijn
comp., MSExchange Fast AccessSnelle toegang tot Exchange (A feature that enables Exchange users to see new email messages and up-to-date calendar items as soon as they open Outlook, without waiting for it to finish synchronizing)
lawexercise of right of accessuitoefening van het omgangsrecht
pharma.Expanded Access Programmevoorlopige toestemming voor toepassing
comp., MSexternal accessexterne toegang (Authenticated access that can be granted to external partners and clients to enable sharing of selected SharePoint Online content)
agric.external access openingtoegangsopening aan de buitenzijde
ed., commun.fair access to broadcasting and cable timepassende hoeveelheid omroep-en kabeltijd
comp., MSfield access profileveldtoegangsprofiel (The set of field-level access permissions that have been granted to a user or users)
comp., MSfield-level accesstoegang op veldniveau (The permission that is assigned to a user or users that allow them to read, update, or create a specific field)
commun., ITfile accessbestandstoegang
comp., MSfiltered access tokengefilterde-toegangstoken (An access token with the least administrative privileges required for the session. It is a restricted access token where all elevated privileges have been filtered out. A filtered access token is created by default for all interactive users that are not standard users, except the built-in administrator)
stat.fishing access sitevisplaats
construct.flat with individual accessflatwoning met eigen ingang
gen.Foundation for Scientific Literature Difficult of AccessStichting voor Moeilijk Toegankelijke Wetenschappelijke Literatuur
fin.free access to a sharevrije toegang tot een quota
ed.free access to all forms of educationvolledige toegang tot alle vormen van onderwijs
lawfree access to any paid employment of their choicevrije toegang tot iedere arbeid in loondienst te zijner keuze
fin.free access to the shares which have been allocatedvrije toegang tot het toegewezen quotum
environ.freedom of access to information on the environmentvrije toegang tot milieu-informatie
social.sc., environ.freedom of access to information on the environmentvrije toegang tot informatie met betrekking tot het milieu
el.frequency division multiple accessmeervoudige toegang met frequentieverdeling
el.frequency division multiple accessmeervoudige toegang door frequentieverdeling
el.frequency division multiple accessmeervoudige toegankelijkheid op basis van frequentieverdeling
el.frequency division multiple accessfrequentieverdeling-multiplextoegang
comp., MSfull accessvolledige toegang (A privilege on a computer system that allows a user to read, write, and delete data)
comp., MSfull access tokenvolledige-toegangstoken (An access token with the maximum privileges authorized for the account. Used by User Account Control (UAC))
comp., MSfull privilege access tokentoegangstoken met volledige bevoegdheid (An access token with the maximum privileges authorized for the account. Used by User Account Control (UAC))
construct.gallery access dwellinggalerijflat
lawgeneral access to the test plot by visitorsopenstelling van een proefveld
gen.to grant access to its facilitiestoegang verschaffen tot haar diensten
gen.Green Paper : "Access of consumers to justice and the settlement of consumer disputes in the single market"Groenboek : "De consument en zijn verhaalsmogelijkheden en de beslechting van consumentengeschillen in de interne markt"
construct.Green paper on access to and use of public sector informationGroenboek over de toegang tot en het gebruik van informatie van de publieke sector
construct., lawGreen Paper on consumer access to justice and the settlement of consumer disputes in the single marketGroenboek De consument en zijn verhaalsmogelijkheden en de beslechting van consumentengeschillen in de interne markt
law, commer.Green Paper on the access of consumers to justice and the settlement of consumer disputes in the single marketGroenboek "De consument en zijn verhaalsmogelijkheden en de beslechting van consumentengeschillen in de interne markt"
work.fl.Green Paper - Public Access to Documents held by institutions of the European Community - A reviewGroenboek - Toegang van het publiek tot documenten van de instellingen van de Europese Gemeenschap - Evaluatie
lawguaranteed access on payment of a feegewaarborgd verstrekt krijgen tegen vergoeding
lawillegal access to an information systemonrechtmatige toegang tot een informatiesysteem
med.implanted venous access deviceonder de huid bevestigde katheder
gen.improved accessdoorbreken van het isolement
gen.improved accessontsluiting
gen.improved access from the exteriorexterne ontsluiting
comp., MSin-band accessin-band-toegang (Access to host via a connection that does use the IP Network)
comp., MSindexed sequential access methodgeïndexeerde sequentiële toegangsmethode (A technique for indexing database records that allows sequential or random access of records. When records are accessed sequentially they are accessed in the order in which they were entered in the database, and when records are accessed randomly, the records are accessed through an index)
