
Terms for subject Environment containing plant | all forms | exact matches only
according to twin compactor refuse handling plantimpianto per il compattaggio di rifiuti a due corpi
activated sludge plantimpianto di fango attivato
activated sludge plantimpianto a fanghi attivi
antiquated plant Old installation that do not respond to new rules for the prevention of environmental pollution and whose redevelopment requires investments for adopting technologies related to the protection of waterways, waste management, noise reduction and emission controlvecchio impianto
antiquated plantvecchio impianto
"Aquaprint pilot plantimpianto pilota Aquaprint
aquatic plant Plants adapted for a partially or completely submerged lifepianta acquatica
biogas plantimpianto di produzione di biogas
biological treatment plantimpianto per la depurazione degli effluenti
biological treatment plantbiofabbrica
C4 plantspiante a C4
C3 plantspiante a C3
calcicole plantpianta calcicola
calcicolous plantpianta calcicola
chemical dosing plantimpianto dosaggi chimici
chemical plantimpianto chimico
chemical plant Plants where basic raw materials are chemically converted into a variety of productsimpianto chimico
chlorination plantimpianto di clorazione
CHP plantimpianto di cogenerazione
CHP plantimpianto di cogenerazione di calore e di elettricità
CHP plantimpianto di generazione congiunta
Claus recovery plantImpianto Claus di recupero
cleaning plant refuseRifiuti dell'impianto di lavaggio
climbing plant wallpianta rampicante
coal-fired power plantcentrale a carbone
coal-fired power plant Power plant which is fuelled by coalcentrale a carbone
cogeneration plantimpianto di generazione congiunta
cogeneration plantimpianto di cogenerazione di calore e di elettricità
cogeneration plantimpianto di cogenerazione
co-incineration plantimpianto di coincenerimento
coking plant effluentacqua di cokerie
coking-plant waste wateracqua reflua delle cokerie
combined heat and power plantimpianto di cogenerazione
combined heat and power plantimpianto di cogenerazione di calore e di elettricità
combined heat and power plantimpianto di generazione congiunta
combined power station and seawater desalination plantImpianto combinato per la produzione di energia elettrica e desalinizzazione dell'acqua marina
combustion plantsimpianti di combustione
Committee for the Adaptation to Scientific and Technical Progress of the Directives on Construction Plant and EquipmentComitato per l'adeguamento delle direttive al progresso scientifico e tecnico - Attrezzature e macchine per cantieri
Committee for the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives on Noise Emission of Construction Plant and EquipmentComitato per l'adeguamento al progresso tecnico - emissioni sonore delle macchine e dei materiali per cantieri
composting plantimpianto per la fabbricazione delle composte
composting plantimpianto di compostaggio
condenser off-gas treatment plantImpianto di trattamento del gas del condensatore
creeping plantpianta strisciante
cultivated plantpianta coltivata
cultivated plant Plants specially bred or improved by cultivationpianta coltivata
deep shaft process plantimpianto di depurazione con fossa Imhoff
Department of Plant Protection and Inspectionservizio per la tutela e il controllo delle piante
dephosphatation plantimpiante di defosfatizzazione
aerial deposition of dry particles particulate deposits on the above-ground parts of plantscattura diretta delle particelle secche da parte degli organi aerei delle piante
desalination plant 1. Plants for the extraction of fresh water from saltwater by the removal of salts, usually by distilling. 2. Parts of the world with severe water shortages are looking to desalination plants to solve their problems. Desalination of water is still nearly four times more expensive than obtaining water from conventional sources. However technology is improving and costs are likely to decrease slightly in the future. There is now more interest in building distillation plants beside electric installations so that the waste heat from power generation can be used to drive the desalination processimpianto di desalinazione
desalination plantimpianto di desalinazione
desalination plant operating by distillationimpianto di desalinizzazione per distillazione
diffused air activated sludge plantimpianto di fango attivato mediante aerazione ad insufflazione
district heating plant Plant for heating all houses in a district; it consists of a large, efficient, centralized boiler plant or "waste" steam from a power station. The heat is distributed by means of low-pressure steam or high-temperature water to the consumersimpianto di riscaldamento urbano
drought-persistent plantxerofita
dust arrestment plantdispositivo di arresto della polvere
effluent treatment plantimpianto di trattamento degli effluenti
