
Terms for subject Microsoft containing share | all forms | exact matches only
Burn a Sharing DiscMasterizza un disco da condividere (A control that initiates burning a disc with selected pictures for sharing)
desktop sharingcondivisione desktop (A feature that allows a user to display his or her desktop to a meeting or to conversation participants)
distribution sharecondivisione di distribuzione (A folder that contains the source files for Windows products that you install. It may also contain additional device drivers and application files)
Domain Folder Sharing WizardConfigurazione guidata cartella nel dominio (A wizard that guides the user through sharing a folder with members of the same domain)
Dynamic CPU Fair ShareCondivisione dinamica CPU equa (A feature that dynamically distributes processor time across all Remote Desktop Services sessions on the same RD Session Host server, based on the number of sessions and the demand for processor time within each session)
Dynamic Disk Fair ShareCondivisione dinamica disco equa (A feature that prevents sessions from over-utilizing disk usage by equal distribution of disk I/O among sessions)
Dynamic Fair-Share Schedulingpianificazione dinamica di condivisione equa (A method, used for scheduling threads, that dynamically scales quotas based on load instead of requiring the administrator to explicitly specify quotas. It also adds the flexibility of aggregating thread quotas based on sessions instead of just users)
Dynamic Network Fair ShareCondivisione dinamica rete equa (A feature that dynamically distributes available bandwidth across sessions based on the number of active sessions to enable equal bandwidth utilization)
file share witnesscontrollo di condivisione file (A new type of Majority Node Set (MNS) quorum in Windows Server 2003. In Exchange Server 2007, cluster continuous replication (CCR) uses the MNS quorum with file share witness instead of the traditional voter node)
library sharecondivisione di libreria (A share that has been added to the Virtual Machine Manager library. To be available for use in creating virtual machines, a resource must be stored on a library share and must be added to the Virtual Machine Manager library. When a library server is added to Virtual Machine Manager, shares on the library server are automatically discovered)
Live Sharing SessionSessione di condivisione attiva (A session in which multiple users can work together and see each other's changes immediately)
network sharecondivisione di rete (A folder or directory on a computer that is set up to be readable or writeable for certain users on other computers)
Office Online Sharing ServiceServizio di condivisione calendari su Office Online (A service that allows users to share calendars through an Office Online website)
OneNote sharecondivisione di OneNote (The feature that lets users create and share OneNote meeting notes in a Lync Meeting. Notes appear as docked in a Lync Meeting, with participant lists that can be updated in meeting notes for participants to see)
package sharecondivisione pacchetto (A network share that includes the software installation files for a package)
P2P sharecondivisione P2P (A folder or directory used by peer-to-peer file-sharing software as a destination for receiving files from other users or a source from which other users may download files)
profit sharingcompartecipazione agli utili (A broad-based variable compensation plan that awards employees based on company profits and distributes some portion of company profits to employees. Profit sharing is a means to motivate employees to focus on profits)
Quick Share Accountaccount di condivisione rapida (A feature to define the quick upload of images using a user-defined storing location (such as SkyDrive or Facebook) to be listed in the context menu)
read-only library sharecondivisione di libreria di sola lettura (A library share that is assigned to a private cloud and that is used to share resources to self-service users that deploy services to that private cloud)
Remote Desktop Services Network Fair ShareCondivisione equa rete di Servizi Desktop remoto (A feature that dynamically distributes available bandwidth across sessions based on the number of active sessions to enable equal bandwidth utilization)
resource sharingcondivisione di risorse (The act of making files, printers, and other network resources available for use by others)
Share a quick messageCondividi un messaggio rapido (The link that prompts someone to enter a personal message to share, if the personal message field is currently empty. The personal message appears on someone's Profile page, and in Messenger)
Share charmaccesso alla condivisione (A user interface element that provides access to sharing files and info with other apps)
Share contractcontratto Condivisione (A contract that lets a Windows Store app receive content, such as photos , links, and text, that the user shares from other apps. An app that supports this contract can be included in the list of apps that appears when the user taps the Share charm. Windows limits the list to include only the apps that support the type of data being shared. Examples of apps that might want to use this contract include social networking, email, and note-taking apps)
Share DatabaseCondividi database (An option, found on the Business Contact Manager menu, in the Database Tools selection, that enables the user to share all information in a database)
share namenome condivisione (A name that refers to a shared resource on a server. Each shared folder on a server has a share name used by personal computer users to refer to the folder. Users of Macintosh computers use the name of the Macintosh-accessible volume that corresponds to a folder, which may be the same as the share name)
share pathpercorso condivisione (The full name of a resource on a network in the format \\servername\sharename, which can include a directory path under the share name)
Share pictures and videosCondividi immagini e video (An option that allows the user to share the metadata - caption, label, flag, etc. when sharing a picture or video)
Share Source contractcontratto Condivisione origine (A contract that lets a Windows Store app receive content, such as photos , links, and text, that the user shares from other apps. An app that supports this contract can be included in the list of apps that appears when the user taps the Share charm. Windows limits the list to include only the apps that support the type of data being shared. Examples of apps that might want to use this contract include social networking, email, and note-taking apps)
Share Target contractcontratto Condivisione destinazione (A contract that lets a Windows Store app receive content, such as photos , links, and text, that the user shares from other apps. An app that supports this contract can be included in the list of apps that appears when the user taps the Share charm. Windows limits the list to include only the apps that support the type of data being shared. Examples of apps that might want to use this contract include social networking, email, and note-taking apps)
Share target descriptiondescrizione Condivisione destinazione (The area in the Share UI where developers can add text to describe Share targets)
sharing modemodalità di condivisione (The client view that the presenter sees when he or she is presenting a Sharing slide)
Sharing slidediapositiva di condivisione (A slide on which a presenter can show a shared application or desktop to other meeting participants)
simplified sharingcondivisione semplificata (A streamlined process for sharing Office documents with others)
Snapshot ShareCondivisione snapshot (A share available for the storage of snapshot files. Snapshot files contain the schema and data for published tables)
team project collection library sharecondivisione di libreria dell'insieme di progetti team (A Virtual Machine Manager library share that has been bound to a team project collection)
team project library sharecondivisione di libreria del progetto team (A project collection library share that has been further bound to a TFS team project for storage of virtual environment templates and virtual machine templates)
witness file sharecondivisione file di controllo (For a failover cluster, a file share in the cluster storage that is designated to hold information about the cluster configuration database. A failover cluster has a witness file share only if this is specified as part of the quorum configuration)