work.fl., ITindirect accessindirecte toegang
gen.infrastructure to improve accessvoorzieningen met het oog op de ontsluiting
gen.infrastructure to improve accessvoorzieningen die de regio's beter toegankelijk moeten maken
construct.inspection pocket, trap screw, access eye, lamp holeontstoppingsstuk (riolering)
ed., ITintelligent information accessingintelligente toegang tot informatie
ed., ITinteractive access and exchange of informationinteractieve toegang tot en uitwisseling van informatie
el.interfering multiple access systeminterfererend systeem met meervoudige toegang
comp., MSinternational access codeinternationale toegangscode (The prefix that is used to direct a call internationally. The International Access Code is 011 in the United States and 00 in much of the rest of the world)
comp., MSInternet accessinternettoegang (The capability of a user to connect to the Internet)
stat., commun.internet accessinternettoegang
comp., MSInternet access providerinternettoegangsprovider (A business that supplies Internet connectivity services to individuals, businesses, and other organizations. An ISP provides a telephone number, a user name, a password, and other connection information so that users can access the Internet through the ISP's computers)
econ.Internet access providerprovider
patents.internet access servicesdiensten op het gebied van toegang tot het Internet
gen.inventory of difficult-to-access nuclear materialsinventarisatie van moelijk toegankelijk kerntechnisch materiaal
gen.ISDN basic accessnormale abonnee-aansluiting
gen.ISDN basic accessbasistoegang
gen.ISDN user access for permanent servicesgebruikerstoegang tot permanente diensten
polit.IT Access & Asset Management & LSUIT-toegang, Asset management en LSU
econ.job accesstoegang tot het arbeidsproces
construct.kerb for access crossingsinritband
comp., MSKeyboard Access SystemToetsenbordtoegangsysteem (A set of accelerator keys with associated icons)
comp., MSlamp access doortoegangsklep lamp (The metal door in the I/O connections area that you must remove to access the lamp assembly)
environ.land access The permission or freedom to use, enter, approach or pass to and from a tract of land, which often consists of real estate propertytoegang tot land
environ.land accesstoegang tot land
law, ITlawful access to encryption keyswettelijk toegestane toegang tot encryptiesleutels
ed., ITlearner information accesstoegang tot informatie voor de leerling
gen.leasing access time to a computer data baseverhuur van toegangstijd tot een computer-database
patents.leasing access time to a computer databaseverhuur van toegangstijd tot gegevensbestanden
patents.leasing of access time to a computer data base serververhuur van toegangstijd tot een servercentrum van gegevensbanken
environ.letter of accessverklaring van toegang
commun.limited access to Eurovision materialbeperkte toegang tot audiovisueel materiaal en beeldmateriaal
energ.ind., el.limited frequency unannounced accessslechts met beperkte regelmaat uitgevoerd onaangekondigde bezoek
econ.local access to the lawjustitie in de buurt
comp., MSlow integrity access tokentoegangstoken met een laag integriteitsniveau (A filtered access token that is created with a low integrity level. This access token is used by Internet Explorer Protected Mode, but can also be used by other applications)
construct.low rise staircase access dwellingstapelwoning
min.prod.to make diplomatic representations to a country in response to a threat to restrict free access to cargoes in ocean tradesdiplomatieke stappen zetten bij een land als antwoord op een dreiging tot beperking van de vrije toegang tot lading in het zeevervoer
econ.market accesstoegang tot de markt
gen.market accessmarkttoegang
interntl.trade.market-access commitment in relation to the supply of a serviceverbintenis betreffende markttoegang in verband met de verlening van een dienst
econ., market.market access concessionconcessie inzake markttoegang
interntl.trade.market access concessionsconcessies inzake markttoegang
commer., ITMarket Access Databasedatabank markttoegang
econ.market-access measuremaatregel t.b.v.de toegang tot de markt
econ., commer.market access offermarkttoegangsaanbod
econ., commer.market access offeraanbod van toegang tot de markt
econ.market access strategymarkttoegangsstrategie
fin.measure establishing privileged accessmaatregel waardoor een bevoorrechte toegang wordt verkregen
law, fin.measure establishing privileged accessmaatregelen waardoor een bevoorrechte toegang wordt verkregen
comp., MSMicrosoft Access 2010Microsoft® Access® 2010 (The year 2010 edition of the Microsoft relational database management system)
comp., MSMicrosoft Access data fileMicrosoft Access-gegevensbestand (A database or project file for Microsoft Access)
