
Terms for subject Microsoft containing toggle | all forms | exact matches only
toggle buttoninterruttore (" A button control within a graphical user interface that when clicked remains "down" (appearing to be pressed) until it is clicked again. It can display either text or a picture, and can be standalone or part of an option group.")
toggle flagcambia contrassegno (A menu option to change the flag status of an email)
toggle keytasto di alternanza (A keyboard key that alternates between turning a particular operation, function, or mode on or off)
toggle screenDisplay ON/OFF (In Windows Media Player Mobile, an optional setting that enables the user to toggle the device's display on and off. This is useful, for example, when the user is playing music using Windows Media Player on a mobile device and wants to conserve battery life. When the display is toggled off, pressing any key will turn the display back on)