
Terms for subject Environment containing terms | all forms | exact matches only
Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the ConventionGruppo di lavoro ad hoc sull'azione cooperativa di lungo termine della convenzione
Bessel function termil termine della funzione di Bessel
high-risk area in environmental termszona ad alto rischio ambientale
Joint Opportunities for Unconventional or Long-term Energyenergia non nucleare e utilizzazione razionale dell'energia
long-term biomassbiomassa "a lungo termine"
long-term effecteffetto a lungo termine
long-term effect Effects which will last long after the cause has ceasedeffetto a lungo termine
long-term effect of pollutantseffetto a lungo termine degli inquinanti
long-term experiment 1. Experiment lasting for a relatively long period of time. 2. Experiment whose results become effective after a long period of timeesperimento a lungo termine
long-term experimentesperimento a lungo termine
long-term forecasting The act or process of predicting and calculating the likely conditions or occurrences for an extended and future point in time, often involving the study and analysis of pertinent dataprevisione a lungo termine
long-term forecastingprevisione a lungo termine
long-term retardantritardante a lungo termine
long-term trend The prevailing tendency or general direction expected for some observed value over a lengthy and extended period of time, often determined by studying and analyzing statistical datatendenze a lungo termine
long-term trendtendenze a lungo termine
may cause long-term adverse effects in the environmentR58
may cause long-term adverse effects in the environmentpuò provocare a lungo termine effetti negativi per l'ambiente
natural area which is of particular interest in terms of ecology or wildlifezona naturale che presenta un interesse ecologico o relativo alla fauna o alla flora
Protocol to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, on Long-term Financing of the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe EMEPProtocollo alla convenzione del 1979 sull'inquinamento atmosferico transfrontaliero a lunga distanza, relativo al finanziamento a lungo termine del programma concertato di sorveglianza continua e di valutazione del trasporto a lunga distanza di sostanze inquinanti atmosferiche in Europa EMEP
sensitive volume and resolving power of the detector in terms of energyvolume sensibile e potere risolutivo d'energia del rivelatore
Short and Medium-Term Priority Environmental Action ProgrammeProgramma d'azione prioritario in materia d'ambiente a breve e medio termine
Short and Medium-term Priority Environmental Action Programmeprogramma d'azione prioritario a breve e medio termine
System-wide Medium-term Environmental ProgrammeProgramma a medio termine su scala del sistema in materia di ambiente