comp., MSMicrosoft Access projectMicrosoft Access-project (An Access file that connects to a Microsoft SQL Server database and is used to create client/server applications. A project file doesn't contain any data or data-definition-based objects such as tables and views)
comp., MSMicrosoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook with Offline AccessMicrosoft Dynamics CRM voor Microsoft Office Outlook met offlinetoegang (The laptop client version of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM product suite for Microsoft Office Outlook)
agric.minimum access quotaminimale markttoegangsregeling
comp., MSMobile Access for Windows SharePoint ServicesMobiele toegang voor Windows SharePoint-services (A feature that enables mobile devices, such as cellular phones, to access some SharePoint services)
econ., market.multilateral discipline relating to market accessmultilaterale regels voor markttoegang
commun., ITmultimedia accessmultimediatoegang
environ.Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological DiversityProtocol van Nagoya inzake toegang tot genetische rijkdommen en de eerlijke en billijke verdeling van voordelen voortvloeiende uit hun gebruik bij het Verdrag inzake biologische diversiteit
gen.Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversityprotocol inzake toegang en verdeling van voordelen
gen.Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological DiversityProtocol van Nagoya
IT, dat.proc.navigation accesszoekwegentoegang
IT, dat.proc.navigation accessnavigatietoegang
el.negotiated network accessvrij bedongen toegang tot het net
energ.ind., el.Negotiated Third Party Accessonderhandelde toegang van derden tot het net
energ.ind., el.Negotiated Third Party Accesstoegang van derden tot het net via onderhandelingen
energ.ind., el.Negotiated Third Party Accessonderhandelde nettoegang van derden
law, ITnetwork access authorisationbevoegde toegang tot een netwerk
law, ITnetwork access authorizationbevoegde toegang tot een netwerk
comp., MSNetwork Access ProtectionNetwerktoegangsbeveiliging (A set of operating system components that can help protect access to a private network by enforcing health policies. System administrators establish health policies which NAP enforces by inspecting and assessing the health of client computers, restricting network access when client computers are deemed noncompliant, and remediating noncompliant client computers for full network access. NAP also provides ongoing health compliance enforcement while a client computer is connected to a network)
comp., MSnetwork access servernetwerktoegangsserver (The device that accepts Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connections and places clients on the network that the NAS serves)
gen.network discretionary access controlonbepaalde netwerktoegangscontrole
interntl.trade.non-agricultural market accessmarkttoegang voor niet-landbouwproducten
comp., MSnon-uniform memory accessniet-uniforme geheugentoegang (Access by a CPU of local as well as foreign memory. This process, which is enabled by NUMA architecture, results in different access speeds)
comp., MSon-access protectionpermanente bescherming (Virus protection (e.g. antivirus software) that is active continuously, as opposed to on demand)
energ.ind.open accessopenstelling van de markt
gen.open accessopen opstelling (Any library area where users have unrestricted access to the collections)
work.fl., commun.open access libraryopen-accessbibliotheek
work.fl., commun.open access libraryopen bibliotheek
econ.open access publishingvrij toegankelijke publicatie
comp., MSOpen Device Access Modelopen toegangsmodel voor apparaten (The access model for horizontal solutions, which enables a horizontal strategy. Open Device Access enables many different Windows Store apps to access a specialized device. Examples: a smartphone with multiple apps that synchronize contacts; a pedometer that allows multiple apps to read its data and post it to a website)
gen.operator-assisted accessnetlijngerechtigd via telefoniste
comp., MSOutlook Web Access Web PartOutlook Web Access-webonderdeel (A piece of the user interface (UI) in Outlook Web Access that can be hosted in iframes as part of other Web applications such as SharePoint Portal Server portals. Outlook Web Access exposes a set of Outlook Web Access Web Part URLs that allow other applications to request certain portions of the Outlook Web Access UI. For example, another application can load the Outlook Web Access Web Part URL for the Inbox, Calendar, or Contact folder into an iframe hosted in that application)
comp., MSout-of-band accessout-of-band-toegang (Access to host via a connection that doesn't use the IP network)
comp., MSoutside line access codetoegangscode voor buitenlijn (The prefix that is used to access an outside line. In the United States, this prefix is typically 9)
ed., ITovercoming of distance and access constraintsoplossing van afstands-en toegankelijkheidsproblemen
law, life.sc.parcel of land with direct access to a public right of wayoevergrondstuk
law, life.sc.parcel of land with direct access to a public right of wayaan de openbare weg gelegen grondstuk