electric power plant A stationary plant containing apparatus for large-scale conversion of some form of energy (such as hydraulic, steam, chemical, or nuclear energy) into electrical energyimpianto di produzione di energia elettrica
electric power plantimpianto di produzione di energia elettrica
endangered plant speciesspecie vegetale in pericolo
endangered plant species The plants threatened with extinction by human or natural changes in the environmentspecie vegetale in pericolo
equipment for a relief flotation plantimpianto di flottazione a pressione differenziata
European Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plantpiattaforma tecnologica europea per le centrali elettriche a combustibili fossili a emissioni zero
exhaust gas desulphurisation plantimpianto di desolforazione dei gas di combustione
existing plantstabilimento esistente
floating plantpianta galleggiante
flowering plantpiante con fiori
flowering plant Plants capable of producing conspicuous flowerspiante con fiori
fodder plant Plants used to feed livestockpianta foraggera
food plantpianta alimentare
fully biological sewage treatment plantimpianto di depurazione biologica
fume plantimpianto di aspirazione dei fumi
gas powered plantcentrale a gas
gas powered plant Power station which burns gas, as opposed to a coal-fired station or nuclear power stationcentrale a gas
graminaceous plantgraminacee
graminaceous plant A very large family of plants including cereals such as wheat, maize, etc.graminacee
grassing or grass plantinginerbimento
Group of Experts on Plant Conservationgruppo di esperti sulla conservazione delle piante
heating plantimpianto termico
heating plant Plant for producing and supplying heatimpianto termico
heliophilous plantpianta fotofila
herbaceous plantpianta erbacea
high-risk processing plantstabilimento di trasformazione ad alto rischio
household refuse plantimpianto per i rifiuti solidi urbani
household refuse processing plantimpianto di trattamento dei rifiuti domestici
household-refuse processing plantimpianto di trattamento dei rifiuti domestici
hydrocarbon plantspiante ricche di idrocarburi
hydroelectric power plantcentrale idroelettrica
hydroelectric power plant Power station which operates with the free renewable source of energy provided by falling watercentrale idroelettrica
hygrophilous plantigrofita
incineration plantimpianto di incenerimento
incineration/waste heat boiler plantimpianto di incenerimento con recupero del calore
Indian pitcher plantnepente indiana (Nepenthes khasiana)
indicator plantpianta indicatrice
indicator plantindicatore vegetale
industrial effluent treatment plantimpianto di depurazione degli effluenti industriali
industrial plant organismpianta industriale
industrial plant building, Buildings where the operations related to industrial productive processes are carried outimpianto industriale
integrated circuit-water treatment plantimpianto per il trattamiento delle acque in ciclo chiuso
introduction of plant species Plants which have been translocated by human agency into lands or waters where they have not lived previously, at least during historic times. Such translocation of species always involves an element of risk if not of serious danger. Newly arrived species may be highly competitive with or otherwise adversely affect native species and communities. Some may become a nuisance through sheer overabundance. They may become liable to rapid genetic changes in their new environment. Many harmful introductions have been made by persons unqualified to anticipate the often complex ecological interaction which may ensue. On the other hand many plants introduced into modified or degraded environments may be more useful than native species in controlling erosion or in performing other positive functionsintroduzione di piante
introduction of plant speciesintroduzione di piante
iron compound filter-plantdispositivo di chiarificazione tramite composti di ferro
land plantpianta terrestre
large combustion plant Any sizable building which relies on machinery that converts energy released from the rapid burning of a fuel-air mixture into mechanical energygrande impianto di combustione
liquid metal disposal plantimpianto di trattamento di metalli liquidi
lost-brine plantstabilimento a salamoia persa
low pollution textile plantimpianto tessile a inquinamento ridotto
low-risk processing plantstabilimento di trasformazione a basso rischio
marsh plantpianta palustre
medicinal plant Plants having therapeutic propertiespianta medicinale
MSF plantimpianto MSF
multi-stage flash distillation plantimpianto MSF
municipal waste incineration plantimpianto di incenerimento dei rifiuti urbani
municipal waste water treatment plantimpianto di trattamento delle acque reflue municipali
new plantstabilimento nuovo
noisy industrial plantindustria rumorosa
North American pitcher plantssarracenia (Sarracenia spp.)
