
Terms containing scanner | all forms | exact matches only
ITbar code scannerlettore ottico di codice a barre
comp., MSbar code scannerlettore di codice a barre (An optical device that uses a laser beam to read and interpret bar codes, such as the Universal Product Codes, found on grocery products and other retail items)
ITbar code scannerlettore di codice a barre
IT, earth.sc.bar-code optical scannerlettore ottico di codice a barre
IT, earth.sc.bar-code optical scannerlettore di codice a barre
ITbarcode scannerlettore di codici a barre
ITbarcode scannerlettore ottico di codice a barre
el.coastal zone color scanneranalizzatore cromatico delle zone costiere
el.coastal zone colour scanneranalizzatore cromatico delle zone costiere
immigr., tech.colour scanneranalizzatore elettronico dei colori
immigr., tech.colour scannerscanner
immigr., tech.colour scanneranalizzatore dei colori
health.computerized axial tomography scannertomografia assiale computerizzata
crim.law., tech.container scannerscanner per container
stat.digital scannerscanner digitale
immigr., tech.drum scannerscanner a tamburo
comp., MSface scannerdispositivo di scansione del volto (A biometric sensor that analyses data points on your face to recognize or authenticate identity)
cultur., commun.film scannersistema di scansione per film
ITfilm scanneranalizzatore di microfilm
immigr., tech.flat-bed scannerscanner piano
earth.sc., industr., construct.flying spot scannerlettore ottico a scansione
ITflying-spot scannerlettore ottico a scansione
ITflying-spot scannerlettore ottico a scansione a punto mobile
ITflying-spot scanneranalizzatore a punto mobile
radioflying-spot scanneranalizzatore a punto luminoso
el.flying-spot scanner tubetubo analizzatore "flying spot"
IThandheld scannerscanner manuale
comp., MShandheld scannerscanner manuale (A type of scanner used as follows: the user passes the scan head, contained within a handheld unit, over the medium being scanned, such as a piece of paper)
comp., MShand-held scannerscanner manuale (A type of scanner used as follows: the user passes the scan head, contained within a handheld unit, over the medium being scanned, such as a piece of paper)
patents.image scannersscanner di immagini
mater.sc.interface-scanner-modulemodulo di interfaccia-interrogazione ciclica
comp., MSlanguage service scanneranalizzatore servizio di linguaggio (A component that is used to identify types of tokens in source code. This information is used for syntax highlighting and for quickly identifying token types that can trigger other operations, for example, brace matching)
med.linker scanner mutationmutazione da linker
comp., MSmalware scannerrilevatore di malware (Software used to scan for and eradicate malicious software)
law, scient., industr.millimetre wave scannerscanner ad onde millimetriche
social.sc., scient.MRI scannerscanner a risonanza magnetica
ITmulticolour scannerdispositivo di scansione multicolore
environ.multispectral scanner A remote sensing term referring to a scanning radiometer that simultaneously acquires images in various wavebands at the same time. A multispectral scanner can be carried aboard an aircraft or satellite. The Landsat multispectral scanner records images in four wavebands of visible and near infrared electromagnetic radiation to enable objects with different reflectance properties to be distinguishedscanner multispettrale
commun., ITmulti-spectral scanneranalizzatore multispettro
environ.multispectral scannerscanner multispettrale
tech.multispectral scanneranalizzatore multispettrale
comp., MSnetwork scannerscanner di rete (A scanner that is not connected directly to a computer, but is instead connected directly to a network through a wired or wireless connection)
med.nuclear rectilinear scannerscanner nucleare rettilineo
health., tech., lawnuclear whole body scannerscanner nucleare "total body"
IToptical bar-code scannerlettore ottico di codice a barre
IToptical bar-code scannerlettore di codice a barre
IT, tech.optical scannerscanner ottico
IToptical scannerlettore ottico
patents.optical scannersscanner ottici
health., nat.sc.positron emission tomographic scannertomografo ad emissione di positroni
comp., MSProactive Scannerprocesso di analisi attiva (An automated proactive scan that triggers when NTFS detects a corruption. The scan is equivalent to the scan phase of chkdsk and finds and logs all corruptions to an internal file. This scan runs during maintenance hours, can be triggered from the Explorer, or manually run from a command line. When this scan is running in the background, some NTFS operations may be blocked)
comp., MSretinal scannerdispositivo di scansione della retina (A biometric sensor that analyses your eye retina to recognize or authenticate identity)
comp., MSsafety scannerSafety scanner (The free online on-demand tool that conducts three types of scans: the protection scan checks for and removes things like viruses and malware; the clean-up scan checks the hard disk for unnecessary files and helps users decide which ones they can safely remove, and also clears the computer's registry of orphaned data; the tune-up scan helps improve the computer's performance by defragmenting the hard disk)
ITscanner diskdisco analizzatore
ITscanner selectorselettore analizzatore
transp.secondary radar scannerinstallazione con radar secondario
IT, earth.sc.signal scanneresploratore dei segnali
automat.signal scannerguida di segnali
radioslide scanneranalizzatore di diapositive
commun.stencil-scannermacchina per carta ciclostile
transp.trackside scannerlettore
commun., ITtraffic scannermisuratore di traffico a scansione
med.ultrasonic diagnostic scanneranalizzatore diagnostico ad ultrasuoni
dat.proc., life.sc.vein pattern scannerlettore di vene
dat.proc., life.sc.vein pattern scannerscanner rilevatore dello schema delle vene
dat.proc., life.sc.vein scannerlettore di vene
dat.proc., life.sc.vein scannerscanner rilevatore dello schema delle vene
commun., IT, engl.virus scannervirus scanner
commun., ITvirus scannerscanner antivirus
commun., IT, engl.virus scannerscanner
comp., MSvirus scannerrilevatore di virus (Software used to scan for and eradicate computer viruses, worms, and Trojan horses)
IT, tech.visual scannerscanner ottico
ITvisual scannerlettore ottico
med.whole body scannerrivelatore a scansione
med.whole body scannerscansioscintigrafo
med.whole body scannerautoscanner
med.whole body scanneranalizzatore centrale del corpo
comp., MSWindows Live OneCare safety scannerWindows Live OneCare Safety scanner (The free online on-demand tool that conducts three types of scans: the protection scan checks for and removes things like viruses and malware; the clean-up scan checks the hard disk for unnecessary files and helps users decide which ones they can safely remove, and also clears the computer's registry of orphaned data; the tune-up scan helps improve the computer's performance by defragmenting the hard disk)
patents.word and information processors and scannerselaboratori di testo e di informazioni e scanner