law, social.sc.parent required to grant right of accessdegene die het omgangsrecht uitoefent
law, social.sc.parent with right of accesshouder van het omgangsrecht
lawParental Responsibility and Access to Children ActWet tot nadere regeling van het gezag over en de omgang met minderjarige kinderen
gen.permissible load in the access shafttoegestane belasting van de toegangschacht
commun., IT1-persistent carrier sense multiple access1-persistent CSMA
commun., IT1-persistent carrier sense multiple accesspersistent CSMA
commun., IT1-persistent carrier sense multiple access1-persistent carrier sense multiple acces
commun., IT1-persistent carrier sense multiple accesspersistent carrier sense multiple acces
construct.photometry, daylight accesslichttoevoer
construct.photometry, daylight accesslichttoetreding
law, ITphysical access controltoegangsbewaking
law, ITphysical access controltoegangscontrole
gen.Plan to support and facilitate access to large-scale scientific facilities of European interestPlan van de Gemeenschap ter ondersteuning en vergemakkelijking van de toegang tot grote wetenschappelijke installaties van Europees belang
gen.plugging of the access shaftsopvulling van toegangsschachten
gen.p-persistent carrier sense multiple accessp-persistent CSMA-CD-methode
gen.preferential accesspreferentiele invoer in de EEG
fin., polit.preferential access to the Community marketpreferentiële toegang tot de markt van de Gemeenschap
law, commun.principle of public accessprincipe van openbaarheid
law, fin.principle of unrestricted access to the market and trafficbeginsel van onbeperkte toegang tot de markt en het vervoer
comp., MSPrinciples for the data access and the testability of digital documentsPrincipes voor de toegang van gegevens en het testen van digitale documenten (A German law that requires tax authorities to be capable of digitally checking data from electronic bookkeeping systems)
fin.privileged accessbevoorrechte toegang
IT, dat.proc.program accessprogrammatoegang
gen.prohibition of privileged accessverbod op bevoorrechte toegang
gen.to promote access by all to respective cultural achievementshet bevorderen van de toegang van allen tot de onderscheiden culturele prestaties
gen.Protocol on Access and Benefit-SharingProtocol van Nagoya
environ.Protocol on Access and Benefit-SharingProtocol van Nagoya inzake toegang tot genetische rijkdommen en de eerlijke en billijke verdeling van voordelen voortvloeiende uit hun gebruik bij het Verdrag inzake biologische diversiteit
gen.Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharingprotocol inzake toegang en verdeling van voordelen
patents.providing access to communications networkshet verschaffen van toegang tot communicatienetwerken
patents.providing access to electronic communications networks and electronic databaseshet verlenen van toegang tot elektronische communicatienetwerken en elektronische databases
patents.providing access to global computer networks and other computer networksverstrekking van toegang tot wereldwijde computernetwerken en andere computernetwerken
patents.providing access to interactive computer databaseshet verstrekken van toegang tot interactieve computerdatabases
patents.providing access to on-line information and communication serviceshet verlenen van toegang tot on-line informatie- en communicatiediensten
patents.providing access to on-line magazines, books, manuals and catalogueshet verlenen van toegang tot on-line tijdschriften, boeken, handboeken en catalogussen
patents.provision of telecommunications access and links to computer databases and the Internethet verlenen van toegang tot en verbindingen met databases en het Internet door middel van
polit.public accesstoegang van het publiek
environ.public access buildingvoor iedereen toegankelijk gebouw
environ.public access buildingopenbaar gebouw
gen.public access to administrative documentstoegang van het publiek tot administratieve documenten
gen.public access to Community documentstoegang van het publiek tot de documenten van de Europese instellingen
h.rghts.act.public access to documents of the institutionstoegang van het publiek tot de documenten van de instellingen
h.rghts.act.public access to informationtoegang van het publiek tot de documenten van de instellingen
environ.public access to landpubliek toegang tot terreinen
environ.public access to land The right or permission for all persons of a community to use government owned geographic areas such as parks, campgrounds and historical sitespubliek toegang tot terreinen
environ.public access to landalgemene toegang tot terreinen
comp., MSQuick Access Toolbarwerkbalk Snelle toegang (A customizable toolbar that provides one-click access to commands)
comp., MSRAD Web Access ConfigurationRAD-webtoegangconfiguratie (An option on the Remote Desktop Services menu on the Administrative Tools menu that opens the RAD Web Access Web site for administrative purposes)
social.sc., industr.raised access flooringverhoogde vloeren
