
Terms for subject Microsoft containing standby | all forms | exact matches only
connected standbystandby connesso (The state that enables a PC to turn on instantly and have tiles and other services update even when the screen is off)
hot standby serverserver hot standby (A standby server that can support rapid failover without a loss of data from committed transactions)
On/Standby power buttonpulsante On/Standby (The power button that turns a device, computer, or Surface unit, on and off)
standby continuous replicationReplica continua di standby (A replication that uses the same log shipping and replay technology used by local continuous replication (LCR) and cluster continuous replication (CCR) to provide added deployment options and configurations)
standby filefile standby (" In a restore operation, a file used during the undo phase to hold a "copy-on-write" pre-image of pages that are to be modified. The standby file allows reverting the undo pass to bring back the uncommitted transactions.")
standby serverserver di standby (" A server instance containing a copy of a database that can be brought online if the source copy of the database becomes unavailable. Log shipping can be used to maintain a "warm" standby server, called a secondary server, whose copy of the database is automatically updated from log backups at regular intervals. Before failover to a warm standby server, its copy of the database must be brought fully up to date manually. Database mirroring can be used to maintain a "hot" standby server, called a mirror server, whose copy of the database is continuously brought up to date. Failover to the database on a mirror server is essentially instantaneous.")
warm standby serverserver warm standby (A standby server that contains a copy of a database that is asynchronously updated, and that can be brought online fairly quickly)