nuclear power plant A power plant in which nuclear energy is converted into heat for use in producing steam for turbines, which in turn drive generators that produce electric powercentrale nucleare
nuclear power plant disposalsmantellamento di una centrale nucleare
obtain the consent of pollution control authorities before discharging to wastewater treatment plantsprocurarsi il consenso delle autorità di controllo dell'inquinamento prima di scaricare negli impianti di trattamento delle acque di scarico
obtain the consent of pollution control authorities before discharging to wastewater treatment plantsS54
off-gas streams at reprocessing plantseffluenti gassosi degli impianti di ritrattamento
oil regeneration plantimpresa di recupero degli oli minerali
package plantimpianto compatto
pharmaceutical plantimpianto farmaceutico
pickling plant Plant where scale is removed from iron and steel usually by means of immersion in a hot hydrochloric or sulphuric acid bath. Wastes include spent pickling liquor, sludges and rinse waterimpianto di decapaggio
pilot plant A small version of a planned industrial plant, built to gain experience in operating the final plantimpianto pilota
pilot-plant renderingimpianto pilota per l'estrazione dei grassi
plant biologybiologia vegetale
plant biology The scientific study of the natural processes of plantsbiologia vegetale
plant breeding Raising a certain type of plant by crossing one variety with another to produce a new variety where the desired characteristics are strongestcoltivazione di piante
plant climatologyfitoclimatologia
plant community Any group of plants belonging to a number of different species that co-occur in the same habitat or area and interact through trophic and spatial relationships; typically characterized by reference to one or more dominant speciescomunità vegetale
plant componentparti della pianta
plant component The constituent parts of a plantparti della pianta
plant coverstrato vegetale
plant covermanto vegetale
plant covercopertura vegetale
plant covercoltre vegetale
plant delegatedelegato aziendale
plant diseasemalattia delle piante
plant eatererbivoro
plant eaterfitofago
plant ecologyecologia vegetale
plant ecology Study of the relationships between plants and their environmentecologia vegetale
plant equipment The equipment, including machinery, tools, instruments, and fixtures necessary for an industrial or manufacturing operationattrezzatura per impianti
plant equipmentattrezzatura per impianti
plant genetics The scientific study of the hereditary material of plants for purposes such as hybridization, improved food resources and increased productiongenetica vegetale
plant geneticsgenetica vegetale
plant geographygeobotanica
plant health carecura delle piante
plant heritage The sum of the earth's or a particular region's herb, vegetable, shrub and tree life viewed as the inheritance of the present generation, especially plant species deemed worthy of preservation and protection from extinctionpatrimonio vegetale
plant hormoneormone vegetale
plant lifevita vegetale
plant life No definition neededvita vegetale
plant materialmateriale vegetale
plant nutrientelemento nutritivo delle piante
plant pestparassita dei vegetali
plant physiologyfisiologia vegetale
plant physiology The study of the function and chemical reactions within the various organs of plantsfisiologia vegetale
plant populationpopolazione vegetale
plant population The number of plants in an areapopolazione vegetale
plant productionproduzione di piante
plant production No definition neededproduzione di piante
plant protection Conservation of plant species that may be rare or endangered, and of other plants of particular significanceprotezione delle piante
plant protectionprotezione delle piante
plant protection product Any substance or mixture of substances which through physiological action protects the plants against parasites, fungi, virus, or other damaging factorsprodotto fitosanitario
plant reproduction Any of various processes, either sexual or asexual, by which a plant produces one or more individuals similar to itselfriproduzione vegetale
plant reproductionriproduzione vegetale
plant resourcerisorse vegetali
plant resource No definition neededrisorse vegetali
plant selection The selection by man of particular genotypes in a plant population because they exhibit desired phenotypic charactersmiglioramento delle piante
plant selectionmiglioramento delle piante
plant sociologyfitosociologia
plant species Species belonging to the plant kingdomspecie vegetale
plant species reintroduction Reintroducing wild plant species to their natural habitat. The reintroduction of species in a region requires a preliminary study to establish the reasons of their disappearance and the modifications that might have occurred in the biotopesreintroduzione di specie vegetali
plant species reintroductionreintroduzione di specie vegetali
plant textile fibrefibra tessile vegetale
plant textile fibre Natural textile fibres of vegetal originfibra tessile vegetale
plant tissue wastescarti vegetali
plant trade Trade of plants is subjected to regulations established by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)commercio di piante
plant tradecommercio di piante
plant used for ash disposalimpianto per l'evacuazione delle scorie
plant wasteresiduo di lavorazione
plants for alcohol productionpiante alcoligene
purification plantimpianto di depurazione
purification plant Installation where impurities are removed from waste waterimpianto di depurazione
purifying plantdepuratore
refining-residues gasification plantimpianto per la gassificazione di residui della raffinazione
reprocessing plantimpianto di ritrattamento
residual coking-plant wateracqua residuale di cokeria
residual coking-plant wateracqua residuale di cocheria
resinous plantpianta resinosa
resinous plant Plants yielding or producing resinpianta resinosa
retrofitting of old plants Making changes to old industrial plants installing new equipment's and facilities for the disposal of gas emissions in the atmosphere, of waste water and waste material in soil and waterammodernamento di vecchi impianti