comp., MSrandom access memoryRandom Access Memory (The temporary storage area the computer uses to run programs and store data. Information stored in RAM is temporary and is designed to be erased when the computer is turned off)
gen.random direct access storage unitsdirect willekeurig toegankelijke geheugeneenheid
comp., MSredirected accessomgeleide toegang (Functionality that redirects all I/O operations over the network to another node that has access to the required drive)
gen.regulation on access to the asylum procedureregels voor de toegang tot de asielprocedure
gen.regulations on access to networksreglementering inzake toegang tot netwerken
fin.remote accesstoegang op afstand
comp., MSremote accessexterne toegang (Part of the integrated Routing and Remote Access service that provides remote networking for telecommuters, mobile workers, and system administrators who monitor and manage servers at multiple branch offices. Users can use Network Connections to dial in to remotely access their networks for services such as file and printer sharing, electronic mail, scheduling, and SQL database access)
commun., ITremote accessafstandstoegang
fin.remote access payment instrumentbetaalinstrument met toegang op afstand
comp., MSremote access serverRAS-server (A Windows-based computer running the Routing and Remote Access service and configured to provide remote access)
fin., econ.remote access to an IFTStoegang op afstand tot een interbancair betalingssysteem
comp., MSremote access TrojanTrojaans programma voor externe toegang (A type of Trojan that provides remote access to a computer)
ed., ITremote accessing of knowledge basestoegang op afstand tot een kennisbank
comp., MSremote data accessexterne gegevenstoegang (A service that provides a simple way for a smart device application to access (pull) and send (push) data to and from a remote SQL Server database table and a local SQL Server Mobile Edition database table. RDA can also be used to issue SQL commands on a server running SQL Server)
comp., MSRemote Desktop Services client access licenseclient access license voor Extern bureaublad-services (A license that is required for a user or a device to connect to a remote desktop server)
comp., MSRemote Desktop Services Per Device client access licenseclient access license per apparaat voor Extern bureaublad-services (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one device (used by any user) to connect to a remote desktop server)
comp., MSRemote Desktop Services Per User client access licenseclient access license per gebruiker voor Extern bureaublad-services (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one user to access remote desktop servers from an unlimited number of client computers or devices)
comp., MSRemote Desktop Web Access ConfigurationExtern bureaublad-webtoegangconfiguratie (In Remote Desktop Services, the site where you can configure the RD Web Access Web Part)
comp., MSRemoteApp and Desktop Web Access ConfigurationWebtoegangconfiguratie voor RemoteApp en Extern bureaublad (An option on the Remote Desktop Services menu on the Administrative Tools menu that opens the RAD Web Access Web site for administrative purposes)
patents.rental and leasing of computers and leasing of access time to a computer databaseverhuur van computers en van toegangstijd tot een computergegevensbank
patents.rental of access time to a computer databaseverhuur van toegangstijd tot een computer-database
commun.residential accesswoonhuisaansluiting
comp., MSRestricted Device Access Modelbeperkt toegangsmodel voor apparaten (The device access model for vertical solutions. Restricted Device Access does not allow other applications to access a specialized device)
gen.right of accessomgangsrecht
law, ITright of accessrecht van inzage
law, ITright of accessrecht van toegang tot persoonsgegevens
lawright of accessrecht van toegang
environ.right of accessopenbaarheid
gen.right of accessrecht op kennisneming
gen.right of accessbezoekrecht
environ.right of access to administrative documentsrecht van toegang tot ambtelijke stukken
lawright of access to childrenomgangsrecht
gen.right of access to informationrecht op toegang tot informatie
h.rghts.act.right of access to placement servicesrecht op toegang tot arbeidsbemiddeling
law, ITright to accessrecht van toegang tot persoonsgegevens
law, ITright to accessrecht van inzage
lawright to accessrecht van toegang
econ.rights of accessomgangsrecht
comp., MSrole-based access control roletoegangsbeheerrol van de gebruiker (The user role that is assigned to a user account, which determines the options that are visible to that user and the tasks that the user can perform in the management interface for Exchange Labs)
h.rghts.act.rules on public access to documents of the European Investment Bankreglement voor publieke toegankelijkheid van documenten van de Europese Investeringsbank
comp., MSscatter/gather direct memory accessscatter/gather DMA (A form of direct memory access (DMA) in which data is transferred to and from noncontiguous ranges of physical memory)
