
Terms for subject Medical containing through | all forms | exact matches only
carcinogenicity through irradiationcarcinogenesi da irradiazione
carcinogenicity through irradiationcancerogenesi da irradiazione
disease transmitted through contaminated syringemalattia della siringa
hernia through the linea albaernia della linea alba
how genetic units are set into motion through molecular interactionsle unità genetiche vengono messe in moto attraverso interazioni molecolari
incision through sternumincisione dello sterno
incision through sternumsternotomia
iris not discernible through the opacityiride non distinguibile attraverso l'opacità
to prove their family relationship through a DNA testprovare i legami familiari mediante test del DNA
retrosternal hernia through Larrey's clefternia retrosternale attraverso il forame di Larrey (hernia foraminis Larrey)
retrosternal hernia through Morgagni's clefternia retrosternale attraverso il forame di Morgagni (hernia foraminis Morgagnii)
through passage of fluidperfusione
through the nose breathingrespirazione per via nasale
through the rectumper rectum
through the skinpercutaneo
through the skintransdermale
through the urine tubetransuretrale
working through"perlavorazione"