
Terms for subject Environment containing train | all forms
environmental training Teaching of specialists and qualified workers who acquire knowledge and skills necessary to solve environmental problemsformazione ambientale
environmental trainingformazione ambientale
high-speed train Trains travelling at maximum speeds of 300kmh on special high-speed rail linestreno ad alta velocità
initial training Any education, instruction or discipline occurring at the beginning of an activity, task, occupation or life spanformazione iniziale
rapid transit traintreno metropolitano
sampling traintreno di campionamento
training centre Place where people are prepared for a specific purposecentro di addestramento
underground train A train for transportation of people, mostly beneath the surface of the ground, in order to lessen the trafficmetropolitana
underground trainmetropolitana
vocational training A special training for a regular occupation or profession, especially, one for which one is specially suited or qualifiedformazione professionale