gen.secure access management and administrationbeveiligd toegangsbeheer en administratie
gen.selective and virtually instant access to the legislationselectieve,vrijwel onmiddellijke toegang tot de wetgeving
comp., MSservice access pointservicetoegangspunt (A logical address that allows a system to route data between a remote device and the appropriate communications support)
comp., MSshared access computercomputer met gedeelde toegang (A computer in a public environment that is accessed by several different users on a daily basis)
agric.silo with access hatchessilo met luiken
gen.single line integrated digital accessnormale abonnee-aansluiting
gen.single line integrated digital accessbasistoegang
comp., MSSpecialized Device Access Modeltoegangsmodel voor gespecialiseerde apparaten (The model that describes the two ways that a Windows Store app can access a specialized device: Open Access Model and Restricted Device Access Model)
el.spread spectrum multiple accessmeervoudige toegang door gespreid spectrum
construct.staircase access dwellingstapelwoning
construct.straight access stairs with landingsrechte trappen met halverwege e en overloop
gen.subscriber accessabonneetoegang
gen.subscriber accessgebruikerstoegang
comp., MSsubscriber access numbertoegangsnummer van abonnee (A number that is configured in a Private Branch eXchange (PBX) that allows a subscriber to access their Microsoft Exchange mailbox over the telephone)
el.switched accessgeschakelde toegang
el.synchronous multiple access systemsynchroon systeem met meervoudige toegang
comp., MSsystem access control listSystem Access Control List (An ACL that controls the generation of audit messages for attempts to access a securable object. The ability to get or set an object's SACL is controlled by a privilege typically held only by system administrators)
comp., MSSystem Center Data Access serviceSystem Center Data Access-service (A Windows service that runs on the management servers in each management group, and that allows client applications to access Operations Manager data and functionality)
fin., econ.Temporary Community framework for State aid measures to support access to finance in the current financial and economic crisistijdelijke communautaire kaderregeling inzake staatssteun ter stimulering van de toegang tot financiering in de huidige financiële en economische crisis
econ., fin., commer.Temporary Union framework for State aid measures to support access to finance in the current financial and economic crisistijdelijke kaderregeling van de Unie inzake staatssteun ter stimulering van de toegang tot financiering in de huidige financiële en economische crisis
gen.the access to achievements on a mutually advantageous basisde toegang tot deze prestaties op wederzijds voordelige basis
energ.ind.third-party access to the networkhet aan derden toegang verlenen tot het net
transp.time of the last closing of the accessestijdstip van de laatste sluiting van de toegangen
arts., commun.Trans-European telecommunications network for access to Europe's cultural heritagetrans-Europees telecommunicatienetwerk voor de toegang tot het Europese culturele erfgoed
comp., MSUM access telephone numberTelefoonnummer voor UM-toegang (A telephone number that points to a hunt group and is the access number for calls that are routed to Unified Messaging servers)
law, ITunauthorised access attemptpoging tot onbevoegd nemen van toegang
law, ITunauthorized access attemptpoging tot onbevoegd nemen van toegang
econ.unfettered access for humanitarian aidonbeperkte toegang voor humanitaire hulp
gen.unrestricted international accessinternationaal gerechtigd
gen.user access for permanent servicesgebruikerstoegang tot permanente diensten
comp., MSUser Access Logginglogboekregistratie voor gebruikerstoegang (A logging feature that gathers unique client records and events for later retrieval by an administrator using WMI or PowerShell)
transp.vehicle accessinrit
gen.vertical access shaftverticale toegangsschacht
comp., MSWindows PowerShell Web AccessWindows PowerShell-internettoegang (A feature that lets a server act as a web gateway through which an organization's users can manage remote computers by running Windows PowerShell sessions in a web browser)
comp., MSwrite accessschrijftoegang (A privilege on a computer system that allows a user to save, change, or delete stored data. Write access is usually set by the system administrator for a networked or server system and by the owner of the computer for a stand-alone machine)
comp., MS802.1X-capable wireless access point802.1X-compatibel draadloos toegangspunt (A network access server that adheres to both the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.1X and the Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service (RADIUS) standards, and that is deployed in networks to enforce 802.1X authenticated IEEE 802.3 wired Ethernet access)
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