sand plantpianta psammofila
sand plantpsammofita
saprophytic plantsaprofita
saprophytic plantsaprofito
selective breeding of plantsincrocio selettivo di piante
selective breeding of plants Breeding of plants having desirable charactersincrocio selettivo di piante
separating plants in the oxygen-blown convertersdepolveratore connesso al convertitore ad insufflazione di ossigeno
separating plants in the oxygen-blown convertersimpianto di depolverazione connesso al convertitore ad insufflazione di ossigeno
shade-loving plantpianta sciafila
skiophilous plantpianta sciafila
sludge dewatering plantimpianto di disidratazione di fanghi
sludge from sewage treatment plantsfanghi di depurazione
sludges from plant, equipment and maintenance operationsfanghi da impianti, apparecchiature e operazioni di manutenzione
stationary industrial plantimpianti industriali fissi
succulent plantscrassulacee
sun plantpianta fotofila
terrestrial plantpianta terrestre
testing of plant protection products Tests performed to establish the effectiveness of pesticides under a wide variety of climatic and other environmental conditions; to assess the possible side effects on animals, plants and humans and to determine the persistence of pesticide residues in the environmenttest di prodotti per la protezione delle piante
testing of plant protection productstest di prodotti per la protezione delle piante
textile plant Plant producing material suitable to be made into clothspianta tessile
thermal oxide reprocessing plantimpianto termico di ritrattamento dei combustibili ad ossidi
thermal power plant A power-generating plant which uses heat to produce energy. Such plants may burn fossil fuels or use nuclear energy to produce the necessary thermal energycentrale termoelettrica
thermal power plantcentrale termoelettrica
treatment plantimpianto di trattamento dell'acqua
treatment plantimpianto di trattamento
treatment plant for composting wasteimpianto di trattamento di rifiuti per compostaggio
tropical plant Plants growing in tropical areas in conditions of constant rain and high temperaturepianta tropicale
urban waste water treatment plantimpianto per il trattamento delle acque reflue
urban waste water treatment plantimpianto di trattamento di acque reflue urbane
urban waste water treatment plantcentrale per il trattamento delle acque reflue
waste incineration plantimpianto di incenerimento dei rifiuti
waste to energy planttermovalorizzatore
waste treatment plantimpianto di trattamento dei rifiuti
waste treatment plantimpianto di trattamento rifiuti
waste treatment plant Place where waste material is treated to make it reusable or so it may be disposed of safelyimpianto di trattamento dei rifiuti
waste water from flotation plantsacqua di rifiuto degli impianti di flottazione
waste water treatment plantimpianto di depurazione delle acque
waste water treatment plantimpianto di trattamento delle acque reflue
waste water treatment plantimpianto per il trattamento delle acque reflue
waste water treatment plantcentrale per il trattamento delle acque reflue
waste water treatment plantimpianto di trattamento dell'acqua di rifiuto
waste water treatment using marine plantstrattamento delle acque di scarico mediante fitodepurazione
waste-fed heating and power plant Heating and power production plant where fuel is provided from refuseimpianto di riscaldamento e di produzione di energia alimentato dai rifiuti
waste-fed heating and power plantimpianto di riscaldamento e di produzione di energia alimentato dai rifiuti
waste-fed heating plantimpianto di riscaldamento da rifiuti
waste-fed heating plant Heating plant where fuel is provided from refuseimpianto di riscaldamento da rifiuti
waste-incineration plantinceneritore di rifiuti
waste-incineration plantimpianto di incenerimento di rifiuti
wastes from power station and other combustion plants except 19 00 00rifiuti di centrali termiche ed altri impianti termici eccetto 19 00 00
wastes from power stations and other combustion plants except 19rifiuti di centrali termiche ed altri impianti termicieccetto 19 00 00
wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use of organic plant protection products except 02 01 08 and 02 01 09, wood preserving agents except 03 02 and other biocidesrifiuti da PFFU di pesticidi organicitranne 02 01 05
wastes from the MFSU of organic plant protection products except 02 01 08 and 02 01 09, wood preserving agents except 03 02 and other biocidesrifiuti da PFFU di pesticidi organicitranne 02 01 05
wastes from waste management facilities, off-site waste water treatment plants and the preparation of water intended for human consumption and water for industrial userifiuti da impianti di trattamento rifiuti,impianti di trattamento acque reflue fuori sito e industrie dell'acqua
Wastes from waste treatment facilities, off-site waste water treatment plants and the water industryRifiuti da impianti di trattamento rifiuti, impianti di trattamento acque reflue fuori sito e industrie dell'acqua
wastes from waste treatment facilities, off-site waste water treatment plants and the water industryrifiuti da impianti di trattamento rifiuti,impianti di trattamento acque reflue fuori sito e industrie dell'acqua
wastes from waste water treatment plants not otherwise specifiedrifiuti da impianti di trattamento delle acque reflue non specificati altrimenti
water purification plant Plant where water, through physical and chemical processes, is made suitable for human consumption and other purposesimpianto di depurazione delle acque
water purification plantimpianto di depurazione delle acque
water treatment plantimpianto di trattamento dell'acqua
water treatment plantimpianto di trattamento delle acque
water treatment plantimpianto di trattamento
water treatment plantimpianto per il trattamento delle acque
water-purifying plantimpianto di depurazione dell'acqua
wild plant Plants growing in a natural state (not cultivated)pianta selvatica
xerophilous plantxerofita
zoidiogamic plantpianta zoofila
zoidiogamic plantpianta ziodifila