
Terms for subject Environment containing regime | all forms
climate change regimeregime in materia di cambiamenti climatici
compliance regimesistema di controllo della conformità
compliance regimeregime di conformità
discharge regimeregime di efflusso
discharge regime The rate of flow of a river at a particular moment in time, related to its volume and its velocityregime di efflusso
land use regimeregime fondiario
land use regime Relation existing between the landowner and the tenant farmer who cultivates the landregime fondiario
ozone regimeregime dell'ozono
soil moisture regime The water regime of the soil is determined by the physical properties and arrangement of the soil particles. The pores in a soil determine its water-retention characteristics. When all the pores are full of water, the soil is said to be saturatedregime di umidità del suolo
soil moisture regimeregime di umidità del suolo
soil use regimeregime del suolo
soil use regime Type of management and utilization of the soilregime del suolo