
Terms for subject Microsoft containing reference | all forms | exact matches only
A1 reference stylestile di riferimento A1 (An alphanumeric convention for referencing the location of cells in a worksheet. The column is represented by a letter (A through IV, for a total of 256 columns) and the row is represented by a number (1 through 65536))
absolute cell referenceriferimento di cella assoluto (In a formula, the exact address of a cell, regardless of the position of the cell that contains the formula)
absolute referenceriferimento assoluto (In a formula, the exact address of a cell, regardless of the position of the cell that contains the formula)
actor referenceriferimento attore (The actors that define components of your structure diagram. Actor references can appear only inside an actor class. An actor reference can have reference ports on its outside border)
back referencebackreference (" In regular expressions, an element of the form "\dd", where dd represents a decimal value N that matches a sequence of characters in the target sequence that is the same as the sequence of characters that is matched by the Nth capture group.")
blank reference imageimmagine di riferimento schermo vuoto (A snapshot of what the Surface screen looks like in your lighting environment with nothing on the screen. This snapshot is taking during calibration)
cell referenceriferimento di cella (The set of coordinates that a cell occupies on a worksheet. For example, the reference of the cell that appears at the intersection of column B and row 3 is B3)
circular referenceriferimento circolare (A situation in which one object refers back to itself, either directly or indirectly)
company referencereferente della società (Someone within a company who can verify the status of the company or the status of someone else as an employee of the company)
Configuration Manager health state referenceriferimento sullo stato di integrità di Configuration Manager (A reference that is published to Active Directory to refer to Configuration Manager NAP policy and stored for the System Health Validator(SHV) to use in determining policy compliance)
cross reference objectoggetto di riferimento incrociato (An object in which Active Directory stores information about directory partitions and external directory services)
3-D referenceriferimento 3D (A reference to a range that spans two or more worksheets in a workbook)
database referenceriferimento a database (A path, expression or filename that resolves to a database)
null referenceriferimento Null (In C++, a reference that has not been assigned an object)
OCR reference controlcontrollo di riferimento OCR (A service from BGC that confirms the validity of an OCR reference number in the BG Max file. The user can confirm only the digits or also confirm the character length)
Off-Page Referenceriferimento esterno pagina (A 2-D shape that you can use in large flowchart diagrams to link to another page in the drawing)
R1C1 reference stylestile di riferimento R1C1 (" A convention for referencing the location of cells in a worksheet in which both the rows and the columns on the worksheet are numbered. The location of a cell is indicated with an "R" followed by a row number and a "C" followed by a column number.")
reference attribute typetipo di attributo di riferimento (" An attribute type in which the values of the attribute are the ObjectIDs (globally unique identifiers) of other resources in ILM "2".")
Reference BuilderGeneratore di riferimenti (A feature that enables the user to create, manage and apply standardized citations and references in a document)
reference computercomputer di riferimento (In a Microsoft deployment scenario, the computer that contains the master image)
reference datadati di riferimento (A member in a dimension in the context of a dimension table in a relational database)
reference data cachecache dei dati di riferimento (A Microsoft SQL Server database created on the client computer for maintaining SAP data required by end-user applications during offline and online use)
reference dimensiondimensione di riferimento (A relationship between a dimension and a measure group in which the dimension is coupled to the measure group through another dimension)
reference fieldcampo di riferimento (A field that is associated with another field so that their properties always match. If the properties in one field are changed, the properties in the other field are updated automatically)
reference groupgruppo di riferimento (A group that is associated with another group so that their properties and the properties of the groups and fields they contain always match. If the properties of one group are changed, the other group is updated automatically)
reference HelpGuida di riferimento (A form of online Help that contains conceptual and explanatory information)
reference imageimmagine di riferimento (A configured Windows image that includes additional software applications and updated drivers. A single reference installation image can be deployed onto many destination computers)
reference modemodalità di rifereimento (A word, number, or abbreviation used to identify a unique instance of an entity object type)
reference portporta di riferimento (A port that defines the internal and external ports of an actor reference. Reference ports can be placed only on the outer border of an actor reference shape. They can be used as anchors for bindings)
reference rasterizerunità di rasterizzazione dei riferimenti (A software device that interprets and implements the entire Direct3D feature set and is typically used for feature testing or demonstration purposes. Because the Direct3D features are implemented for accuracy, rather than speed, and are implemented in software, the results are not very fast)
reference relationshiprelazione di riferimento (In a model, a reference relationship indicates that participating objects work with one another with none of the dependencies or restrictions that exist in the hosting or containment relationships. For example, a network router and an Exchange Mailbox server may work together in providing e-mail services. In addition to working with the Exchange Server, the network router works with any other server or device that it routes network traffic for. Also, the Exchange Mailbox server works with all the other Exchange Servers and certain global catalog servers in the organization to provide e-mail services)
reference sitesito di riferimento (A designated child primary site that is used to regain control of SMS software distribution objects during a recovery operation)
reference tabletabella di riferimento (The source table to use in fuzzy lookups)
reference typetipo riferimento (" A data type that is represented by a reference (similar to a pointer) to the type's actual value. If a reference type is assigned to a variable, that variable references (or "points to") the original value. No copy is made. Reference types comprise classes, interfaces, delegates, and boxed value types. ")
relative cell referenceriferimento relativo di cella (In a formula, the address of a cell based on the relative position of the cell that contains the formula and the cell referred to. If you copy the formula, the reference automatically adjusts)
relative referenceriferimento relativo (In a formula, the address of a cell based on the relative position of the cell that contains the formula and the cell referred to. If you copy the formula, the reference automatically adjusts)
remote referenceriferimento remoto (A reference to data stored in a document from another program)
salary survey reference jobposizione lavorativa di riferimento per indagine sulle retribuzioni (A benchmark job description provided by the administrator of a salary survey (usually a third party) that allows different companies to compare their internal jobs to a standard description found in the marketplace)
structured referenceriferimento strutturato (A reference to a table or subset of a table by the table name and column specifier instead of cell coordinates)
Structured Referencesriferimenti strutturati (A formula syntax that allows the user to refer to list and pivot data in a friendlier way)
table referenceriferimento a tabella (A name, expression or string that resolves to a table)
wall reference linelinea di riferimento muro (The line that extends from the wall begin point to the wall endpoint. Although the wall reference line is typically centered on the wall or aligned with one edge of the wall, you can locate it any distance you want from the wall)
Web referenceriferimento Web (A reference that provides access to an available resource by using an Internet protocol such as SOAP or HTTP)
white reference imageimmagine di riferimento bianca (A snapshot of the Surface screen when it is covered by the white side of the calibration board. (This situation represents the absence of light in your environment) This snapshot is taken during calibration)
Windows Store app referenceGuida di riferimento alle app di Windows Store (The section, or Table of Contents node, of Windows Developer docs that contains all of the reference docs for Windows Store app development)